Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Aug 26, 2018

Noticed a minor addition to the anime. During the three parts, Touko, Sayaka and Yuu each asked "Which colour do you like? The hydrangeas." Which isn't in the manga (though the manga did have hydrangeas in the rain scene). I looked up what they mean and it's such a great metaphor for all three situations its used in:

Heartfelt and honest emotions of any kind

Gratitude and thanksgiving to someone else

Developing a deeper understanding of two people

Heartlessness and acting without thinking about the feelings of another

Frigidity and disinterest in a romantic proposal.

This is such a great little detail and I think the only example of the anime adding something more profound to the manga (with the exception of all the things anime can do that manga can't).

I did like the way they reordered it as well, I think it flows better this way.

I noticed that addition too, but didn't know the meaning of the colors, so I just had to think "Probably a metaphor". Do you know which color represents which?

joined Oct 28, 2018

I noticed that addition too, but didn't know the meaning of the colors, so I just had to think "Probably a metaphor". Do you know which color represents which?

Edit: found a better explanation.

Pink – Linked to romance, heartfelt emotions, love, weddings, and marriage.
Blue – Connected to frigidity, turning down a romantic proposal, asking for forgiveness, and expressing regret.
White – Known as a symbol of purity, grace, abundance, and bragging or boasting.
Purple – Used to indicate a desire for a deeper understanding of someone else or to symbolize abundance and wealth.

last edited at Nov 23, 2018 12:37PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm about to watch today's episode. I'm this hyped. You can't see it, but I'm stretching my arms as much as I possibly can.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Now, some of you have mentioned this thing about hydrangeas (as you said, NOT having made an appearance in the manga), and I must say, I kinda liked that very much. The explantions you have given, like this:

Heartfelt and honest emotions of any kind

Gratitude and thanksgiving to someone else

Developing a deeper understanding of two people

Heartlessness and acting without thinking about the feelings of another

Frigidity and disinterest in a romantic proposal.

Or this:

Pink – Linked to romance, heartfelt emotions, love, weddings, and marriage.
Blue – Connected to frigidity, turning down a romantic proposal, asking for forgiveness, and expressing regret.
White – Known as a symbol of purity, grace, abundance, and bragging or boasting.
Purple – Used to indicate a desire for a deeper understanding of someone else or to symbolize abundance and wealth.

Also have this kind of resonance.
Meanwhile, this episode is also the first one in which I received a romaji sub for both the opening and ending themes, so this is pretty much the first time I noticed that the title of the anime is literally put in a part of the lyrics for the ED. I have pretty much learned the OP in my head weeks ago, if you were expecting me to say something about it.
As I say for every episode, I love how they're sticking to the manga so thoroughly. In fact, because it was a while since I read the manga, I have actually forgotten some things, and the anime is basically here to refresh me on what I've forgotten (like that argument over who should hold the umbrella, over in this episode).

last edited at Nov 23, 2018 3:11PM

joined May 2, 2018

By now it's butt evident we aren't getting anywhere near the play in this season. My best guess now is the season culminates with the aquarium date, Touko's rehearsal breakdown or SENPAI YOU'RE A JERK.

joined Oct 28, 2018

What would even be the point for the side story if not for Sayaka to get a proper relationship?

An artistic reason? The author wanting to say something rather than merely filling in blanks as fanservice?

A lesbian never getting a happy ending? How novel and creative, I've never seen that before.

@Doctor_Whoot, I think it's clear that @uncertain meant that the novel isn't just to give Sayaka a possible happy ending, it's the authors intent to say something of meaning about Sayaka's situation.

I think all three of you are being too abrasive in your responses here, can you please keep this cordial?

joined Aug 26, 2018

By now it's butt evident we aren't getting anywhere near the play in this season. My best guess now is the season culminates with the aquarium date, Touko's rehearsal breakdown or SENPAI YOU'RE A JERK.

My money's on SENPAI YOU ARE A JERK!
Although I could see them changing the order a bit to shove in the aquarium date beforehand.

last edited at Nov 24, 2018 3:35AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Huh… They rearranged the order of events a little bit last episode, but it works better I think. They made that umbrella scene more intense too… You could feel every bit of the atmosphere, the playfulness, the awkwardness, the almost eerie tension at the end… As well as the biting snark in the Sayaka scenes. X) They're really nailing it more and more with each episode.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Spelling watch, day 35:
The misspelling on the main page is still yet to be corrected.

joined Sep 19, 2017

It seems still no Touko x Yuu in the next chapter. Argh, as much as I like the two adult lesbians, I want to know about Touko and Yuu... i know this is going to happen in all mangas but still...

last edited at Nov 25, 2018 6:15PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

It seems still no Touko x Yuu in the next chapter. Argh, as much as I like the two adult lesbians, I want to know about Touko and Yuu... i know this is going to happen in all mangas but still...

Wait, so the next chapter is a Riko x Miyako chapter? I wonder what to expect from those two, since, while relevant, they don't seem too relevant (outside Miyako's support for Sayaka).

last edited at Nov 25, 2018 6:18PM

joined Sep 19, 2017

Wait, so the next chapter is a Riko x Miyako chapter? I wonder what to expect from those two, since, while relevant, they don't seem too relevant (outside Miyako's support for Sayaka).

They are the focus this time. I thought first it’s just an extra page about them, but no. Just saw the raw. It’s the latest chapter indeed.

