As always, thanks for the help. I updated everything except for Fate and Batwoman. Batwoman cause I don't know specific series or books that fit in here and Fate partly because of the same reason and partly because I don't know if it should be added to the list if it inevitably ends in disappointment. I'm actually thinking about leaving Alamut out of the list too but I don't wanna make the call because I haven't read it. So yeah, some additional voices about Fate?
OEVN means Original English Visual Novel. Like, apparently it's actually OELVN for Original English Language Visual Novel but I don't care.
OITNB Season 3 was awesome. I'd say not as good as season 2 but still a really good series. Showing that Alex is about to be killed 18 minutes before the season ends and then having a 15 minutes beach scene without showing what happens to Alex is a big no-no, though.
Also, every Alex-Piper-problem is Piper's fault. Piper's going pretty crazy in general, but in a 50% cool way. So it's 50% okay.