Forum › Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai discussion

joined Dec 10, 2014

as a lesbian i don't fucking appreciate someone painting us or grouping us in as pedophiles especially since they do that to gay men to trans people already saying THINK OF THE CHILDREN THEY MIGHT HURT like this isn't fucking helping

I mean I think it's fair to be bothered or to hate it or whatever, tho I want to make the point that it's not really painting lesbians as pedophiles to fetishize a relationship between an adult woman and a young girl. Fetishizing a certain dynamic feels different from characterizing a group as being guilty of it. It's more an issue of that if your work itself states or sends the message that lesbians are all like that.

But also I disagree with the implication that this contributes to that characterization of queer people because some porn posted to Twitter and then deleted shortly after doesn't really influence perception one way or another. It doesn't have the platform or exposure to have influence. I would say that the serialized Master and Mel stuff could maybe be argued to have that influence, tho to be honest I'd still disagree. I'd say it probably has to be like on TV or just super super mainstream before you're having any sort of significant effect. Anyway, regardless the porn wouldn't actually be much of an issue as much as the series itself.

Like I'm queer as fuck and I don't think this is hurting our image.

joined Apr 18, 2016

I HAD to say this so here i am
i don't wanna start shit but
i HATE this and it made me lose all interest in this author / mangaka
i don't mind loli and but on Itou twitter page there is loli artwork where the girl looks fucking 5 or 6
this whole thing made me feel like im watching a pedo's fantasy who's using lesbians to promote it/ it's not so bad if it's two women ;)

if the drawing were a guy it be just as disgusting it isn't about gender
as a lesbian i don't fucking appreciate someone painting us or grouping us in as pedophiles especially since they do that to gay men to trans people already saying THINK OF THE CHILDREN THEY MIGHT HURT like this isn't fucking helping
saying it's art or whatever doesn't change that

I don't think they're making a statement overall about anyone. They're just drawing their kink.

joined Mar 27, 2018

"I don't mind loli"
"loli is DISGUSTING"

last edited at Jul 25, 2018 11:43AM

joined Jan 11, 2018

I feel like it is really up to everyone's interpretation of it, like if someone likes lolicon/shotacon because they use it to fantasy about actual children then there is nothing positive to say about that; but I imagine someone would like because maybe they're simply attracted to cute characters, or physically small characters, or maybe is the size difference or the whole power dynamics you're talking about.

What if they're like me, a non-pedophile who nevertheless likes to occasionally fantasize about fictional worlds in which child-adult romantic/sexual relations can actually work without causing the child any sort of physical harm or psychological trauma? As a form of curiosity, I mean?

If is just a fantasy I can't criticize it, and I don't really mind honestly. I don't think is different from hentai that revolves around rape, which is far more accepted for some reason, which I'm fine with because is just fiction and just a fantasy, but I find it weird that is far more rare for people to think that anyone who likes it is a rapist compared to what happens with lolicon, and to a lesser extent, shotacon.

Actually some people are very hypocrite with shotacon, I have seen far more people freaking out with lolicon than with shotacon, and I have even seen people say that they like shotacon / they're ok with it, but absolutely despite lolicon for some reason.

Mary Mckayla McCann
joined Dec 30, 2017

The art is fine. But I would have liked seen an assertive girl, who isn't being raped, this needs that tag :(

joined Jul 11, 2017

emm…… Now I'm expecting Itou sensei to draw a mange of his/her life experience in jail.

joined Dec 26, 2014

I really think this should be removed.

Its... disturbing.

