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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Thanks so much to Suimasen Scans for sharing this with us!

dmitry106 Uploader
Subtext Only Translations
joined Nov 24, 2020

Finally on the site it belongs. I hope the LN eventually gets a TL too, official or otherwise.

joined Apr 5, 2023

Cool, I was reading the novel before. This one has a fun setting, in my opinion of course since I enjoy fantasy creatures in general. Thanks for the upload!

kinseijoshi Uploader
Suimasen Scans
joined Feb 8, 2024

Thanks so much to Suimasen Scans for sharing this with us!

Happy to finally get this up over here! We've been pleased to see people enjoying it, and I'm personally hoping we keep building the momentum to get a translation for the novels. Can't wait to see more of Terra and Diode's relationship and to have more of the setting's details painted in.

joined Jul 28, 2019

I had a feeling this was just going to be about archaic gender-roles in a far-future, which when factoring in small, clan-like stations would make some sense as rules are reinforced in an almost literal echo chamber, even if a space faring, skill-and-not-strength based society shouldn't work like that. But now with the last two chapters this is more a story about battling sexist perceptions and stereotypes. It's weird to see a future that has regressed with regards to that, but then it's easy to just look at what's happening across the world today and see it's not impossible to happen.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Was there any hint of men being able to manipulate the special matter? If only women can do it, then forcing a specialization of labor makes some ruthless sense: letting a woman pilot instead of being piloted and making nets looks inefficient. (But grounding the MC because her nets are "weird" is also inefficient.)

joined Sep 11, 2020

God I hate everyone in this series except for the main characters lmfao they are all the absolute worst.

It's unfortunately quite realistic.

joined Jul 28, 2019

Was there any hint of men being able to manipulate the special matter? If only women can do it, then forcing a specialization of labor makes some ruthless sense: letting a woman pilot instead of being piloted and making nets looks inefficient. (But grounding the MC because her nets are "weird" is also inefficient.)

We'll have to wait and see if men can or not, I don't recall there being anything to the contrary, so I have a feeling this is just a gender-roles type thing. This story looks like it has some interesting social commentary.

joined Jul 10, 2016

It's leaning a little too hard into sexist stereotypes (that is, stereotypes of sexism) and trivial criticism of the main characters for my suspension of disbelief. Every single time someone else seems reasonable, they have to say something that reverses or undercuts it. The writing feels like it has all the grace, nuance, wisdom, and polish of an angry middle-schooler's rant about how mean and unfair the world is.

I'll keep reading because the main characters are decent enough, the setting is weird and cool, and the artist likes putting them in attractive outfits all the time, but damn is the allegorical technique on display thus far just JV as fuck.

joined May 3, 2014

It's leaning a little too hard into sexist stereotypes (that is, stereotypes of sexism) and trivial criticism of the main characters for my suspension of disbelief. Every single time someone else seems reasonable, they have to say something that reverses or undercuts it. The writing feels like it has all the grace, nuance, wisdom, and polish of an angry middle-schooler's rant about how mean and unfair the world is.

I'll keep reading because the main characters are decent enough, the setting is weird and cool, and the artist likes putting them in attractive outfits all the time, but damn is the allegorical technique on display thus far just JV as fuck.

i hate thous type of stories, i just checked the comments to see if it’s worth reading, i will just jump from first chapter to the last and read from there, cuz i’m not wasting time on an story that tries to hard to send a message, let’s see how much the author is gonna hand-fist the sexism in this story.

joined Nov 14, 2016

I'm loving it so far, great setting and nice characters and art.

joined Jan 30, 2017

But now with the last two chapters this is more a story about battling sexist perceptions and stereotypes. It's weird to see a future that has regressed with regards to that, but then it's easy to just look at what's happening across the world today and see it's not impossible to happen.

I was thinking the same, but it makes sense. The reason we easily assume future civilisations must be more tolerant, is because most people making and consuming science fiction tend to be progressive, this creates the expectation that as civilisations improve technologically, they also improve socially.

But unfortunately that's not the case, you could still have an oppressive society figure out space travel.

last edited at Jul 4, 2024 7:49AM

joined Feb 11, 2022

The misogyny in this comments section is nauseating.

This manga is really great though, I'm excited to see where it goes from here. Ty very much for the translations, keep up the good work.

joined Jan 14, 2020

The misogyny in this comments section is nauseating.

wtf are you talking about

joined Apr 5, 2023

The misogyny in this comments section is nauseating.

This manga is really great though, I'm excited to see where it goes from here. Ty very much for the translations, keep up the good work.

I am sorry, it was not my intention to be misogynistic. After reading the comment above mine I realized the kind of idea I was contributing to.
The complaint sounds like it's coming from a different place than mine since instead of talking about how it's presented, it's talking about the mere presence of sexism and its negative portrayal in the story... I was also wrong about the things I've said, but I don't see the problem in somebody trying to send a message that is still and will always be relevant or else there wouldn't have been this negative reaction over it and also on the other work I finally remembered the name of (it's called "sexiled" in english and I Do like it and appreciate the message it is trying to send despite it being a bit more on the comedy side).

