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joined Dec 14, 2014

The credits page has me deep in thought about how to hide my power levels when I overheard students talking about Yuri on Ice ships. I'm so glad in know almost nothing about BL.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

It could be fluffier, but it's otherwise good.


last edited at Jan 3, 2017 8:13PM

joined Dec 15, 2015

The writing on the desk reminds me of Graffiti, the latter remaining miles above this oneshot, which was a pleasant read nonetheless.

last edited at Jan 3, 2017 8:19PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

It was very easy to see how it would end, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable!

joined Oct 15, 2016

It was very enjoyable and the art style kinda reminded me of MariMite, so all the better for me.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Yuri on Ice always confuses me, because I see 'yuri' and think 'Yes, girls loving girls' but then the thumbnail is a bunch of guys playing sports.

joined Jan 11, 2015

Yuri on Ice always confuses me, because I see 'yuri' and think 'Yes, girls loving girls' but then the thumbnail is a bunch of guys playing sports.

Truly, the ultimate bait-and-switch!

Yuri on Ice always confuses me, because I see 'yuri' and think 'Yes, girls loving girls' but then the thumbnail is a bunch of guys playing sports.

Truly, the ultimate bait-and-switch!

The first time I heard that an anime called Yuri on Ice was coming I thought it was about girls... I was disappointed since I'm not into BL tbh. Didn't even bother to watch.

I love the art, it's so old school. Beautiful.

joined Aug 6, 2013

This was sweet. Cozy release.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Decent, however, I think it was a bit rushed. Would make a better short series.

joined Dec 21, 2015

The writing on the desk reminds me of Graffiti, the latter remaining miles above this oneshot, which was a pleasant read nonetheless.

Holy god. I cannot thank you enough for redirecting me to that one-shot. Automatically goes on my favorites list. Wow. That was adorable. Thank you.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It was very easy to see how it would end, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable!

I was just mentioning in the IRC that there's really nothing original about this, the enjoyment is more about how well it's executed. Like listening to someone perform an old standard, you know the content already but it's still worth your time for the performance. In this case, I like the airy quality of the art, it reminds me of Konno Kita's stuff.

As to the actual story, it's basically a mix of Graffiti, as others have mentioned, and The Cherry Tree Correspondence. The story of the latter was pretty obvious too, but I still liked it.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Soo cute! (≧∇≦)

joined Jan 16, 2016

The writing on the desk reminds me of Graffiti, the latter remaining miles above this oneshot, which was a pleasant read nonetheless.

I was going to mention 'Graffiti' too, way better, indeed.

joined Sep 10, 2015

It was very easy to see how it would end, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable!

I was just mentioning in the IRC that there's really nothing original about this, the enjoyment is more about how well it's executed. Like listening to someone perform an old standard, you know the content already but it's still worth your time for the performance. In this case, I like the airy quality of the art, it reminds me of Konno Kita's stuff.

As to the actual story, it's basically a mix of Graffiti, as others have mentioned, and The Cherry Tree Correspondence. The story of the latter was pretty obvious too, but I still liked it.

That's yuri! Ever read 40 Years of the Same Damn Story by Erica Friedman? It's a short article about the main core of yuri, though yuri has grown and changed quite a bit lately. But, one of the main draws of romance fiction is it's predictability, not it's originality. You read it seeking out certain experiences you want to go through!

joined Apr 4, 2014

Predictable but oh so sweet. Knowing the result doesn't mean you still can't enjoy the process!

Yuri on Ice always confuses me, because I see 'yuri' and think 'Yes, girls loving girls' but then the thumbnail is a bunch of guys playing sports.

If someone doesn't make an anime called Yaoi on fire about girls playing extreme sports I'll be disappointed :/

joined Nov 23, 2014

The writing on the desk reminds me of Graffiti, the latter remaining miles above this oneshot, which was a pleasant read nonetheless.

Holy god. I cannot thank you enough for redirecting me to that one-shot. Automatically goes on my favorites list. Wow. That was adorable. Thank you.

It is actually a two-shot, so hopefully you read 'No Title' from the same collection as well!

About Yuri on Ice, what we can really thank for that bit of confusion is the messy and inconsistent romanization rules that Japan cares about even less than the western world. So really the title would be more accurate as Yuuri or Yūri on Ice, but it is what it is. We should definitely get an actual yuri variant titled Yayoi on Ice though!

joined May 26, 2015

Well then, this time it seems it's Graffiti all over again, as mentioned before lol

joined Feb 8, 2013

So heartmelting damn it ))))) I enjoy such tails the most :3333 so dokidoki )))

joined Apr 11, 2016

Reading these comments I realize how important is predictability in romance. Also that I should probably watch Yuri on Ice.

If someone doesn't make an anime called Yaoi on fire about girls playing extreme sports I'll be disappointed :/

Finally, my script will be accepted!

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

The full title is "put your yuri on ice, this is nothing but boys." ;)

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Regarding Yuri on Ice, I was really surprised when they went full yaoi and had the main leads actually get together. Makes me wonder if that'll be a trend for the future...

Regarding this oneshot, I agree with the other comments here - it was fairly predictable and has been done before, but I liked it nonetheless.

joined Nov 14, 2015

Yuri on Ice > Yaoi on Ice

First Free! and now YoI...

Btw, this was nice ^^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Me too, I thought graffiti....but I agree the execution and slight differences made this a super cute read

joined Jan 8, 2014

Ya know I just re-read graffiti and I think I like this one better, the way they connect in stuff is so much fluffier-cute, while graffiti has the story but less fluffy emotion stuff...both are still good tho, but I see now why the author wanted to do this version

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