Forum › Koharu and Minato: My Partner is a Girl discussion

joined Jan 13, 2019

I almost skipped but I'm so glad I didn't...age gap tag please so the enthusiasts like me can find it!!

joined Jan 13, 2019

Also, I think the pages are out of order for the first chapter, the omake should be later! :D

Bright Smiles Scans
joined Dec 10, 2024

Also, I think the pages are out of order for the first chapter, the omake should be later! :D

Thanks for pointing that out :) I'm still getting used to uploading on Dynasty so I have some wrinkles to iron out

joined Aug 9, 2020

not tagging this as yuri??

joined Mar 16, 2022

Isn't this an essay manga?

Bright Smiles Scans
joined Dec 10, 2024

If you have tag suggestions for this series, please submit them using the tag suggestion button at the top of the chapter or series page.

joined May 21, 2021

Really cute, though you do need to overlook the fact that they probably started dating when Minato was still a minor.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Thanks for the translation and uploads! The series is very enjoyable so far

Really cute, though you do need to overlook the fact that they probably started dating when Minato was still a minor.

Maybe the series starts after they've been dating for a year lol

joined Jul 21, 2024

How nice it got upload to dynasty! ^v^

joined Jul 21, 2024

Isn't this an essay manga?

I think it’s more of an autobiography since the story is about a real-life couple, as they wrote on their Twitter page. :)
(The description on Dynasty says it's an essay, but I’m not sure what a manga essay is, so I think it’s an autobiography)

last edited at Feb 9, 2025 11:21AM

joined May 21, 2021

Maybe the series starts after they've been dating for a year lol

They were already in a steady relationship when the younger girl was 18. That leaves very little leeway.
Anyway, I don't know their exact circumstance so I'm not judging. It's just something that stood out to me.

(The description on Dynasty says it's an essay, but I’m not sure what a manga essay is, so I think it’s an autobiography)

Manga essay is how they call this type of series on YuriHime. Our Days Under One Roof by Inui Ayu is another one.

last edited at Feb 9, 2025 11:29AM

joined Feb 16, 2023

Yay I was hoping I'd get to read this some day thanks for the scan!

joined Sep 27, 2017

Maybe the series starts after they've been dating for a year lol

They were already in a steady relationship when the younger girl was 18. That leaves very little leeway.
Anyway, I don't know their exact circumstance so I'm not judging. It's just something that stood out to me.

Ah I see, yeah in fairness I'm very sleep deprived right now so I'll have to read the series when I'm fully awake.

I can at least say though that I had family that moved out when they were about 18 to go live with a partner that was 10 years older, I'm not sure when they started dating, but about 20 years later even after they parted ways that partner is still a family friend. Life has a lot of unique and complicated circumstances, so it's hard for me to judge this series too harshly I suppose.

joined Jul 8, 2019

Really cute, though you do need to overlook the fact that they probably started dating when Minato was still a minor.

Not in Japan, where age of consent is 16 since 2023 (used to be 13).

joined May 24, 2022

Really cute, though you do need to overlook the fact that they probably started dating when Minato was still a minor.

Not in Japan, where age of consent is 16 since 2023 (used to be 13).

Age of consent =/= age of majority. When the former is lower than the latter, a minor can legally consent.
The age of majority in Japan was lowered from 20 to 18 a few years ago. Minato was a legal minor, Minato was able to legally consent. Which is also beside the point; I don't think the original commenter was considered with legality, only ethics.

Not sure people want to make this forum about issues of consent, grooming, and age-based power imbalances though. Because I can't resist, I'll leave my opinion at: I think making a manga about a real 20 yr old/30 yr old couple is weird.

joined Jan 13, 2019

Yes this age gap is quite unethical. As a 24 year old lesbian, if there are any 34 year old lesbians who would like to discuss the implications of this with me, please let me know.

joined Dec 23, 2020

Yes this age gap is quite unethical. As a 24 year old lesbian, if there are any 34 year old lesbians who would like to discuss the implications of this with me, please let me know.

Subtle. The yuribait has been set in the trap...

joined Aug 14, 2020

Had me at "autobiographical"

joined Jul 25, 2014

Just literally the day after i finish rereading Inui Ayu's manga, this drop. This is perfect.

joined Jan 13, 2020

very very cute, i really enjoyed inui ayu's autobiographical thing too and i'm happy to see more of these. and yeah エッセイ has vibes of "non-fiction work longer/deeper than a blog post but remains personally expressive/subjective" vs the academic feel of "essay" in english.

Yes this age gap is quite unethical. As a 24 year old lesbian, if there are any 34 year old lesbians who would like to discuss the implications of this with me, please let me know.

it wasn't until i became a valid onee-san target for age gap enthusiasts on dynasty that i truly felt my age.......

joined Jul 8, 2019

Not sure people want to make this forum about issues of consent, grooming, and age-based power imbalances though.

I don't. SImply pointing out that despite the hilarious fixation of too many peple for the magic number 18, it is not always THE magic number. In Japan is less, in some countries is MORE, and in mine is not even a number but a sliding scale based upon the age of both partners - but that's besides the point. The point was, "hey, she is 20 and she has been in a relationship for exactly 2.1 years, that was a no-no because of 20-2" is not... a valid mathematical equation unless the characters happen to be in a very specific part of the world. In other worlds, is an issue about "excesive local country prism". That the issue happens to be related to AoC is just a happenstance. (emphasis edited in for clarity)

Clearer now?

also, so not to double post

it wasn't until i became a valid onee-san target for age gap enthusiasts on dynasty that i truly felt my age.......

I understand you, sister. Be glad - some of us are ara ara targets :-D

last edited at Feb 9, 2025 7:41PM

joined Feb 21, 2023

happy people can just go die

joined Jan 13, 2019

it wasn't until i became a valid onee-san target for age gap enthusiasts on dynasty that i truly felt my age.......

Do not fret!! It only goes up from here, real onee-san enthusiasts will love you for decades

joined Apr 12, 2018

I'm just amused by the temporary temporary ring, lol

joined May 10, 2021

Well, ain't that the sweetest fucking thing.
Thanks for the TL!

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