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joined Feb 17, 2013

Awww. Not bad ending...

joined Sep 5, 2019

^It wasnt a shit ending- its a forced sudden ending. And I think it was a pretty good way to wrap it up- and nobdy could have done much better. Series getting cancelled with little warning for the author is a reality of manga series you just have to live with.

The only way to avoid it is only start a series that you know already finished and you know wasnt cancelled early.

Tell that to Matsumoto Tomoki, the poor guy had planned a 7 volume vampire story with everything planned with twists, story, flashback and hig quality drawn lesbian vampire then the editor came and say "The 3rd volume will be the last".
I'm still sorry for him so much (and for us)

Seifuku vampire was a fucking great manga, but damn he did a really goodd job wrapping it up within the limited space he had

Shot himself in the foot when he included a male char to live with our MC in a yuri story tho, Im 90% sure had he made the vampire who bit our MC some cute loli girl instead it would still be running till today

joined Nov 5, 2017

bruh im crying

joined Jul 23, 2017

Damn I didnt know that was the ending already I even skipped some chapters fuqqq

joined Feb 11, 2015

Boss baby all over again

joined May 1, 2019

Dang, I appreciate how the moment she stabs her isn't a heat-of-the-moment type thing, it's a calm and clear decision. Adds a lot of weight.

I'm not dehydrated you are

joined Mar 28, 2020

bazu is the shorty one now

joined Jul 22, 2014

Awww how adorable, just love the art style that comes with all those teary emotions!

joined Aug 16, 2014

Mashiro can be Bazu's new mother

joined Jun 12, 2015

Nejii can't into endings.

joined Mar 28, 2015

So... The End?

joined Aug 15, 2019

Guess we can say she did grow bigger than Bazu

joined Oct 21, 2013

Oneloli end? Can't say I expected that.

joined Feb 8, 2013

Smile and tears are all over my face
That's like the best possible ending there is ))

last edited at Sep 13, 2020 5:51AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

2 pages into last chapter = me crying
Continues reading = crying intensifies
Again continues reading = crying levels have risen to reach ugly crying stage
End pages = ..... uwu !!!!! who's a shorty now!!!!
This was whole series was lovely from start to finish even if it was rushed

last edited at Sep 13, 2020 7:19AM

joined Jan 27, 2016

Man I know how it is to lose a sister... That hit right in the feels

joined Oct 15, 2014

So... The End?

Technically yes, but we've got some volume extras and a Pixiv extra in the pipeline.

joined Sep 13, 2020

^It wasnt a shit ending- its a forced sudden ending. And I think it was a pretty good way to wrap it up- and nobdy could have done much better. Series getting cancelled with little warning for the author is a reality of manga series you just have to live with.

The only way to avoid it is only start a series that you know already finished and you know wasnt cancelled early.

I actually didn’t know it was cancelled?? Thats weird any reason?

joined Jun 25, 2019

There is no proof that was cancel or axed in anyway. Unless someone have a tweet of Neji saying so, just treat as the ending Neji wanted to. I mean, look at Vacation maou no pet, it ended after 10 chapters when it could have been longer. Trust me that if Neji end it here then it's where Neji wanted to end it and notbecause it was cancel.Treat anything as false as long the people claiming it don't give you proof.

joined Jun 9, 2020

Welp looks like the sequel's gonna be written by itou hachi

last edited at Sep 13, 2020 11:50AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Welp looks like the sequel's gonna be written by itou hachi

Lol i was about to say something along those lines, when i saw small bazu i had a , "i don't like where this is going" moment

joined May 18, 2019

So sad to see it end. I cried a lot after reading this, then proceeded to take some shots. Thank you Neji for your great and honest work. Can’t wait to see what is next for us readers.

joined Nov 13, 2018

Honestly I can barely think of this one as a Yuri, at most just subtext. The ending was kinda meh and Bazu moving on felt really rushed but it was still good while it lasted.

joined Oct 5, 2015

Soooo... Onee-loli sequel?

last edited at Sep 13, 2020 8:58PM

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