EDIT: I checked it again, hmm... might not be the actual Chapter 37. It just a special release. And it never marked as Chapter 37. Maybe, another release soon for the main story?

last edited at Nov 25, 2018 9:03PM

joined Oct 28, 2018

Isn't Dengeki released on the 27th? How are there raws already?

joined Dec 11, 2017

Isn't Dengeki released on the 27th? How are there raws already?

It's probably a special chapter from the next tank or something. That would gel with it being about side characters.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Isn't Dengeki released on the 27th? How are there raws already?

It's probably a special chapter from the next tank or something. That would gel with it being about side characters.

It was a special chapter this month. next month will cover chapter 37, the school trip arc.

last edited at Nov 26, 2018 6:00PM

joined Sep 19, 2017

Isn't Dengeki released on the 27th? How are there raws already?

It's probably a special chapter from the next tank or something. That would gel with it being about side characters.

It was a special chapter this month. next month will cover chapter 37, the school trip arc.

So is it mean it’s on December 27 like the raws said? Or another release? I hope they release like after 2

last edited at Nov 26, 2018 9:51PM

joined Feb 18, 2018

Why do I have the feeling this story is looking like it ain't going nowhere, as far as any conclusive satisfying payoff goes? I find myself missing Citrus as hard as it is to imagine lol Because hey, at least in the end we got even a crazy wedding. The impression I get is that Bloom Into You gonna end up with them blushing saying their love for each other is "pure" or some such nonsense.

last edited at Nov 27, 2018 12:09AM

joined Oct 27, 2018

Why do I have the feeling this story is looking like it ain't going nowhere, as far as any conclusive satisfying payoff goes? I find myself missing Citrus as hard as it is to imagine lol Because hey, at least in the end we got even a crazy wedding. The impression I get is that Bloom Into You gonna end up with them blushing saying their love for each other is "pure" or some such nonsense.

Um... Probably not. Now, I can't say how it's gonna end any better than you can, but its been made abundantly clear to me that this ain't that kind of Yuri manga. There is nothing "pure" about Touko and Yuu's relationship, it's been a mess from the start. Not to mention that this manga is very adamantly anti-class S.

joined Oct 28, 2018

Why do I have the feeling this story is looking like it ain't going nowhere, as far as any conclusive satisfying payoff goes? I find myself missing Citrus as hard as it is to imagine lol Because hey, at least in the end we got even a crazy wedding. The impression I get is that Bloom Into You gonna end up with them blushing saying their love for each other is "pure" or some such nonsense.

Nakatani said she likes writing about messy relationships so, she probably won't have a 'pure' ending.

Nakatani has also said that she has always had the end in mind since starting it, I doubt an 'everything is happy' was how she wanted that ending.

No offence but, are you high? What about this story seems like it will be inconclusive? It's taking 3 chapters to set up the solution that Nakatani has been building up to for 3 or so years.

I dropped Citrus after about the fourth time some idiot was introduced just to extend the runtime, are you seriously comparing the two?

Nakatani said she is 80% done. This will be finished by early 2020.

Sorry if I came off a bit harsh in the spoiler tags but, wtf?

last edited at Nov 27, 2018 1:59AM

joined Sep 19, 2017

Why do I have the feeling this story is looking like it ain't going nowhere, as far as any conclusive satisfying payoff goes? I find myself missing Citrus as hard as it is to imagine lol Because hey, at least in the end we got even a crazy wedding. The impression I get is that Bloom Into You gonna end up with them blushing saying their love for each other is "pure" or some such nonsense.

Going nowhere? Huh?

Bloom into You is the good representation of realistic life, romance and sexuality. It’s a slice of life. Just because some Yuri manga ended like in a wedding and fans were happy, Bloom into You should make something as a payoff for readers. The manga isn’t relatively going on fan-service from the start, it’s aiming for character development and building a strong story that readers can relate.

I don’t know how will it ends, but I trust Nakatani’s choice of how she ends it. She delivered this story exceptionally, so why should I doubt her?

Touko and Yuu’s relationship isn’t pure. Yuu since she was involve with Touko has a lot of sacrifices. Keeping her feelings, not allowed to express it, and being rejected (unintentionally). Grieving and feeling numb about it. Questioning what love is? And So, seeing them say they love each other in the end, is it nonsense? NO. It’ll be the finality of what I’m reading for the past 2 years. So why is it nonsense?

last edited at Nov 27, 2018 2:50AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Don't feed matsuri_wins guys. The name says it all doesn't it? lol
What she wants as "payoff" has nothing to do with real payoff.

So this month is going to be a bonus chapter? Well, I don't dislike it. They have always been pretty entertaining in their own right. I wonder what it could be about though? Maybe Riko-sensei chewing Miyako out? lol

joined Oct 22, 2018

Nakatani said she is 80% done. This will be finished by early 2020.

I've done the math. If the 80% figure is true, then there should be 9 chapters left. It's still not certain, but it's a good enough reference.

joined Oct 28, 2018

Nakatani said she is 80% done. This will be finished by early 2020.

I've done the math. If the 80% figure is true, then there should be 9 chapters left. It's still not certain, but it's a good enough reference.

I included the possibility for extra chapters.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Don't feed matsuri_wins guys. The name says it all doesn't it? lol
What she wants as "payoff" has nothing to do with real payoff.

So this month is going to be a bonus chapter? Well, I don't dislike it. They have always been pretty entertaining in their own right. I wonder what it could be about though? Maybe Riko-sensei chewing Miyako out? lol

It looks like it's about how they got together in college.

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