I hope the maid finds out why she was really mad at her. That’d be interesting to see. Also, does the other maids getting fired imply that they found secret files of themselves or the MC? Does the master go through different maids often from them discovering her secret, her getting tired of them or her just being paranoid. And that one maid knew of this and still sent the MC to her room. Was that maid trying to get rid her to have the master to herself like she did with the previous maids or is she just really confident they won’t mess up? Hmm...
Well any maid who goes through a master’s belongings will be fired without question lol. I wouldn’t want thieves to work at my house either. That, and Tsukiko was probably afraid of being found out as a creepy stalker.
And the files were only that of the MC. The MC and Tsukiko have been friends since high school. She was the only one who was stalked. Tsukiko might have not wanted anyone to find these files for obvious reasons and consequences.
And lol no, that maid wasn’t trying to get the MC fired... she was the one who warned her not to touch anything in Tsukiko’s room. She said needed “a hand”-help (maybe because she couldn’t clean every room on her own).
But it’s so dumb of Tsukiko to leave her key out in the open like that. Kind of a plot convenience, almost lol.
last edited at Apr 14, 2019 3:08AM