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joined Jan 11, 2015

Come one, come all! Kouyuri brings you another clichéd love story! - Ropponmatsu Bitter Translator

Also, I messed up and uploaded it before Faust gave me the all clear... OTL
Hopefully there aren't any flubs.

last edited at Jan 25, 2017 8:03PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

And here I was thinking you finally TL something with Drama, Depressing as fuck or even just a bit of Aaaaaangst, Roppo :<

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

It was a little too short/fast but I liked it a lot. Sometimes I assume they used "Japanese ESP" to make the transitions that aren't in the dialog. That's a thing. I've seen it.

joined Jan 11, 2015

I have a project on the horizon that has some fucked up stuff, and one of the characters is (gasp) somewhat dissatisfied.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Somewhat dissatisfied is boring, bring on the tears! =D

joined Jan 11, 2015

The story is literally called There's nobody who wants to cry, your argument is invalid.

@drpepperfan or other member handling uploads
While Kouyuri does not intend to scanlate any further stories in this anthology (Dark Cherry to Shoujo A), I could upload the cover, and provide an "untranslated chapters" list, if you'd like to bundle up the stories currently on DS.

Stories from the anthology that are currently on DS are:
From Tomorrow on, No More Drinking - Yuri Project
Upside Down Swing - Kouyuri
Girls Bitter Ambitious - Kouyuri

last edited at Jan 25, 2017 8:32PM

joined Apr 15, 2013

Short and sweet, what's to dislike?

joined Aug 16, 2014

What kind of monster are you?

A very special kind, which keeps their youth and gets pleasure from tears.

The story is literally called There's nobody who wants to cry, your argument is invalid.


joined Jan 11, 2015

It's from Yukiko's (A Room For Two) new anthology.


The art is gorgeous throughout, but unfortunately, all other stories are rather mediocre. Most of them start off well, but then suffer a non-ending-ending.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Most of them start off well, but then suffer a non-ending-ending.

And it's just because of the non-ending ending that they're bad?

joined Jan 11, 2015

Well, a few of them are just plain uninteresting as well, lol. Good art alone isn't enough to motivate me to take on a project. x)

joined Aug 16, 2014

Well, a few of them are just plain uninteresting as well, lol. Good art alone isn't enough to motivate me to take on a project. x)

kk, just confirming because non-endings aren't necessarily deal-breakers for me =P

joined Sep 28, 2011


joined May 28, 2011

"I might be lesbian"

that was quick

Malibu Uploader
joined Jan 25, 2016

I really liked this one; it was just the right length, got to the point, had believable/decent dialog, didn't have excessive drama, and had a good and simple ending. Nice one, Rop!

joined Jan 16, 2017

CHISAKO YURIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love me some cute girls doing lesbian stuff

joined Jul 17, 2015

I've become operantly conditioned by Dynasty Scans on a variable ratio schedule. In other words, I can't stop refreshing the damn page.

Anyways, this was pretty cute. They should probably try to be more sanitary with those piercings tho -_-'

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

@drpepperfan or other member handling uploads
While Kouyuri does not intend to scanlate any further stories in this anthology (Dark Cherry to Shoujo A), I could upload the cover, and provide an "untranslated chapters" list, if you'd like to bundle up the stories currently on DS.

That'd be useful. Is there any credits in the anthology for what these stories were originally published in though? One of them is from Yuri Hime for instance.

joined Jun 12, 2015

While Kouyuri does not intend to scanlate any further stories in this anthology (Dark Cherry to Shoujo A), I could upload the cover, and provide an "untranslated chapters" list, if you'd like to bundle up the stories currently on DS.

Raws of this anthology are on yuri project board. Maybe someone will pick it up and finish it.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Such love~♪(´ε` )

joined Mar 22, 2014

This can't be a Ropponmatsu scanlation.

There's not enough salt or anger here. (つД`)ノ

joined Jun 14, 2013

I like this art and the author cause of their other good endings to their past stories. People who want bad endings are just weird. Imo obviously.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

That was nice. I mean, obviously quick and bare bones, but if something is going to be that number of pages this was a nice way for it to be.

joined Jan 8, 2014

lol, short but sweet, super cute...

joined Jan 12, 2017

Need another one like that.

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