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joined May 26, 2015

Wait… wait a fucking minute. This first chapter feels really similar to the Japanese web drama Chaser Game W: Power Harassment Boss Is My Ex-Girlfriend. Well, maybe that makes sense since they share the same name. Let's goooo, it finally made it here! First of all, when I watched it in early 2024, there was no manga—but now, it finally has one!

Are you sure it's not just a manga adaptation of that? I mean the title is in fact Chaser Game W in japanese, in the first page. And from what little I looked up, Itsuki and Fuyu are actual characters from that as well?

joined May 26, 2015

Can we just appreciate for a moment how handsome the two leads look in casual clothes in this chapter? Also, the new pairing (Violet x Shion?) are very easy on the eye, too. I am assuming they rep the Graat company?

My guess is that the previous Black Knight was the woman whom Frost keeps seeing in her flashbacks. Frost must have picked up her armor after her death, which explains why she is so clumsy in using it.

My theory is that the "dragon" that attacked is the previous black knight and that's why the "Black Knights" are special compared to other knights. They have a unique power (The armor?) but it comes at the risk(?) of losing control and turning into a dragon and that's what happened to the last one. It's also why Frost is so closed off, because she had to fight (and kill?) her predecessor whom she cared about, and she's worried about getting close to anyone in case she ever transforms herself.

I like your theory.

joined May 26, 2015

I think Aoi is just the celebrity Ami sees on TV talking about keeping a diary in chapter 5 (which appears to be what inspired her to start her own).

Yuu's mom looks way too different from what I think Aoi would look like when she's older, in my opinion.

I could be wrong though, who knows. We'll only know for sure if there's ever any kind of official confirmation.

joined May 26, 2015

Also apart from the slightly lewd extra (which is just the bath scene that was skipped between chapters 4 and 5 here) there is a newer Valentine's Day chapter on Ahiru's fanbox.

Scroll to the bottom if you'd like to see it, it is available to everyone for free.

last edited at Nov 25, 2023 5:59PM

joined May 26, 2015


Chapter 10: (this one I've only fround in Chinese translation)
Ch 11:
Ch 12:
Ch 13:
Ch 14:
Ch 15:

Links are always directing to the cover page

I'm not on this site's Discord but you can repost it if you want

Chapter 10 is now on EH on Comic GEE volume 17.

joined May 26, 2015

According to mangadex, next chapter is supposed to be the last. I can't even speculate how the author will wrap up the story in a single chapter.

It says 23 on Mangadex, unless you count from 9 > 10 > 23. I don't think the next chapter will be the last.

Next is the last. It's free to read on pixiv if you can read Japanese. Where did you see 23?

Mangadex has a section in the manga description that lists the final chapter as 23.

I assumed it would be longer since the pixiv mentioned that there’s a volume 2.

So what exactly is the truth?

I'm not all that good with Japanese, but that last doodle marked as #23 on pixiv has a title that reads something along the lines of volume 2 release announcement. However, the body of the message says, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong), that volume 2 was released on April 16th. Either that volume isn't on pixiv or the 11 chapters currently posted here belong to 2 separate volumes.

Edit: Also worth noting that the current cover here on dynasty belongs to said volume 2.

Oh, and one more thing, I just checked and that cover image is the first page of chapter 5 here, so I think it's safe to assume volume 2 starts at chapter 5.

It starts at 6 but yeah to everything else. You can tell without seeing the chapter list, because volumes normally end with a .5 chapter or "extra pages" or notes/afterword from the author. We had 5.5 here that had all of those.

Definitely short but sweet.

Fair enough, volume 2 cover on chapter 5 threw me off.

Edit: Wow never mind I'm blind, the cover is indeed on chapter 6 lmao

last edited at Jun 21, 2023 8:59AM

joined May 26, 2015

According to mangadex, next chapter is supposed to be the last. I can't even speculate how the author will wrap up the story in a single chapter.

It says 23 on Mangadex, unless you count from 9 > 10 > 23. I don't think the next chapter will be the last.

Next is the last. It's free to read on pixiv if you can read Japanese. Where did you see 23?

Mangadex has a section in the manga description that lists the final chapter as 23.

I assumed it would be longer since the pixiv mentioned that there’s a volume 2.

So what exactly is the truth?

I'm not all that good with Japanese, but that last doodle marked as #23 on pixiv has a title that reads something along the lines of volume 2 release announcement. However, the body of the message says, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong), that volume 2 was released on April 16th. Either that volume isn't on pixiv or the 11 chapters currently posted here belong to 2 separate volumes.

Edit: Also worth noting that the current cover here on dynasty belongs to said volume 2.

