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joined Dec 20, 2018

Little Akebi still so awesome. ^_^

And "spoke" may be going a bit too far for a newborn, but she certainly did react. ^_^

joined Sep 11, 2022

You can really understand why this family is so close and care so deeply for each other.

Komichi spilling her soul in her letter to Erika. Can't wait to see how all of this develops!

And no wonder why Komichi would go on to be a loving big sister to Kao and for Kao to be so strongly attached to Komichi.

And for the record, Kao's birth and Yuwa's survival was the direct result of Komichi's bravery. Bless that girl.

joined Apr 1, 2015

It's a terrible day for rain.

It seems an onion ninja has sneaked into my own house these last two chapters

joined Mar 4, 2018

Look at the size of the cranium on that one. It's a virtual planetoid.

joined Jan 17, 2021

I wanna bet by the end of that letter is a confession. She said "was" after all.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Gravity? That's optional for Komichi. Also... My God! Play with my heart like a banjo, would you? I can't wait for this festival! What's gonna happen?! Man, this is getting more and more romantic between Komichi and Erika. Is such a delicious slow burn and I'm loving it!

last edited at Jul 2, 2024 6:33AM

joined Jan 26, 2021

aaaaa i cant wait for this dateee

joined Jul 29, 2017

I was going to go for the “just gals being pals—no yuri to see here” snark route, but after that I just don’t have the heart for it.

I don’t usually have much time for “too good to be true MC” stories. But I’m all-in on this one.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Both Komichi and Erika are perfect so it just works.

joined Sep 11, 2022

So it's finally happened...Erika is going to ask Komichi out on a date.

My day has been made so much better right now and it's barely been afternoon yet.

Congratulations to you both, Komichi and Erika.

Also, wow, Komichi really got existential there to her family. I admit I definitely felt like Kao there every now and then. "Please don't change!"

joined Mar 20, 2014

I have been wondering since the start: how the heck is Komichi pulling off all those moves? Did she practice rhythmic gymnastics or something? It never gets any mention.

joined May 28, 2021

OMG OMG OMG :O Things just keep getting more heartfelt and deep between these two. I'll be going mad with anticipation for the next chapter now XP Even Erika getting a bit jealous that she wasn't there can be interpreted in so many ways. Also, add this to the long list of chapters where Hiro-sensei is just flexing. That running in the flower field stuff is just gorgeous.

joined Mar 31, 2023

That running in the flower field stuff is just gorgeous.

Came here to say just that. Hiro put a lot of work into the background art for this chapter.

joined Sep 10, 2014

That last panel holy heck!!!

joined Jan 6, 2015

I have been wondering since the start: how the heck is Komichi pulling off all those moves? Did she practice rhythmic gymnastics or something? It never gets any mention.

Mama seems pretty good at it, so I'd assume she taught the girls sone of the moves. The countryside seems kind of lonely too, so I could see them practicing in their spare time just to have something fun to do.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Mama seems pretty good at it, so I'd assume she taught the girls sone of the moves. The countryside seems kind of lonely too, so I could see them practicing in their spare time just to have something fun to do.

Moves like that need to be practiced under supervision. You can really hurt yourself if you don't. She also pulls a clear-cut rhythmic gymnastic (or maybe cheerleading) move in the first chapter, so that's why I'm wondering.

joined May 28, 2021

Mama seems pretty good at it, so I'd assume she taught the girls sone of the moves. The countryside seems kind of lonely too, so I could see them practicing in their spare time just to have something fun to do.

Moves like that need to be practiced under supervision. You can really hurt yourself if you don't. She also pulls a clear-cut rhythmic gymnastic (or maybe cheerleading) move in the first chapter, so that's why I'm wondering.

We don't know much about the mother's background, but her being a former high ranking amateur athlete would certainly make a lot of sense, maybe even a former professional ballerina or something in that vein. She's definitely more than just someone who likes to exercise to stay in shape.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Too wonderful for words, even while still being just Komichi being Komichi.

And a nice way to end it as well. ^_^

joined Dec 9, 2021

It started so innocent and now...
This manga is killing me....and I just wanted to see that teachers butt once more....

joined Oct 25, 2023

This manga is killing me....and I just wanted to see that teachers butt once more....

What's this about? Care to refresh my memory?

joined May 18, 2019

I've never prayed this hard to the yuri gods that we don't get burned. Erika you're killing me here

last edited at Jul 2, 2024 9:23PM

joined Apr 28, 2019

i'm on my knees

joined Jul 29, 2017

I've never prayed this hard to the yuri gods that we don't get burned. Erika you're killing me here

The two of them have already had enough blush-sex it’s a wonder one or the both of them aren’t pregnant.

joined Sep 11, 2022

I've never prayed this hard to the yuri gods that we don't get burned. Erika you're killing me here

I don't think you can get burned at all now with Erika literally asking Komichi out on a date...

joined Feb 16, 2024


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