Forum › The Fed Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess discussion

joined Jul 31, 2019

oh you can just block the whole damn goal, that seems balanced

joined Jul 15, 2016

Alexandra is channeling a lot of Lapis right now. The question is, is she already secretly down bad for Diana, or will that be her character arc?

oh you can just block the whole damn goal, that seems balanced

Just wait until they start summoning dragons to boost their numbers on the field. :-)

last edited at Mar 20, 2025 3:30AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Preordering Vol 4 at Animate will give you a 4-page leaflet that is seemingly a modern AU

last edited at Mar 20, 2025 3:30AM

joined Nov 7, 2022

Awawa, I like Alexandra already. This kind of cool, composed, and thoughtful attitude... Plus she's beautiful and powerful. At this rate she might actually become a favorite of mine over the three mains.

last edited at Mar 20, 2025 4:01AM

joined Jul 15, 2016

Awawa, I like Alexandra already. This kind of cool, composed, and thoughtful attitude... Plus she's beautiful and powerful. At this rate she might actually become a favorite of mine over the three mains.

I am half-expecting her to turn out to be a complete dork in private. :3

joined Jan 30, 2017

Awawa, I like Alexandra already. This kind of cool, composed, and thoughtful attitude... Plus she's beautiful and powerful. At this rate she might actually become a favorite of mine over the three mains.

I am half-expecting her to turn out to be a complete dork in private. :3


joined Dec 18, 2013

I cracked up at Natori looking at Lapis before returning Diana's greeting. Poor Diana is not even in the race and she doesn't know it. That said, Diana going all-in on ignoring teamwork just to show off and then antagonizing Alexandra because of her ties to Lapis is kind of grating and doesn't show Diana in a positive light. Here's hoping this tournament arc actually gives Diana the development she needs and more importantly, it sticks.

joined Dec 20, 2018

As great as the game was, the truly interesting parts are the ones around it.

joined Feb 25, 2025

Question, is it just me, or has Diana become super hate-able?
Diana just decided she wanted to show off and don't listen to her team. And just keeps trying to do weird things.

joined Oct 15, 2019

Question, is it just me, or has Diana become super hate-able?
Diana just decided she wanted to show off and don't listen to her team. And just keeps trying to do weird things.

I'd say both Lapis and Diana have become hate-able recently.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Question, is it just me, or has Diana become super hate-able?
Diana just decided she wanted to show off and don't listen to her team. And just keeps trying to do weird things.

I'd say both Lapis and Diana have become hate-able recently.

God forbid women do anything

last edited at Mar 21, 2025 11:03AM

joined Apr 2, 2023

I can’t drum up any hate for either of them. Their motivations are easy to get and teenagers being a touch insecure and selfish (Diana) or stubborn in their plans (Lapis) is what makes a plot move forward.

joined Jul 31, 2019

Their motivations are easy to get and teenagers being a touch insecure and selfish (Diana) or stubborn in their plans (Lapis) is what makes a plot move forward.

Speaking of that, I completely forgot by now what is that plan by Lapis, was that even revealed? Killing everyone or something? I don't remember except that it's all for the sake of that guy becoming the king for some reason, which at this point no one wants including him :P

joined Sep 10, 2022

Their motivations are easy to get and teenagers being a touch insecure and selfish (Diana) or stubborn in their plans (Lapis) is what makes a plot move forward.

Speaking of that, I completely forgot by now what is that plan by Lapis, was that even revealed? Killing everyone or something? I don't remember except that it's all for the sake of that guy becoming the king for some reason, which at this point no one wants including him :P

She's not doing it for the guy--I think his outcome is just part of her overall plans. She wants revenge for things that happened in the past, especially related to members of her family (forgot if it was her sister or not). It's all manifested in some (apparent) hatred for a certain class of people and a desire to upend things.

It has taken a while to show up though, which is part of my issue with the series at the moment. A lot of things have taken a backseat or "slow burned" in favor of Diana's (currently) unrequited love antics and other stuff. I understand why that might be happening but still. Her plans are moving forward bit by bit every chapter but it's happening slower than I'd like. I'm more interested in Lapis' plans and Natori's place in them than much of what's being focused on. I'm just hoping this is a very long series, so we do spend a lot of time with Lapis' decisions eventually.

last edited at Mar 21, 2025 5:55PM

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