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joined Jan 31, 2013

Oh, excuse me. I left my tsun-o-meter on.

joined Jun 12, 2015

What a tease one-shot.

joined Jun 16, 2015

Tsun-Dere~ :v

joined Jan 30, 2013

Two tomboyish protagonists? Pure madness.

joined Mar 28, 2015

They can never say it, unless they're about to die.

joined Oct 15, 2013
joined Aug 5, 2014

That face.

Satako.exe has stopped working.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Aw, I hope there's a continuation. By the way, what's that sound the sink made in the original Japanese that would sound like "love"?

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Aw, I hope there's a continuation. By the way, what's that sound the sink made in the original Japanese that would sound like "love"?

I was trying to figure it out. I guess it was sssss-kiiiii, which would make it sound like suki (with silent u). I would need to look at raws to be sure.

joined Nov 20, 2013

Aw, I hope there's a continuation. By the way, what's that sound the sink made in the original Japanese that would sound like "love"?

I was trying to figure it out. I guess it was sssss-kiiiii, which would make it sound like suki (with silent u). I would need to look at raws to be sure.

Editor here. I think it was supposed to be "kyu-ki (suki)" but the translator thought "kra-krew (love you)" would work better. That being said, I think it works either way.

last edited at Jul 1, 2015 7:46AM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Aw, I hope there's a continuation. By the way, what's that sound the sink made in the original Japanese that would sound like "love"?

I was trying to figure it out. I guess it was sssss-kiiiii, which would make it sound like suki (with silent u). I would need to look at raws to be sure.

Editor here. I think it was supposed to be "kyu-ki (suki)" but the translator thought "kra-krew (love you)" would work better. That being said, I think it works either way.

Thanks. I couldn't make any word from "kra-krew" either in english or japanese, so I really hoped there was some translation note. I admit those kind of word plays are really hard to translate, so good job anyway.

joined Dec 14, 2014

Oh, it's by the author of Bruise-Covered Angel. But somehow my subscription failed to send me an email.

joined Feb 6, 2015

Two tomboyish protagonists? Pure madness.

I know right, this my first time see somthing like this and i thought it's kind of weird lol

joined Apr 15, 2013

Two tomboyish protagonists? Pure madness.

I can dig it.

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011

Looks like Satoko is not good with fangirls.

joined Jun 21, 2015

I think having two tomboy protagonists was refreshing in a way, especially with one of them being a tsundere. I really liked this story, kind of heart broken that it is a one shot.

joined Jan 8, 2014

This was soooo cute! ^_^

joined May 13, 2015

Two tomboyish protagonists? Pure madness.

I know I was thinking the same thing

joined Jul 8, 2013

Man I saw this and thought it was an update to my second favorite Manga about Psychotic Lesbian Assassins but nope it was just a normal Yuri Manga about boring old Non-Sociopathic Schoolgirls with no UltraViolence at all.

I'm not saying it was bad.
I was just surprised.

last edited at Jul 1, 2015 7:20PM

joined Apr 1, 2013

What a tease...but I actually like how Ritsu act at the end, all shy x)

joined Mar 6, 2012

Two tomboyish protagonists? Pure madness.

Outrageous ..But i like it, that bad? am i breaking some Yuri rule!?

Closes the curtains and locks the door

fufufu yes...YES!

joined Mar 30, 2012

Ahaha, hey! that was ALL tsun, where's my dere? But it was great that way. They were awesome characters too.

joined Feb 2, 2015

Cute, cute cute! I found the use of two tomboys refreshing, and their relationship was interesting. I've been reading so much yuri with messed up relationships lately that it's nice to finally read a purely cute yuri manga.

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