Oh, and one more thing, I just checked and that cover image is the first page of chapter 5 here, so I think it's safe to assume volume 2 starts at chapter 5.

last edited at Jun 21, 2023 7:29AM

joined May 26, 2015


sad panda has the raws for comic gee volume 10, which is the magazine this series runs in.

joined May 26, 2015

well guys, get ready for some really stupid "ex-girlfriend I didn't love" drama next chapter.

joined May 26, 2015

honestly she might have made her a loli out of an internalized desire, that she might not even notice, to give a child the love her garbage mother never gave her?

joined May 26, 2015

I see a certain famous artist's death in the near future.

joined May 26, 2015

i hope she sent her mother to be scrapped and left to die a painful death for being such a cruel mother to a sweet child.

joined May 26, 2015

Sweet Nail and its sequel (not translated), All These Names and Love Strategy are all also part of the Restless Kiss tankoubon. From this tankoubon there are still 2 more stories yet to be translated, for anyone interested.

Sweet Nail has a sequel? Where can I find it!

here you go:
and in case you can't see it on sad panda:

also sorry for taking so long to answer, I took that long to come back to reading this again

last edited at Jan 5, 2021 1:27AM

Ahiru discussion 04 Jan 21:42
joined May 26, 2015

you're welcome, glad i could help :)

Ahiru discussion 04 Jan 02:54
joined May 26, 2015

this artist is the same as the artist for cinderella matchmaking:
here's the link for the thread about it on their twitter:

last edited at Jan 4, 2021 3:02AM

joined May 26, 2015

Now that's a good reaction.

Yuru Oyako discussion 28 Nov 01:24
joined May 26, 2015

boy she got completely outsmarted and outplayed.

joined May 26, 2015

your girlfriend is in danger!!

Uh, are we reading the same series? Cause if so, it's the new editor who's in danger.

joined May 26, 2015

Does no one else think that, regardless of whether or not Mahiro has feelings for her, she's kinda trying to put her on the spot to make her realize how her thoughts come across? Like she's forcing her hand so that she either decides to leave Kaori or realize that her thoughts and refusal to talk about it with Kaori are quite frankly pretty stupid and selfish.

I wouldn't put it this strongly, but yeah. Yukawa-san isn't being stupid or particularly selfish – Memo 12 starts with her musing on the fact that she's never really been in this position before. She doesn't really know what she's doing in this increasingly serious relationship with another woman, and is frightened of hurting Mizuki-san or getting hurt herself. She has a small inferiority complex due to how inexperienced she feels at her age (and given the age gap between her and Mizuki-san), and as a result tends to discount her own worth when set next to her girlfriend.

Mild spoiler: we're about to go into a flashback and see the history of Mahiro and Yukawa-san's friendship, which in turn puts what Mahiro is doing here into context. Mahiro knows Kayoko pretty well, and both likes her and isn't afraid to give her a semi-playful shove when she needs it. It's maybe a little pushy to put it in terms of "or we could date… just joking… unless…", but she's only human. I think it's more sweet than manipulative. One of my favorite things about this very fluffy but calm story is that there are no bad people in here.

Aside from the adult life / workplace setting, what I like best about this story is that it follows the relationship past its earliest steps into the much more treacherous terrain of actually doing the work to build a strong connection between two people, and that while the feelings are big, the drama is pretty small. I love the way the story shows two people, neither of whom are very experienced with relationships or love, who didn't expect to be in the kind of relationship that they're in, just trying to work it out as they go along. It feels very real to me, and the way they consistently treat each other with respect and kindness makes me root for them.

I'm sorry, it's quite frustrating seeing Kaori opening up to Kayoko that much and being pushed away like that, and Kayoko's thoughts might not seem like all that selfish, but first of all, it comes across as if she doesn't trust Kaori to not abandon her, even if she keeps telling herself that it's because she's not "worthy" of her or something. I get it, the way I put it is quite harsh, but honestly, if someone is opening up to you and being that kind and willing to listen to you, but all you do is decide for yourself how they feel in their place, then I'd say it is quite selfish. I agree with you though.

Also, I'm sure you noticed I'm not the best at expressing my thoughts, so I have no idea how to say stuff like this nicely.

last edited at Nov 2, 2020 2:48AM

joined May 26, 2015

Does no one else think that, regardless of whether or not Mahiro has feelings for her, she's kinda trying to put her on the spot to make her realize how her thoughts come across? Like she's forcing her hand so that she either decides to leave Kaori or realize that her thoughts and refusal to talk about it with Kaori are quite frankly pretty stupid and selfish.

Image Comments 27 Oct 02:56
joined May 26, 2015

Hmm, I assumed Yuuka cause the original post this is a parody of, the boyfriend is the one driving the bike, not riding it on the back.

last edited at Oct 27, 2020 2:58AM

Image Comments 23 Oct 22:41
joined May 26, 2015

^ Her friend is Alice, and Alice's girlfriend is Yuuka.

"We" includes the girl being cheated on lol

last edited at Oct 23, 2020 10:42PM

joined May 26, 2015

Expert wingman lil bro getting them together without even realizing that they're gay

Why would he ask Saki if she likes Shizuku if he doesn't realize they're gay, when Saki liking her at least as a friend is more than obvious?

joined May 26, 2015
Yuri Moyou discussion 03 Jun 08:03
joined May 26, 2015

After Nurse Love Syndrome I cannot, for the love of me, read "Chief" as anything other than "Shunin-san" in Kaori's slightly irritating but cute voice.