Forum › Don't Become an Otaku, Shinozaki! discussion

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Something I didn't actually realise: I didn't really know japan did fanfiction too. I mean, it makes sense that they would, if you have all those doujins, then you're gonna have people who just write instead of drawing it..but still. Never really saw/heard of them till this.

Makes you wonder what amazing yuri fanfiction there is out there in a completely unreadable/too impossible to translate fasion. ;_;

joined Aug 16, 2014

Something I didn't actually realise: I didn't really know japan did fanfiction too. [...]

Didn't Sasameki Koto have MC writing a fanfiction or something for a dōjin in one chapter, tho?

amazing yuri fanfiction

Sorry, but I have trouble understanding those words together... =x

joined Dec 18, 2013

Something I didn't actually realise: I didn't really know japan did fanfiction too. I mean, it makes sense that they would, if you have all those doujins, then you're gonna have people who just write instead of drawing it..but still. Never really saw/heard of them till this.

Makes you wonder what amazing yuri fanfiction there is out there in a completely unreadable/too impossible to translate fasion. ;_;

Pixiv has a section devoted to it

joined May 17, 2015

srly this chapter was fun, but this is it, its starting to get ridiculous, someone has to find this out and put some fucking clue on her head. I hope her brother finds it out so she stops bullying him too.

It's sort of like the "Golden Age" of television, where no matter what happened in the episode, everything would be back to the status quo at the start of the next episode.

I'm still loving the series, but I find myself tapping my toe, waiting for one of the many partitions Akina has erected to come crumbling down, and having her deal with the aftermath. Not only that, but the fact that Akina is sopping wet for Kaede is so freaking blatant, that somebody (even Akina herself!) needs to notice it. Yes, I realize that one of the themes of this manga is that everyone has their own kind of geekery that they mono-focus on, but there are limits to credulity.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Ooh, this is my favourite chapter for a while. A fandom issue I can totally relate to, and some progress on both the otaku and yuri fronts

joined Sep 18, 2014

Something I didn't actually realise: I didn't really know japan did fanfiction too. [...]

Didn't Sasameki Koto have MC writing a fanfiction or something for a dōjin in one chapter, tho?

It was a side character (Azusa) working on doujinshi with MC (Sumika) helping out.

Anyway, I keep reading this because it provides insight on the Japanese otaku lifestyle rather than for Akina's journey to become Kaede's waifu.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Something I didn't actually realise: I didn't really know japan did fanfiction too. [...]

Didn't Sasameki Koto have MC writing a fanfiction or something for a dōjin in one chapter, tho?

It was a side character (Azusa) working on doujinshi with MC (Sumika) helping out.

I remember it being: side character wrote a manga while MC wrote a story (both published in the same binding/dōjin).

last edited at Dec 17, 2015 9:42PM

joined Sep 18, 2014

Something I didn't actually realise: I didn't really know japan did fanfiction too. [...]

Didn't Sasameki Koto have MC writing a fanfiction or something for a dōjin in one chapter, tho?

It was a side character (Azusa) working on doujinshi with MC (Sumika) helping out.

I remember it being: side character wrote a manga while MC wrote a story (both published in the same binding/dōjin).

It was an original novel written by both of them.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Something I didn't actually realise: I didn't really know japan did fanfiction too. [...]

Didn't Sasameki Koto have MC writing a fanfiction or something for a dōjin in one chapter, tho?

It was a side character (Azusa) working on doujinshi with MC (Sumika) helping out.

I remember it being: side character wrote a manga while MC wrote a story (both published in the same binding/dōjin).

It was an original novel written by both of them.

That's right, I'd forgotten Azusa was a writer as opposed to (manga) artist.

joined Dec 16, 2013

This chapter resonated with me WAY too much for my own liking. G-good thing I'm not an otaku, unlike poor Shinozaki, haha... haha... ha....

As for the pacing of the series, I agree it's way too slow from a yuri-starved standpoint, but I keep tuning in and really enjoying almost every chapter, so I guess I'm okay with it.

joined Sep 24, 2013

Oh man I can relate to this so bad...

I totally get where the disappointed people are coming from because there really hasn't been much actual development on any front, but I still love this manga. It's just so hilarious and relatable!

joined Jan 30, 2013

So when will people who want faster development write their fanfics? ^_^

joined Jan 13, 2014

The struggle is

joined Feb 16, 2013

Some spoilers from next chepter: Drawing skills.

joined Sep 18, 2014

Some spoilers from next chepter: Drawing skills.

lol Micchy

Nice to know she sucks at something.

joined Sep 12, 2014

Aww man, this chapter is way too real. That feeling you get when there's a kinda niche side-character that you absolutely LOVE but everyone else in the fandom almost completely ignore? It's so lonely. So, so lonely ;__;

joined May 27, 2015

Is Micchy actually Mii-chan (I don't actually know Japanese, but I'm going to take a blind stab and guess "みちゃん") in the Japanese version? I was searching for Shinozaki art on danbooru (I know, fuckin' meta) and she's tagged as Mii-chan instead of Micchy.
joined Sep 24, 2013

Now, if either Kaede or Michi read it, they'd found out Umino Saki is Akina. I mean, the chance is rather high.

joined Sep 19, 2015

LOOOVE THIS!!! haha ca't stop laughing with this one >\\<

joined Aug 13, 2015

Is Micchy actually Mii-chan (I don't actually know Japanese, but I'm going to take a blind stab and guess "みちゃん") in the Japanese version? I was searching for Shinozaki art on danbooru (I know, fuckin' meta) and she's tagged as Mii-chan instead of Micchy.

Yes, she is. Way back when we first started the series I choose not to use any honorifics. So no one has any honorifics, and Mii-chan was translated as Micchy.

Sometimes I regret the decision, since it ended up being more work with some of the jokes in later chapters. For example Ayu calls her "Mii-san", or Konatsu refering to herself as "Konatsu-chan-sama" which was pretty hard to translate. But overall I feel like it reads better this way.

last edited at Jan 5, 2016 9:01AM

joined May 28, 2013

So close... but so far.

last edited at Jan 14, 2016 3:35PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

why she only wants drawings of me ? bcoz yuri
Feel your partner = Yuri
Points to the imouto at the ends bcoz yuri

This chapter was hilarious and yuri X3

joined Feb 11, 2014

Yeah, uneven parts, feel 'em up good, Akina. :3

joined Sep 21, 2014

awww Kaede's smile everytime she showed an art piece :')

joined Sep 18, 2014
I like this page. It makes me want to play Soku again.
Meiling expy is doing a low kick similar to the Kung Fu NES game while Remilia expy is doing the CHARISMA BREAK!! guard pose. After that, Remilia expy is doing 5A on the left and her 623+B/C on the right.

last edited at Jan 14, 2016 8:19PM

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