Forum › Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai discussion

joined Jul 29, 2017

I can't believe yall have time to write walls of text over some drawings you're all being ridiculous

Pfttt, you call this "walls of text"? Visit Citrus comment section to see what the real walls of text looks like

The yuzumori san thread says" walls of text? hold my beer"
and you know what's the funniest part yuzumori wasn't a NSFW manga

Oh man, I got caught up in that one—it it ended up as one of those “Oh my God, evidently words don’t mean what words mean” situations, and that’s always a bad scene.

Yuzumori-san was notable for setting up a very problematic age-gap romance and then actually dealing with the implications of the situation (while also being very funny).

Itou Hachi is like, “Isn’t age-gap adorable? And let’s throw a species-gap in there too! That’ll make it even more adorable!”

And it’s not like she’s wrong . . .

joined Jan 11, 2018

Damn 13 comments pages, and I'm too late to take part into the shitstorm.

Anyways the only question I always had when it comes to lolicon is why everyone who likes it is automatically considered a pedophile, I mean I get why people would make a correlation but we're talking about anime characters, not a realistic representation of real life people, I think people may have their own reasons to like it rather than "is CP that doesn't gets you in jail" like many people seems to think.

Personally I don't even see it as a form of child porn, even the idea sounds kind of ridiculous like when someone says that violent video games are for murderers or that they turn mentally sane people into murderers.

And what if someone is into lolicon / shotacon but is disgusted by the idea of watching actual CP or trying anything with an actual kid, why would that person be a pedophile? This also reminds me a lot to when furries were often accused of being into zoophilia, like if a drawed anthropomorphic representation of an animal were the same thing as an actual real life animal.

last edited at Jul 21, 2018 9:43PM

joined Apr 18, 2015

Damn 13 comments pages, and I'm too late to take part into the shitstorm.

Anyways the only question I always had when it comes to lolicon is why everyone who likes it is automatically considered a pedophile, I mean I get why people would make a correlation but we're talking about anime characters, not a realistic representation of real life people, I think people may have their own reasons to like it rather than "is CP that doesn't gets you in jail" like many people seems to think.

Personally I don't even see it as a form of child porn, even the idea sounds kind of ridiculous like when someone says that violent video games are for murderers or that they turn mentally sane people into murderers.

And what if someone is into lolicon / shotacon but is disgusted by the idea of watching actual CP or trying anything with an actual kid, why would that person be a pedophile? This also reminds me a lot to when furries were often accused of being into zoophilia, like if a drawed anthropomorphic representation of an animal were the same thing as an actual real life animal.

I think obviously Loli is somewhat related to CP, but its more like...? being attracted to the idea of the victim/master and height difference and power play that CP is known for without scarring a childs life. People are disgusted w real cp bc it involves a real person who is being raped. Whereas Loli is like the roleplay version of that. Similarly people have rape fantasies and will roleplay them with their partners but im 100% sure they arent actually suggesting they want to be raped. ( in my opinion )

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

ImGayO-Kay posted:

I think obviously Loli is somewhat related to CP, but its more like...? being attracted to the idea of the victim/master and height difference and power play that CP is known for without scarring a childs life. People are disgusted w real cp bc it involves a real person who is being raped. Whereas Loli is like the roleplay version of that. Similarly people have rape fantasies and will roleplay them with their partners but im 100% sure they arent actually suggesting they want to be raped. ( in my opinion )

All of this has already been said. People who complain about this being the same as real CP, don't care about explanations and reasons. They just want to state their moral high ground.

last edited at Jul 22, 2018 11:00AM

joined Feb 8, 2013

MOTHER OF GOD! IT EXISTS! Itou Hachi's porn! goddamit!! >< Gotta shlick ))

joined Feb 15, 2013

Damn 13 comments pages, and I'm too late to take part into the shitstorm.

