mmmn, is it just me or did the dialogue feel kinda........stilted? it feels like a more literal translation and while that might be more accurate it doesn't flow as well in English.
Probably not just you, but tastes differ on this stuff. I often prefer the more literal translations if they're not too halting; I've kind of gotten used to the cadences and phrasings of Japanese conversation in manga, so translations that are done with more of an eye to English style can actually feel a little weird to me, oddly North American and un-Japanese. It's kind of like the way I prefer subs to dubs in anime--if I'm watching an anime, hearing the Japanese characters talking with an American accent weirds me out; I'd rather hear the original while reading subtitles.
For an extreme example, I've noticed that some outfits seem to translate "Itadakimasu" as "Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!" Like really, WTF?! It's certainly highly idiomatic English, and it's something said in roughly the same circumstances with a similar meaning, but it feels so amazingly un-Japanese, rude and informal, that it jars me right out of my suspension of disbelief.