Forum › Citrus + discussion

joined Jul 15, 2016

That opening scene with the podium, got me all giddy wtf

joined Jan 24, 2018

I fell off the citrus train after the way it ended..... But it didn't?! Here's the chance for Sabs to fill us in on why happened before the rushed ending!

joined Nov 14, 2016

This is a nice surprise, I didn't know that we were getting more Citrus.
It's always a wasted opportunity when a long yuri manga ends when the girls become a couple, so I'm happy to get a sequel dedicated to the events after that fact.

joined Jul 4, 2018

Y e s. Better have more gay. L e w d gay

They almost held hands in the first chapter...

joined Jul 16, 2013

Nothing is happening as usual. Why even start a new series besides the obvious reasons...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nothing is happening as usual. Why even start a new series besides the obvious reasons...

joined Apr 18, 2016

I was surprised they went for a sequel. The way the plot kind of had their relationship going in circles for however many chapters, relying so heavily on new characters to keep things fresh I thought the author had no idea how to keep the story going.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Nothing is happening as usual. Why even start a new series besides the obvious reasons...

the people have spoken

god i miss swap so much

joined Dec 17, 2018

YOU CAME BACK!! I knew you wanted us back!
(No hate.)

OddMan11 Uploader
Oddity Translations
joined Jun 19, 2016


I thought I was free!

How dare you come back Citrus!?!?


joined Apr 21, 2018

Good good gooooood

joined Jul 11, 2015


joined Nov 30, 2016

The vice president reminds me that DUDES LOVE DRILLS AND DRILLS ARE POWER!!

we need sex here

joined Apr 12, 2018

Aw crap, I still need to catch up on Citrus...

joined Jun 9, 2018

That girl who said "I did! It would be crazy if it were true" seemed very happy about the rumor. Is she the next one to join Yuzu's lesbian circle of friends?

joined Mar 10, 2018

All right. Citrus is back. All I ask is, if there is any drama in this new series, please don't make it Mei's fault. Just once.

joined Jan 6, 2017

I just want to see Nene get corrupted. Throughout the series she'll get more into YuzuMei and by the end she's reading incest.
That and HaruMatsu.

joined Dec 2, 2018

i thought i was free, but saburouta continues to have me eating out of the palm of her hand like a damn Fool.........

joined Jan 9, 2018

Yay more YuzuMei >~< And MatsuHaru XD

joined Mar 29, 2017

Hopefully mel will be an actual character rafher then a plot device I alwase found her intresting. Like how and why she ended up as a walkong husk beyond daddy issues.

joined Dec 13, 2015

Ive be waiting for this a long time

×< finally!!!

joined Nov 22, 2018

yo if this sequel will still have those angsty drama instead of just wholesome fluff relationship i fucking swear im gonna lose it.

joined Jul 19, 2018

"Hey, you know Mei and Yuzu who got married last year?"


"I hear they're dating!"

"What?! No way!"

I think this is occurring after her proposal but long before their actual marriage.

joined Jul 30, 2015

Lets go again!

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