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joined Aug 1, 2011

Dom channel you say? Dig the dike, you say? /jk

Honestly, though, this chapter was great as always and I really appreciated the translator's notes at the end. It does make me wonder if they went with DAM channel, and "obfuscating" it as Dom intentionally, if it was intentional on the part of the translators, or if it was all just a happy coincidence, because having that come on right before she tells Manatsu to lick her finger was amusing.

joined Feb 1, 2021


but also, cute chapter, lol

joined Jul 6, 2020

Isn't there a saying, "dig the dike before the flood"?

The layered meanings in this one off line are craaaazy, props to the scan team for that one

joined Sep 23, 2021

i love that instead of the usual "oh no gross close everything" reaction to looking up how two girls do it, manatsu's reaction is "oh cool looks fun better trim my nails". shes a natural at this whole lesbian thing

joined Feb 1, 2021

i love that instead of the usual "oh no gross close everything" reaction to looking up how two girls do it, manatsu's reaction is "oh cool looks fun better trim my nails". shes a natural at this whole lesbian thing

I mean she did go KA-BLUSH which may be my new favorite sound effect in all of manga

but yeah props for taking it in stride besides that

joined Oct 14, 2014

"I should trim my nails" is kinda funny 'cause like I feel like people who didn't know lesbians exist until last week typically somehow do not come to that conclusion, no matter how obvious

joined Aug 29, 2019

"I should trim my nails" is kinda funny 'cause like I feel like people who didn't know lesbians exist until last week typically somehow do not come to that conclusion, no matter how obvious

There's a non-zero chance she looked up an actual "sesbian lex 101" guide and got one that does cover the basics and prepwork.

Anyway, this is currently my favorite ongoing manga (that I'm actively following – sorry, *A Monster Wants to Eat Me").
Every chapter is the exact right mix of characters being dishonest (with themselves as well, though it's mostly Nagisa here), characters being horny and the overall atmosphere being fluffy.

last edited at Jan 6, 2025 9:24PM

joined Aug 14, 2020

"Dig the dike before the flood" an apt insight, considering the dual-meaning of that word.

last edited at Jan 6, 2025 9:51PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Even if this relationship doesn't get extended past the deadline it's already been a huge success. She's gone from "all I know is that I've never met a guy I like" to "gay sex huh? I could see myself in that for sure" lol. It's genuinely adorable to me just how open Manatsu is to all of this. She's completely unguarded and willing to push this as far as it will go, no hesitancy, to find out what she truly wants. It's very refreshing to get a romance without any hemming and hawing for once.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Also like the dike line has a triple meaning with a dike being a type of dam and the largest karaoke machine provider in Japan being DAM (as referenced in this chapter)
I personally have more experience with Joysound. They're much less exclusive with their licensing and availability in general

last edited at Jan 6, 2025 11:35PM
joined Jun 6, 2020

i guess one could say its a bit of a dental dam

joined Apr 25, 2020

this manga is straight up absolute god tier level masterpiece

joined Jan 30, 2017

Man, I love Manatsu.

joined May 3, 2020

i love the little flinch Nagi does when Manatsu sucks her finger,
but then she's the one who pulls Manatsu back for another kiss, and goes in with her tongue. But then it's Manatsu who puts her hand on Nagi's leg…

I love this dance between the two.

They are both in it, they both are committed, they are both on equal(ly unsure) footing, and they are both making bold strides that take a lot of courage.

Just look at the way Nagi asks Manatsu about coming over!

joined Jul 21, 2024

shouldn't this series have a comedy tag? cause seriously it got good funny jokes and moments :D

joined Aug 19, 2021

Five days into a relationship, already better than most yuri manga, with five chapters that outshine the majority of them.

joined Mar 4, 2018

A sweet frosting kiss.

joined May 3, 2020

are you sure it's sweet?

such claims require… Verification.
(also, a control group, and double blind (date) testing)

last edited at Jan 7, 2025 7:33PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

The teddy bear might just be a reference to the Care Bears but the way the claw machine grabs it when Sumie is controlling it, two claws under the heart... Well, maybe it doesn't mean anything.

joined Sep 21, 2019

Good on you Manatsu, proper nail care is key!

joined Jan 6, 2018

Rooting for Manatsu!

joined Jun 5, 2023

Can this manga's art be classified as Shoujo Art?

Is there any Yuri series whose art is as sparkling as Shoujo manga?

joined Apr 10, 2023

Shoujo is a magazine demographic, not an art style. But yeah there's absolutely shoujo yuri, a lot of it even lol. And of course plenty with that classic sparkley big eyed style people associate with shoujo, Yuri Hime has published a lot of it despite not having a specific demo tag (since it's focused on a fandom target audience rather than age/gender target audience). Here's a random example.

Edit: also while this manga isn't quite in that classic style, a lot of modern shoujo definitely looks similar to this. It's arguably the modern evolution of it, influenced by the moe style and higher printing resolution changing things.

last edited at Jan 9, 2025 5:06PM

joined Sep 21, 2019

Was forced to reread since I got a rec for it, woe is me.

Seriously, this is so, so good. The sweet heartache I get from their interactions is too addictive.

joined May 3, 2020

i am forced to reread all of this every time a new chapter is released. Yes, terrible.

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