Forum › Whispering You a Love Song discussion

joined Oct 16, 2013

I mean, it's really not all that different from how our first couple started.

Yeah, the lines and sentiments are very close as well (Yori & Shiho's). There's been loose main couple parallels it's been pushing (i.e Yori to Shiho, Hima to Aki).

Yes, it's supposed to parallel HimaYori's relationship, with a key distinction. HimaYori's relationship doesn't have the messy history of one them already running out on the other one when her love did not pan out. Hima did not have the pressure knowing that could Yori potentially ghost her and act like an asshole again when she doesn't get her way. So while there are structural similarities, it's not the same dynamic in context.

She's not afraid of losing a friend. She's drawing a direct comparison between a potential romantic interest and her current closeness to Shiho, which she's still struggling to confidently label. She's not worried that Shiho would abandon her. She's worried that their current level of closeness and intimacy would not be the same.

I feel like this conclusion requires more reading between the lines than I'm comfortable with. The explanations in your comment feel like assumptions based on context that wasn't provided in text. The author could have completely left out page 25 and it would have been a fine confession that conveyed the same feelings. By including page 25, the author is bringing attention to a critical issue that Aki's worried about, which is that Shiho would abandon their friendship if things remain as they are. In your interpretation, you feel like that's not actually what Aki means. If that's the case, then this is poor writing on the author's part, because that leaves so much open to interpretation in a scene the readers meant to feel good about. This is a reoccurring problem with this series and that's why Shiho is such a polarizing character, because readers can easily interpret the scenes in drastically different ways. (Another scene that comes to mind was when Aki said "The one at fault is me" after finding out about Shiho's feelings.)

"I don't have romantic feelings towards you, but I don't want to be apart from you."

We can see it as something wholesome because of the gorgeous art and because we know that Aki is a great person with no bad intentions, but it's a dangerous game to play, especially when on the other side is such a mentally fragile person.

You left out the most important parts of that segment. She said "If I were to think about whether I have romantic feelings towards you right now..." and "I'd probably thinks it's not that kind of feeling just yet."

With the heavy emphasis she's putting on the "not yet", it's pretty clear that she isn't "just" asking her out bc she's desperate to keep her around as a friend. She absolutely goes into this confession with the expressed intention to come to love her romantically as well.

Even if it's not "just" because Aki is desperate to keep Shiho as a friend and Aki is expressing the desire to eventually love Shiho romantically, page 25 still leaves room for the interpretation that keeping Shiho in her life is one of Aki's main motivations for asking Shiho out. Shiho's reaction to the line, "If we were just to remain friends, and I found myself another lover, would you still stay with me as we are right now?," indicates that she hasn't completely grown out of the same mindset that caused her ghost in the first place. That's why I feel this confession happened too quickly. Yes, Aki didn't have the time to figure out her feelings yet, but she pulled the trigger before she was ready to prevent Shiho from running off again. I'd just feel better about this confession if the author had shown a time period where Shiho was friends Aki without expecting anything romantically out of her before Aki asked Shiho out. The time period doesn't even have to be that long. I'll even take a month (I know time is subjective), but it's only been like a few days (a week?) since everything happened.

To be clear, I like Shiho as a character and was rooting for AkiShiho to happen. I just wasn't happy with the way it happened. Not that I wanted the author to drag out this arc any further, but it would've been nice to see a few more chapters of the cast living their life (maybe start a new arc) while AkiShiho's repaired friendship simmered in the background before they got together.

joined Sep 1, 2019

Let just say, Shiho is the most interesting character for me. Yori and Hima has nothing interesting plot for me at their stage. What a romance story without some drama in it. Full Fluff story is the most boring thing to read for me.

Yeah, Shiho is carrying this manga so hard.

last edited at Dec 28, 2023 6:21AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Let just say, Shiho is the most interesting character for me. Yori and Hima has nothing interesting plot for me at their stage. What a romance story without some drama in it. Full Fluff story is the most boring thing to read for me.

Yeah, Shiho is carrying this manga so hard.

Right, the author does nothing interesting with the characters, therefore the characters are boring. That's sort of how writing works.

joined Aug 10, 2015

So remember kids if you ever have a one sided crush just be annoying AF and she might date you out of obligation

joined Sep 10, 2022

Yeah, Shiho is carrying this manga so hard

I'm actually a bigger fan of Aki! Shiho has been interesting and sympathetic but for me, she's gotten a bit too much credit and focus, partly since those who dislike her can be pretty vocal. Her and Aki both played off each other well; and Aki was the one pushing much of the action, while Shiho was often reactive first, active second.