Anyways the only question I always had when it comes to lolicon is why everyone who likes it is automatically considered a pedophile, I mean I get why people would make a correlation but we're talking about anime characters, not a realistic representation of real life people, I think people may have their own reasons to like it rather than "is CP that doesn't gets you in jail" like many people seems to think.

Well that’s typical human assumption to paint things with big brush.

For example, if you see someone watching a crime movie, wouldn’ the first assumption will be that he/she probably is a psycho murderer as well? Or those who shared dog/cat video on Facebook certainly must be into beastility. It is very easy to make those assumption, no?

joined Aug 7, 2017

Nevri posted:

All of this has already been said. People who complain about this being the same as real CP, don't care about explanations and reasons. They just want to state their moral high ground.

And that very behavior is utterly despicable. Makes me wish that there are real ghosts who would haunt and torment those people over their irrational hatred and/or hypocrisy.

last edited at Jul 22, 2018 9:14PM

joined Jan 19, 2015

Most confusing thing about this for me is that people mistake pedophilia for crime. Being pedophile is not a crime, acting on your sexual desires is as you can by law not get consent from a underage person (in most countries). People with pedophile tendencies have a hard time this current century. This post is obviously no excuse for breaking the law and hurting innocent children and humans.

joined Jul 26, 2016

To be fair the pedophiles with functioning urge control and moral compass aren't exactly the problem, and more to the point tend not turn up in the crime news, so the conflation is fairly understandable given Joe Average's famed tendency to not do the research. Doubly so for colloquial language.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Damn 13 comments pages, and I'm too late to take part into the shitstorm.

Anyways the only question I always had when it comes to lolicon is why everyone who likes it is automatically considered a pedophile, I mean I get why people would make a correlation but we're talking about anime characters, not a realistic representation of real life people, I think people may have their own reasons to like it rather than "is CP that doesn't gets you in jail" like many people seems to think.

Personally I don't even see it as a form of child porn, even the idea sounds kind of ridiculous like when someone says that violent video games are for murderers or that they turn mentally sane people into murderers.

And what if someone is into lolicon / shotacon but is disgusted by the idea of watching actual CP or trying anything with an actual kid, why would that person be a pedophile? This also reminds me a lot to when furries were often accused of being into zoophilia, like if a drawed anthropomorphic representation of an animal were the same thing as an actual real life animal.

I think obviously Loli is somewhat related to CP, but its more like...? being attracted to the idea of the victim/master and height difference and power play that CP is known for without scarring a childs life. People are disgusted w real cp bc it involves a real person who is being raped. Whereas Loli is like the roleplay version of that. Similarly people have rape fantasies and will roleplay them with their partners but im 100% sure they arent actually suggesting they want to be raped. ( in my opinion )

I feel like it is really up to everyone's interpretation of it, like if someone likes lolicon/shotacon because they use it to fantasy about actual children then there is nothing positive to say about that; but I imagine someone would like because maybe they're simply attracted to cute characters, or physically small characters, or maybe is the size difference or the whole power dynamics you're talking about.

Anyways, even if it were the first case and someone is attracted to it because he/she is a pedophile, I don't really mind that much as long as they stick to draws, I mean I'd rather they fap to draws that don't do any harm to anyone than to try to search for actual CP, or even go as far as to try anything with a child. This may be a very controversial thing to say but I'm ok with lolicon and shotacon even if is used as a replacement for CP, for the reason I stated above. But I still think not everyone, maybe even the majority of the people who are into it (I have no idea honestly), aren't necessarily pedophiles and labeling them like that for some draw that doesn't even looks like a real human that much seems unfair to me.

Personally I'm not into it, but I do like girls that have a smaller body, cute faces and small chests because I find them to be the cutest (I'm talking about adults here, I should clarify just in case), so I kinda understand the whole appeal of it as long as is not intended to be a pedo fantasy.

joined Mar 26, 2018

OK... This is the first time seeing Itou Hachi draw something like this >/////< but i prefer the Married Couple fox doing something like this and i really want to see it that series keep me hanging !!! but Itou Hachi draw this instead !! HELP this is sooo HOT (Age Gap is the BEST) TT_TT

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 3:57AM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Naizuri posted:

Personally I'm not into it, but I do like girls that have a smaller body, cute faces and small chests because I find them to be the cutest (I'm talking about adults here, I should clarify just in case), so I kinda understand the whole appeal of it as long as is not intended to be a pedo fantasy.