I've seen worse tbh , and it's just fiction, I don't understand why everyone loses their shit with this manga ( even the original series) about their age Gap etc. Master clearly loves Mel, and Mel loves her too.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Not nearly as disturbing as actor of star and screen Willem Dafoe in his acclaimed movie “A Horse Named Keanu”.

joined Oct 16, 2016

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

FBI Warning Account
joined Aug 3, 2018

FBI: knock your door

joined Jan 19, 2014

The weird thing is I loved loli's when I was a loli myself....

just take it as literature
we got pussy grabber and multiple child rapists and bitter old women in office

joined May 4, 2013

Not my proudest fap..

joined Oct 3, 2018

i liked it

joined Sep 21, 2015

Canon now

joined Oct 25, 2011

Canon now

I dunno about that, Mel has her collar on.

joined Jul 12, 2012

The more I read the comments the harder I want to bang my head against the table.
Can we all agree that if the tag lolicon is present, those who don't like it can kindly fuck off and not read it. Its tiring to see people read stuff that clearly has tags that are warning the reader.. BUT NO they have to read it and write about their "disgust" and how some of us that said it's an ok doujin are classified as pedophiles (like what????).

joined Nov 29, 2018


In Japan it is

joined Apr 18, 2015

The weird thing is I loved loli's when I was a loli myself....

Theres a thing called Autopedophillia where people fantasize about being the child in and adult-child relationship. Honestly i dont find it that weird, as long as no actual children are involved, no grooming is involved onto a teen or child, and everything is consensual, then anyone can do whatever the fuck they want.

joined Sep 25, 2015

I HAD to say this so here i am
i don't wanna start shit but
i HATE this and it made me lose all interest in this author / mangaka
i don't mind loli and but on Itou twitter page there is loli artwork where the girl looks fucking 5 or 6
this whole thing made me feel like im watching a pedo's fantasy who's using lesbians to promote it/ it's not so bad if it's two women ;)

if the drawing were a guy it be just as disgusting it isn't about gender
as a lesbian i don't fucking appreciate someone painting us or grouping us in as pedophiles especially since they do that to gay men to trans people already saying THINK OF THE CHILDREN THEY MIGHT HURT like this isn't fucking helping
saying it's art or whatever doesn't change that

Like, shut the fuck up.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I HAD to say this so here i am
i don't wanna start shit but
i HATE this and it made me lose all interest in this author / mangaka
i don't mind loli and but on Itou twitter page there is loli artwork where the girl looks fucking 5 or 6
this whole thing made me feel like im watching a pedo's fantasy who's using lesbians to promote it/ it's not so bad if it's two women ;)

if the drawing were a guy it be just as disgusting it isn't about gender
as a lesbian i don't fucking appreciate someone painting us or grouping us in as pedophiles especially since they do that to gay men to trans people already saying THINK OF THE CHILDREN THEY MIGHT HURT like this isn't fucking helping
saying it's art or whatever doesn't change that

Like, shut the fuck up.

One thing that is always true (so close to 100% as to make no difference) is that calls for censorship are made in terms of what someone else might do or say, never the actual person calling for censorship.

Terrible (other) people are going to (mistakenly) lump lesbians in with pedophiles, therefore thing must be censored.

If a person were to come in and say, “Please, make this go away—it makes me want to abuse children,” that would be one thing—not necessarily justification for censorship, but at least not somebody projecting about what some bad person somewhere out there might hypothetically do.

last edited at Jul 22, 2019 11:30AM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

The book is telling you to molest children, but in a Son or Sam kind of way where it flaps open and tells you to do so in a German accent.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The book is telling you to molest children, but in a Son or Sam kind of way where it flaps open and tells you to do so in a German accent.

Actually it’s telling you to molest beastkin.

I’m pretty sure I’ve never had the impulse to do that, but even if I had I’m very, very sure I’ve never had the opportunity.

joined May 30, 2013

I come back after a year, I can't believe this comments section is still so active.

Lewding lolis is OK in my book as long as the Onee-san is beautiful and kind/cool.

last edited at Jul 22, 2019 5:17PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Every time I see this come up, I end up wondering whether or not this is illegal. In the US, I think the there was a federal law defining "virtual child pornography" as a form of child pornography, but it was only on the books for a few years before the Supreme Court voided it in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, since the point of anti-child porn laws is to protect actual children from abuse. But then there are competing cases in different circuits about a different law that did much the same thing. And on top of that, it might still be considered obscene, and thus be illegal to distribute or sell under state laws, but mere possession of obscene material cannot be criminalized.

And of course, by researching this, I probably am not doing myself any favors if anyone's keeping notes on search history. But sometimes you just need to know.

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