Not sure people want to make this forum about issues of consent, grooming, and age-based power imbalances though.
I don't. SImply pointing out that despite the hilarious fixation of too many peple for the magic number 18, it is not always THE magic number. In Japan is less, in some countries is MORE, and in mine is not even a number but a sliding scale based upon the age of both partners - but that's besides the point. The point was, "hey, she is 20 and she has been in a relationship for exactly 2.1 years, that was a no-no because of 20-2" is not... a valid mathematical equation unless the characters happen to be in a very specific part of the world. In other worlds, is an issue about "excesive local country prism". That the issue happens to be related to AoC is just a happenstance. (emphasis edited in for clarity)
Clearer now?
also, so not to double post
it wasn't until i became a valid onee-san target for age gap enthusiasts on dynasty that i truly felt my age.......
I understand you, sister. Be glad - some of us are ara ara targets :-D
last edited at Feb 9, 2025 7:41PM