And then there are people who actually insert themselves as lolis.

joined Jan 11, 2015

Naizuri posted:

Personally I'm not into it, but I do like girls that have a smaller body, cute faces and small chests because I find them to be the cutest (I'm talking about adults here, I should clarify just in case), so I kinda understand the whole appeal of it as long as is not intended to be a pedo fantasy.

Nevri posted:
And then there are people who actually insert themselves as lolis.

I mean, for as much as my best friend's girlfriend is an amazoness even taller than I am, not being taller than most "tall" men is an attractive thought to me. :p

joined Mar 28, 2015

To insert oneself is masturbation no?

joined Jul 19, 2018

To insert oneself is masturbation no?

Not if it's with a blender. Then it is castration.

Edit: Is there some trick to making the accursed quoting system work properly?

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 8:30AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Nya-chan said:

To insert oneself is masturbation no?

Looking East said:

Not if it's with a blender. Then it is castration.

Edit: Is there some trick to making the accursed quoting system work properly?

Duct tape and hope.
Quote me or Nevri to see how. It requires doing it manually.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Anyone who doesn't see the sexual tension between Master and Mel in the main series, is blind.

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 2:07PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Anyone who doesn't see the sexual tension between Master and Mel in the main series, is blind.

Or has a very bad sense of smell.

Mary Mckayla McCann
joined Dec 30, 2017

Idk what they're talking about
I'm getting wet with this, no specially by the little girl, rather by the act itself, the morbidity that causes this kind of relationship is a lot
I'm a pedophile?

joined Jun 28, 2016

Idk what they're talking about
I'm getting wet with this, no specially by the little girl, rather by the act itself, the morbidity that causes this kind of relationship is a lot
I'm a pedophile?

Nope your just a human being, people get turned on by the strangest things.

  • Hides collection of shellfish sex videos *
joined Jul 29, 2017

Idk what they're talking about
I'm getting wet with this, no specially by the little girl, rather by the act itself, the morbidity that causes this kind of relationship is a lot
I'm a pedophile?

Nope your just a human being, people get turned on by the strangest things.

  • Hides collection of shellfish sex videos *

Wait, wait—there’s something wrong with shellfish videos?

The shrimp age of consent is . . . um, I’ll get back to you on that.

joined Aug 7, 2017

I feel like it is really up to everyone's interpretation of it, like if someone likes lolicon/shotacon because they use it to fantasy about actual children then there is nothing positive to say about that; but I imagine someone would like because maybe they're simply attracted to cute characters, or physically small characters, or maybe is the size difference or the whole power dynamics you're talking about.

What if they're like me, a non-pedophile who nevertheless likes to occasionally fantasize about fictional worlds in which child-adult romantic/sexual relations can actually work without causing the child any sort of physical harm or psychological trauma? As a form of curiosity, I mean?

joined Jul 24, 2018

I HAD to say this so here i am
i don't wanna start shit but
i HATE this and it made me lose all interest in this author / mangaka
i don't mind loli and but on Itou twitter page there is loli artwork where the girl looks fucking 5 or 6
this whole thing made me feel like im watching a pedo's fantasy who's using lesbians to promote it/ it's not so bad if it's two women ;)

if the drawing were a guy it be just as disgusting it isn't about gender
as a lesbian i don't fucking appreciate someone painting us or grouping us in as pedophiles especially since they do that to gay men to trans people already saying THINK OF THE CHILDREN THEY MIGHT HURT like this isn't fucking helping
saying it's art or whatever doesn't change that

Uh huh...

Urashi C. Pin
joined Jun 17, 2014

so much for the tolerant left. Its joke

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