Himari was really prevalent too, pushing the action. The events gave her a lot more to do than just pine, crush and blush around Yori for 4 straight volumes, which I worried was where things were headed. She showcased more of herself, independently from Yori and now she's got a separate goal to work towards.

I'd say it's been the 3 of them together that have led things but Shiho was certainly at the center. The only person who got a bit left out at times was Yori, though that isn't so different from how she's always been. Certainly not perfect but it's been a fun time.

last edited at Dec 28, 2023 7:14PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

To be clear, I like Shiho as a character and was rooting for AkiShiho to happen. I just wasn't happy with the way it happened. Not that I wanted the author to drag out this arc any further, but it would've been nice to see a few more chapters of the cast living their life (maybe start a new arc) while AkiShiho's repaired friendship simmered in the background before they got together.

I'm only quoting this part but I completely agree with everything you wrote. After Chapter 44, once the festival was finally over, it was the perfect opportunity to focus on other characters for a while (like Aki's sister and her senpai, perhaps) for a while and put Aki and Shiho's relationship on hold, so that both of them can sort their feelings in a more natural way instead of this rushed development. Something like what happened in Yuri is My Job! with Hime and Yano after Volume 7, for example.

Shiho doesn't deserve to be in this uncomfortable and uncertain situation. It's entirely Aki's fault, and this time she has no excuse.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I feel like this conclusion requires more reading between the lines than I'm comfortable with. The explanations in your comment feel like assumptions based on context that wasn't provided in text.

I'd disagree with this quite a bit. I don't want to get into the weeds of going back through all the moments of the manga but in my view, all of this context and characterization was provided "in-text," this chapter and those before it. I also think that quote is being made to suggest more than it actually does. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

I'm only quoting this part but I completely agree with everything you wrote. After Chapter 44, once the festival was finally over, it was the perfect opportunity to focus on other characters for a while (like Aki's sister and her senpai, perhaps) for a while and put Aki and Shiho's relationship on hold, so that both of them can sort their feelings in a more natural way instead of this rushed development. Something like what happened in Yuri is My Job! with Hime and Yano after Volume 7, for example.

Shiho doesn't deserve to be in this uncomfortable and uncertain situation. It's entirely Aki's fault, and this time she has no excuse.

They are sorting their feelings out in a natural way: by dating. That's natural. I'm sure they'll be among the cast now as they date and we'll follow everyone. They'll never be fully in the background, since they are part of the 4 person main ensemble. Nothing bad has happened and figuring out your feelings for someone as you date is normal. Aki communicated where she's at mentally and both of them can move forward honestly. They're not in a bad place, as of yet, nor are they "together" yet. So it's doing what you want, except it's treating dating as it should be treated: as part of the process.

last edited at Dec 29, 2023 10:09AM

joined Feb 21, 2016

This manga lost me years ago but it somehow came back with what I always wanted with Shiho's arc... Her type of character is my favorite and I love dramatic pining with a positive/hopeful outcome :) I can't wait for the anime now!

last edited at Jan 1, 2024 12:34PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Shiho doesn't deserve to be in this uncomfortable and uncertain situation. It's entirely Aki's fault, and this time she has no excuse.

what the actual fuck lol, how is this aki´s fault in any shape or form, can you really blame aki for being extremely wary and walking on egg shells around shiho. From her perspective shiho suddenly left without any reason and cut all ties with her, only to start antagonizing her and the SS girls the moment they meet again, then she learned that the reason shiho was being a nuisance to everyone was cuz she loved her and felt rejected (even tho she never actually confessed).

Can you really blame her for thinking that if she didn´t reciprocates shiho´s feelings on the spot she would just regress and cut her of her life again, heck even after the festival ended shiho confidently said to aki that she wouldn´t accept her previous relationship since she wanted more.

