Novel volume 1 spoilers
It's going to get a little gay a bit after the whale fishing part, with Terra inviting Diode to stay with her and stuff. I wonder if a certain something will be drawn in a way vague enough that the readers won't be able to tell right away what it is or won't think twice... Terra only mentions that she was aware of the thing's real purpose near the end of the first volume, and Diode got very flustered over it
And if anyone wants to see again the raw text of the end result of what I'm talking about, here it is, although it's much funnier after the things Tera and Diode said before, again those are spoilers of the first volume, chapter 11 (or 10, I don't remember) and this one will spoil the funny of it COMPLETELY so if you haven't read it yet please don't hover:
「あとゴム! あれ調べたら男性用じゃなくて指」
『わあああああああ! はいだめです私ギルティ! すみませんでした!』
(Assuming anyone else read it too) Diode is so gay. As Terra said before 「これでしょう! おっぱいでしょう! こういうの大好きなんでしょう!」
Anyway what I said before was really some dumbassery, I deleted it so nobody reads and gets the wrong idea about this work. The sexist parts of it were a bit too real, especially the way they're treated as less and incapable and how marriage is forced upon them, their only value is having a kid and keeping the cycle going. I really do hope this gets an English translation eventually because I need others to read it too, I need more people drawing those two.
A nice drawing of them