Attack of the 50-Foot Wife.
Byleth x Edelgard and Very large size gap that's just plain cute :)
last edited at Dec 23, 2024 3:37PM
Tfw no giant wife
Edeleth in 2024. A great way to end a crappy year.
A story I didn't know I needed. I wish they got a bit more intimate before she was cured but it was great fun. Why isn't there more giantess yuri, theres a lot of opportunity there
objectively fantastic title
I see that person got Suletta'd
last edited at Dec 23, 2024 9:39PM
Ok but her height after first growing is very fine.
All I wanna do~ is see you turn into~ a giant woman~
You beat me to it damn
Getting Gundam Witch vibes, but with a bit less angst
....Oh, I notice I wasn't the only person to notice that lol
Getting Gundam Witch vibes, but with a bit less angst ....Oh, I notice I wasn't the only person to notice that lol
my name is edelgard and i love my very tall wife
And it isn't depressing or disturbing! A true miracle
I love edeleth . There's so many that haven't put on here yet
Credits page is so true
I need more Edeleth ngl
Edelgard uppies would've saved her.
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