If shiho had any growth during this whole arc i´d be more incline to see aki´s decistion as rash but she didn´t, like at all. Shiho started as someone that would throw away the things she supposedly loved the moment things didn´t went her way, i.e. violin and her love for aki, and on the climax of this arc as always she was ready to throw away her first love without even trying. The only reason the story didn´t end with shiho alone again was cuz hima literally drag her so aki could do all the development

joined Jul 29, 2017

Shiho doesn't deserve to be in this uncomfortable and uncertain situation. It's entirely Aki's fault, and this time she has no excuse.

what the actual fuck lol, how is this aki´s fault in any shape or form, can you really blame aki for being extremely wary and walking on egg shells around shiho. From her perspective shiho suddenly left without any reason and cut all ties with her, only to start antagonizing her and the SS girls the moment they meet again, then she learned that the reason shiho was being a nuisance to everyone was cuz she loved her and felt rejected (even tho she never actually confessed).

God f*cking forbid that Shiho, of all people, should be made “uncomfortable.”

The mental contortions that readers put themselves through to identify someone other than Shiho as being “at fault” are truly astounding.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Can you really blame her for thinking that if she didn´t reciprocates shiho´s feelings on the spot she would just regress and cut her of her life again, heck even after the festival ended shiho confidently said to aki that she wouldn´t accept her previous relationship since she wanted more.

If shiho had any growth during this whole arc i´d be more incline to see aki´s decistion as rash but she didn´t, like at all. Shiho started as someone that would throw away the things she supposedly loved the moment things didn´t went her way, i.e. violin and her love for aki, and on the climax of this arc as always she was ready to throw away her first love without even trying. The only reason the story didn´t end with shiho alone again was cuz hima literally drag her so aki could do all the development

Basically, no hope is better than false hope.

Aki unnecessarily prioritized her desire to not lose Shiho as a friend over her (Shiho's) mental well-being.
Aki knows that Shiho likes (in present tense) her. She could have examinated whether her feelings for Shiho are romantic in any way or not without involving her so directly. How long ago did the festival end? A couple of days? Aki already invited her on a date and to start dating formally, but not without clarifying (after the proposal, by the way) that she currently does not have a romantic attraction for her. Do you think this is fine, given the conext of these two characters? Not to mention that Aki knows Shiho better than anyone. She is perfectly aware of her volatile personality, her insecurities and her fragile ego. Aki is a well-intentioned person, of course, but her actions and decisions are immature and inexcusable this time around. Did you see the state Shiho was in the last pages of the chapter? Do you think is fine to ask for a kiss out of desperation?

In summary: Aki herself got into a labyrinth in which she only has two options: Either reciprocate Shiho's feelings, or lose her relationship with her forever.

last edited at Jan 2, 2024 6:19PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Aki is not manipulating her, the one who forced literally everything up to this point was Shiho, the one who asked for a kiss was Shiho too, she keeps making ultimatums over and over about everything, the music, her love, her friends, everything has to be perfect or completely ruined and wasted.

So Aki is betting on love, she thinks it could work... But people think is better to just lose her forever? (and let's repeat once again, there's no room for a third option because Shiho wants it this way) I don't know, If things could end anyway, I rather go for the route that could potentially make both of them happy, even if it doesn't happen immediately.

last edited at Jan 2, 2024 6:39PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

In summary: Aki herself got into a labyrinth in which she only has two options: Either reciprocate Shiho's feelings, or lose her relationship with her forever.

bruh, shiho brought that to herself through her own actions, she gave the ultimatum to aki at the festival. Aki took the blame for everything shiho did and apologized even tho she literally did nothign wrong, now after shiho pretty much forced a confession out of her, she acts insulted? even tho this is literally what she asked for?. What the actual fuck dude? what is aki supossed to do, how much more does she has to bend over backwards to satisfy shiho

last edited at Jan 2, 2024 11:47PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

bruh, shiho brought that to herself through her own actions, she gave the ultimatum to aki at the festival. Aki took the blame for everything shiho did and apologized even tho she literally did nothign wrong, now after shiho pretty much forced a confession out of her, she acts insulted? even tho this is literally what she asked for?. What the actual fuck dude? what is aki supossed to do, how much more does she has to bend over backwards to satisfy shiho

Let's focus on the events after the festival. Aki was the first to initiate contact, and no less than to invite her to a meeting where she asked her if she would like them to start dating.
I understand that Aki has doubts about what kind of feelings she has for Shiho. That's perfectly normal. What I'm saying is that she should have tried to search for answers little by little and without giving Shiho hope from the beginning like she clumsily did. Last time I checked, they go to the same school. It's not like they live in separate towns or something like that.

