Did the volume have a character guide, or was that a translator gift? If the latter, we must get more names later in the volume, because we haven't seen a lot of those. (Also, Fuku or Fuki? It's mostly been Fuki before.)
There have been clouds of foreboding before, like Umi drawing "moderate luck" in the fortune telling. Whether it'll go anywhere, I dunno.
Shou has reversed course a lot, from "don't tell your best friend" to "let's come out entirely". Dunno if she's thought about the dorm's reaction to girlfriends sharing a room...
Chapter confirming that Zumi was passively in the bully group, not that I had much doubt. Also deepens her hatred for the place. She calls out shitty neighbors, but before that, nosey people. Is there something she's trying to hide?
I feel Zumi's hair is sliiighty longer than it has been.
Zumi: "why today?"
me: cuz you had a bug in your hair
Shou: cuz you had a bug in your hair
me: woo! I called it.
Fairly low-key chapter-part in background people. https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_blue_star_on_that_day_ano_koro_no_aoi_hoshi_ch18#7 might be the biggest. Yosshi eyeing Umi, Zumi don't care, Makki part of the shield bug group
not sure what's with Zumi's eyes here. At first she's outright glaring, then pensive. https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_blue_star_on_that_day_ano_koro_no_aoi_hoshi_ch18#9
wonder if this is Makki going "it was me". https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_blue_star_on_that_day_ano_koro_no_aoi_hoshi_ch18#16
what exactly does Zumi "get"? https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_blue_star_on_that_day_ano_koro_no_aoi_hoshi_ch18#18
I had no idea that Japanese kids get Santa.
Confirmation Umi has an older brother. I think I thought she had an older sibling from some flashback.