Their motivations are easy to get and teenagers being a touch insecure and selfish (Diana) or stubborn in their plans (Lapis) is what makes a plot move forward.
Speaking of that, I completely forgot by now what is that plan by Lapis, was that even revealed? Killing everyone or something? I don't remember except that it's all for the sake of that guy becoming the king for some reason, which at this point no one wants including him :P
She's not doing it for the guy--I think his outcome is just part of her overall plans. She wants revenge for things that happened in the past, especially related to members of her family (forgot if it was her sister or not). It's all manifested in some (apparent) hatred for a certain class of people and a desire to upend things.
It has taken a while to show up though, which is part of my issue with the series at the moment. A lot of things have taken a backseat or "slow burned" in favor of Diana's (currently) unrequited love antics and other stuff. I understand why that might be happening but still. Her plans are moving forward bit by bit every chapter but it's happening slower than I'd like. I'm more interested in Lapis' plans and Natori's place in them than much of what's being focused on. I'm just hoping this is a very long series, so we do spend a lot of time with Lapis' decisions eventually.
last edited at Mar 21, 2025 5:55PM