I know you hate Shiho, but put yourself in her shoes for a second and imagine what she must be feeling right now, "dating" someone she loves deeply and who may or may not reciprocate her love at some point. That's not healthy. And it's Aki's fault.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I know you hate Shiho, but put yourself in her shoes for a second and imagine what she must be feeling right now, "dating" someone she loves deeply and who may or may not reciprocate her love at some point. That's not healthy. And it's Aki's fault.

Keep saying that over and over—that’ll definitely make it so.

joined Jun 5, 2023

Even though they weren't married yet, I already knew that Aki would be the one to lose in future arguments with Shiho

joined Sep 10, 2022

now after shiho pretty much forced a confession out of her, she acts insulted?

Aki definitely doesn't deserve any blame for anything but Shiho also does not force any confession out of her. We're starting to strip Aki of her agency. She thinks about what she wants, comes to certain realizations and makes a decision, all on her own.

Wanting to distance oneself from an unrequited love is not an unreasonable or rare desire, nor is it manipulative. Neither the story or Aki treats Shiho's past (or future) desire for distance as wrong and they shouldn't. Instead, the story treats her headspace and methods, the way in which she goes about separating herself from Aki, as the negatives that needed improvement and caused lasting issues. Those have both mostly been dealt with from a character standpoint. She's learned the wrongs of her methods and she's not in the same headspace as before.

Current Shiho does not pressure Aki into anything. She simply confesses and expresses her desire to be with Aki. She communicates where she is at mentally and waits for an answer. That's perfectly fine. After that the ball is in Aki's court and she decides what she wants: she wants a date and afterwards, she wants to try dating Shiho. She's making her own decisions based on her own thoughts, on her own timeline and they're both communicating. That's perfectly healthy.

last edited at Jan 4, 2024 4:16PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

That's perfectly fine. After that the ball is in Aki's court and she decides what she wants: she wants a date and afterwards, she wants to try dating Shiho. She's making her own decisions based on her own thoughts, on her own timeline and they're both communicating. That's perfectly healthy.

Don't you really think Aki could have handled the situation a little better? I thought we agreed that she carried out things too quickly, given the context. I don't know, I just believed Aki was emotionally mature enough to do better than this.

joined Sep 10, 2022

That's perfectly fine. After that the ball is in Aki's court and she decides what she wants: she wants a date and afterwards, she wants to try dating Shiho. She's making her own decisions based on her own thoughts, on her own timeline and they're both communicating. That's perfectly healthy.

Don't you really think Aki could have handled the situation a little better? I thought we agreed that she carried out things too quickly, given the context. I don't know, I just believed Aki was emotionally mature enough to do better than this.

No, I don't think she acted too quickly and I'm not sure how we're measuring speed either. She spent a few days thinking about it, as she said. Then, she had a successful mock date and afterwards finalized her decision. She then talked through her thought process with Shiho. Shiho was willingly involved in this and was allowed to respond with her own honest feelings.

Then, with everything laid out, they both agreed to date. People date others for less and falling for your partner as you date is the standard. So, I have no issue with either of them currently. They're both communicating, which they did not do well in the past and from there, they are making educated decisions. That's solid and better than many real relationships. What about that process is not emotionally mature? What else should they be doing?

last edited at Jan 5, 2024 2:47AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

I know you hate Shiho, but put yourself in her shoes for a second and imagine what she must be feeling right now, "dating" someone she loves deeply and who may or may not reciprocate her love at some point. That's not healthy. And it's Aki's fault.

Keep saying that over and over—that’ll definitely make it so.

Lol I don't know where that came from either, I just find baffling how despite the text itself making it very clear that Aki is dating shiho out of fear of retaliation from her, some people will just find a way to make shiho the victim despite her making her bed and now not wanting to lay on it.

joined Jan 8, 2024

For me, Shiho had had to go through so many things, of course she's broken now, and don't really know how to act. Moreover, you need to remember that they are like 18
People at 50 for exemple do relashionships mistakes, and that is normal.

joined Jan 8, 2024

And I also think she should be afraid of getting her heart broken again.

joined Jun 5, 2023

Do you think we should make Shiho and Aki the main characters? Last year I sent a request to MAL to turn Kanoko and Sumika of Yuri Is My Job into the main characters (it was accepted). So I'm thinking of sending a request to turn Shiho and Aki into main characters, but it seems more difficult than that series. Because Shiho appeared quite late, and Aki only had an important role from chapter 30 onwards.

joined Jun 25, 2019

You answer your own question

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