Forum › Normality and Monsters discussion
i see a lot of people hating on knock off slender men, and to be honest he is not great villain, and view is wrong.
but i'm not being objective, this manga was made for me specifficlly so i'm gonna defend him. the reason he hates the normal person so much is cause they don't do shit, theyed rather a namless number in the crowd then be the leader, ands thats why he used the comment section annology, people who follow the band wagon of hate or for stuff they get for free instead of contributing to soceity, obviously this made from a more collectvist point, but i do feel like this can be applied to indvisulist society, where ussally louder and more willing to make a rukuss of things, but the left and the right are just following the crowd and not saying or doing anything unique even the good people, i'm not saying he's right (no where close, complaining about free stuff can be valuable), just saying i know where he's coming from
i hop this came out as readable, i'm having a hard time putting my thoughts into word, and i feel like i wrote a complete mess (i have this hole other thing about him being a individualist being put in a collectivst soceity i don't even know how to write)
this is completely unrelated but there's something about a character complaining about comment sections of free, then see the comment section hate on him. i can't explain it, it just puts a smile on my face
i hope they comr back, such a waste of a char design
i see a lot of people hating on knock off slender men, and to be honest he is not great villain, and view is wrong.
but i'm not being objective, this manga was made for me specifficlly so i'm gonna defend him. the reason he hates the normal person so much is cause they don't do shit, theyed rather a namless number in the crowd then be the leader, ands thats why he used the comment section annology, people who follow the band wagon of hate or for stuff they get for free instead of contributing to soceity, obviously this made from a more collectvist point, but i do feel like this can be applied to indvisulist society, where ussally louder and more willing to make a rukuss of things, but the left and the right are just following the crowd and not saying or doing anything unique even the good people, i'm not saying he's right (no where close, complaining about free stuff can be valuable), just saying i know where he's coming fromi hop this came out as readable, i'm having a hard time putting my thoughts into word, and i feel like i wrote a complete mess (i have this hole other thing about him being a individualist being put in a collectivst soceity i don't even know how to write)
this is completely unrelated but there's something about a character complaining about comment sections of free, then see the comment section hate on him. i can't explain it, it just puts a smile on my face
There's nuance here very much intended by the arc, I think. "Normalcy" includes some very bad things, like "be cis," "be straight," "be neurotypical," etc. But it also includes "Don't force people to do things against their consent". One of the biggest threats of normalcy, even, is some of the most "normalized" people deciding that they're SO normal, that they follow all the rules SO well, that they can afford to break one or two intentionally and it'll still be fine. As long as they're a cishet white man with a fairly high income and a house in the suburbs and a Ford truck, they can go out and murder a homeless person once a year and still think of themselves as "normal".
The Chameleon's problem is kind of the inverse of that: that these norms are bad and stifling and harmful, therefore all norms are. That guy in that example isn't bad for murdering a homeless person, just bad for being a cishet suburbanite, because the best is to not follow any rules no matter the consequences. I'm sure they'd be hypocritical about being eaten alive, though. After all, throwing tea in someone's face also violates norms and yet they attempted to assault Itou as "punishment" rather than applauding her brave iconoclasm lol. Itou even points this out, saying "sorry I splashed you with tea, but you'll accept anything I do, right?" The Chameleon responds "You must pay a price for your incivility towards us". And what is civility, but just one more set of norms?
last edited at Feb 24, 2025 6:43AM
Slenderman may have been trying to draw out the worm to get more information about her abilities, since she could be both a threat and ally to the plan. I'm not sure the last part was sincere. We haven't had a lot of scenes, but it felt out of character to me compared to what came before.
I will say I don't otherwise see hypocrisy. Wanting people to be free to do things like murder doesn't mean you want to be personally murdered. It just means you want people to be free to try. A comparison: I might want someone to be free to tell me their real feelings about me, but then end up being disturbed by how they really feel. This doesn't mean I wanted them to lie to me, as I wanted the truth, but I would have preferred that the truth was something else if that had been possible.
Slenderman clearly is also proposing rules, from what I can tell, to the point even he must be aware of it. His end goal is to create a media human farm. That presumably will involve protecting those humans from monsters that don't value entertainment media. He wants a very different social environment than what exists now, but still is envisioning one.
last edited at Feb 24, 2025 7:48AM
I'm surprised how much is being interpreted into Slendy's Nasuverse-level "We live in a society"-monologue. "Humans are inherently bad, except for a small subset that conveniently serves me. Ipso facto, I must re-create the world in my image, albeit lacking the facilities required to prevent repetition of the status quo." This is an JRPG-villain's alibi-misanthropy. (And really, taking over a school? The secret ideological organization ACROSS has sounder dogma and plans than you.)
Perhaps this is not unique to japanese media, western comics (Marvel, DC, Kingsmen, etc...) have also dabbled into that, but I immediately associated that stance with japanese (not eastern) works first and foremost. I wonder what it says about a society when a pubertal "Everyone sucks!" is supposed to be an obvious reason for genocide. The particular examples here also give me the feeling Warugi or Shinotsuki had a bone to pick.
Well, I don't think Slendy was serious about this and probably making it up on the spot to win Itou over, seeing she was already sympathetic to another monster.
Incidentally, why was Takahashi there? Does she suddenly care enough about Itou to stalk her? Then she must have followed them from the school to Mr. N's apartment. So much for not infringing on another monster's territory.
Incidentally, why was Takahashi there? Does she suddenly care enough about Itou to stalk her? Then she must have followed them from the school to Mr. N's apartment. So much for not infringing on another monster's territory.
Slenderman does seem to be meant to be both comical and someone who likes to make convenient nonsense as they go along. The premise of the story is still Itou learning about normality from the perspective of other outsiders, the monsters. I think we are meant to read into it a little, rather than entirely dismissing Slenderman's perspective.
"Kill the normies" may also appeal to certain demographics for obvious reasons, even if they wouldn't really want it to happen.
last edited at Feb 24, 2025 4:14PM
Incidentally, why was Takahashi there? Does she suddenly care enough about Itou to stalk her? Then she must have followed them from the school to Mr. N's apartment. So much for not infringing on another monster's territory.
I guess by territory she meant Itou? Takahashi saw her first after all
This was just picked up by Yen Press. Monster yuri well represented lately I feel. They've named it "Common-Sense Monster".
This was just picked up by Yen Press. Monster yuri well represented lately I feel. They've named it "Common-Sense Monster".
Abysmal translation choice for the title. What were they thinking...?
I've already said this before I think but I love the worm's mouth design and I wonder how it'd feel to be bitten by it...
So this monster decided to choose death... Good riddance.