I did pick this up again and it wasn't as absurd as I remembered and is similar to things I've personally gone through and witnessed, so actually disregard whatever I wrote above. It's dumb shit and very embarrassing.
Can't talk much about it because that would be spoilers and most here won't have access to the novel for a while.

last edited at Jul 9, 2024 2:10PM

joined Jul 28, 2019

The misogyny in this comments section is nauseating.

wtf are you talking about

Seconded: what? If anything we're calling out the misogyny portrayed by the characters, intentionally so by the author

joined Apr 5, 2023

The misogyny in this comments section is nauseating.

wtf are you talking about

Seconded: what? If anything we're calling out the misogyny portrayed by the characters, intentionally so by the author

I think it was directed at my comment and the one above mine

last edited at Jul 9, 2024 4:05PM

joined Apr 5, 2023

Novel volume 1 spoilers
It's going to get a little gay a bit after the whale fishing part, with Terra inviting Diode to stay with her and stuff. I wonder if a certain something will be drawn in a way vague enough that the readers won't be able to tell right away what it is or won't think twice... Terra only mentions that she was aware of the thing's real purpose near the end of the first volume, and Diode got very flustered over it
And if anyone wants to see again the raw text of the end result of what I'm talking about, here it is, although it's much funnier after the things Tera and Diode said before, again those are spoilers of the first volume, chapter 11 (or 10, I don't remember) and this one will spoil the funny of it COMPLETELY so if you haven't read it yet please don't hover:
「あとゴム! あれ調べたら男性用じゃなくて指」
『わあああああああ! はいだめです私ギルティ! すみませんでした!』
(Assuming anyone else read it too) Diode is so gay. As Terra said before 「これでしょう! おっぱいでしょう! こういうの大好きなんでしょう!」

Anyway what I said before was really some dumbassery, I deleted it so nobody reads and gets the wrong idea about this work. The sexist parts of it were a bit too real, especially the way they're treated as less and incapable and how marriage is forced upon them, their only value is having a kid and keeping the cycle going. I really do hope this gets an English translation eventually because I need others to read it too, I need more people drawing those two.

A nice drawing of them

joined Jan 15, 2021

I was thinking the same, but it makes sense. The reason we easily assume future civilisations must be more tolerant, is because most people making and consuming science fiction tend to be progressive, this creates the expectation that as civilisations improve technologically, they also improve socially.

But unfortunately that's not the case, you could still have an oppressive society figure out space travel.

I slightly disagree with you in how an oppressive society could figure out and sustain space travel. Mainly in how it would have to be economically viable to be sustainable, and even we Earth - bound critters have figured out that women can make and spend money and invent ways to do both just as well as men can. I don't dismiss that there are some idiots who still maintain and perpetuate such stupidity but reality tends to weed out those idiots in due time. That is MY only real complaint about the story, since such blatant discrimination wouldn't be socially or economically viable in the long run which has been proven multiple times historically to the point that I can't think of a feasible scenario in how such a society with that kind of discrimination could be recreated.

joined Apr 5, 2023

That is MY only real complaint about the story, since such blatant discrimination wouldn't be socially or economically viable in the long run which has been proven multiple times historically to the point that I can't think of a feasible scenario in how such a society with that kind of discrimination could be recreated.

It should be explained later on, they didn't show the full prologue or else the manga readers would know that there's something up, but Terra and Diode have a talk about the past that Terra wasn't aware of

Ok I didn't say anything revealing but I'm worried that that could be considered a spoiler

last edited at Jul 21, 2024 4:22AM

joined Apr 5, 2023

Really liked the design for the false killer whale besshu, the enormous one in special... This part in the novel had me on edge

joined Jan 15, 2021

That is MY only real complaint about the story, since such blatant discrimination wouldn't be socially or economically viable in the long run which has been proven multiple times historically to the point that I can't think of a feasible scenario in how such a society with that kind of discrimination could be recreated.

It should be explained later on, they didn't show the full prologue or else the manga readers would know that there's something up, but Terra and Diode have a talk about the past that Terra wasn't aware of

Ok I didn't say anything revealing but I'm worried that that could be considered a spoiler

No, that's cool. Thanks for being considerate of others.

joined May 8, 2017

I'm so starved of sci-fi yuri that anytime it comes up it doesn't matter how trite or cliche it is I will lap it up every time.

Also there's something very romantic about this manga, more romantic than the soppiest yuri rom coms. I can't pinpoint what it is. Maybe it's been a long time since I saw such unquestioned teamwork between the leads. Usually the drama comes from one angstily second guessing the other but either they've skipped all that or it's not the main focus right now, the main focus being fighting against societal bigot baddies.

joined Dec 16, 2021

Japan still hunt whales in the future?

joined Dec 16, 2021

Japan still hunt whales in the future?

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