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joined Oct 21, 2017

Is this series still being translated?

last edited at Jan 23, 2022 9:06PM

joined Oct 10, 2020

Is this series still being translated?

Probably yeah, series is ending at chapter 20 so TL may wait until its over or close to being over to send me the scripts to edit.

joined Oct 21, 2017

Is this series still being translated?

Probably yeah, series is ending at chapter 20 so TL may wait until its over or close to being over to send me the scripts to edit.

I see thx 4 the info.

joined Feb 10, 2022

Is this series still being translated?

Probably yeah, series is ending at chapter 20 so TL may wait until its over or close to being over to send me the scripts to edit.

It ended with 20 chapters? I've read until chap18 where final battle is gonna happen. As far as I know it has 3 volume tho

joined Oct 10, 2020

Is this series still being translated?

Probably yeah, series is ending at chapter 20 so TL may wait until its over or close to being over to send me the scripts to edit.

It ended with 20 chapters? I've read until chap18 where final battle is gonna happen. As far as I know it has 3 volume tho

That’s what I was told by the TL, still waiting to receive translations from them.

joined Sep 22, 2021

oh from the scanlators above please update to ch 17 because their is already one

joined Apr 1, 2013

Possible to get an update on this series please? its been a few months and im positive the RAW chapters are already beyond chapter 16? is translation delayed?? could we please have an update or feedback on whats going on with this series? I hope it does continue

joined Jun 15, 2021

Oh no, Sensei has gotten very sick. At least since the beginning of the year. After meeting with the editorial staff, it was decided that the series should be suspended until Sensei recovers. Oh, yes, sensei is still active on twitter. But twittering and re-twittering, One can still do it while being sick. Drawing, no. For the record, the last chapter is chapter 18, that is issue 3 of 2022, issued at January 18.

last edited at Apr 17, 2022 9:53PM

joined Apr 26, 2022

PLZZZ PLZZZZZZZZZ update this I'm really dying to know what's gonna happend next. And there ar many chapters out rn TwT.

joined Oct 10, 2020

PLZZZ PLZZZZZZZZZ update this I'm really dying to know what's gonna happend next. And there ar many chapters out rn TwT.

There are only two chapters out that haven’t been scanlated. At any rate, in light of the indefinite hiatus, I’ve stepped down as editor so zero eta or word on when any of it will get done.

last edited at Apr 26, 2022 1:36PM

joined Jun 15, 2021

As I have pointed out somewhere, English fan translation is only 2 chapters behind. French and Chinese (China and Singapore only) 3 behind. Russian is only at chapter 7, Arabic is 4. I don't see Sensei recovered quick enough to start again. Perhaps the team can do the two chapters and "get it over with?". I know it is work. But not everyone can read the RAW, let alone knowing how to order it. I don't know if French and Chinese will overtake the English and reach 18.

Consider this manga is just about action and sex, you may be able to get away with it without translation... That is one of the few redeeming qualities of the manga and also it is a guilty pleasure. So this is more of a request on behalf of everyone, even though I no longer super rely on it anymore. Urbs please please pretty please?

last edited at May 12, 2022 12:17AM

joined Dec 23, 2020

It's been almost a year now...I wonder what happened to this series.

joined Jul 15, 2016

It's been almost a year now...I wonder what happened to this series.

Just scroll four comments above yours to find out. :-) Ogino Jun is sick, so the manga is on indefinite hiatus at 18 chapters in Japan; the English translations are two chapters behind because the scanlators have had an internal restructuring and put it on the backburner for now.

joined Nov 8, 2017


joined Sep 7, 2021

Get well soon Sensei, this was an absolute banger and a pleasure to read.

joined Mar 23, 2022

I hope sensei and praying for his early recovery, either way, Still patiently waiting for an update.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I've just read the first chapter and my first reaction was :

"wait is that AOT but yuri ?!?"

joined Feb 11, 2022

why do I feel like their bust is inflating page by page

sigh that's the problem with [big breast] tag

last edited at Jan 4, 2023 5:12PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

Wow this was actually really good, if it wasn't the insane amounts of waterbaloons (this should be a tag btw) this would be perfect 60/10 (since I think it was better than the last manga I read which was 50/10)

You see I've been wondering how this would look like as an anime and yeah sure ... the plot isn't the greatest out there but it's not half bad either however the animation would be absolutely crazy tho like please let me have brutal long sword yuri anime ,*please*

Also sadge, the scanlation didn't cover the whole thing :( , I hope it'll be complete someday

last edited at Jan 6, 2023 11:24AM

joined Jul 8, 2020

Any update about this series?

joined Mar 28, 2015

dfordii posted:

Any update about this series?

The author put it in hiatus.

Stopped publishing chapters since 2022.

joined Mar 18, 2023

News about Ogino sensei...sort of. When the hiatus announcement was made it was explained that it was for health reason, and as it turns out from his own social media recently, it was depression. But to receive treatment for depression for 2 years to the point of unable to work is alarming, which means this is beyond your run of the mill oral medicine treatment that one may go through. If I would made a guess it is not just depression, but bi-polar depression. In any case this is not an illness to be taken lightly (people die). I hope he takes as much time as it is, and take as many methods (there are many new methods that no longer require oral medication) as he can to tame the disease.
I have to admire him for coming out telling the public about the illness, as it is typically taboo.
Interestingly, he is Yurihime's ONLY male artist. How ironic. He is only 35.


He also drew a couple lycoris-Recoil panels. So at least he is not totally disabled by his depression.

joined Jul 21, 2024

News about Ogino sensei...sort of. When the hiatus announcement was made it was explained that it was for health reason, and as it turns out from his own social media recently, it was depression. But to receive treatment for depression for 2 years to the point of unable to work is alarming, which means this is beyond your run of the mill oral medicine treatment that one may go through. If I would made a guess it is not just depression, but bi-polar depression. In any case this is not an illness to be taken lightly (people die). I hope he takes as much time as it is, and take as many methods (there are many new methods that no longer require oral medication) as he can to tame the disease.
I have to admire him for coming out telling the public about the illness, as it is typically taboo.
Interestingly, he is Yurihime's ONLY male artist. How ironic. He is only 35.


He also drew a couple lycoris-Recoil panels. So at least he is not totally disabled by his depression.

I'm not sure if this is confirm but it seems that Semelparous is getting a 4th volume, as mentioned on the Seven Seas Entertainment website, with a release planned for late next year.

Well, I hope he takes care of himself and doesn’t work himself too hard. Wishing him all the best! It’s comforting to know he has a dog by his side. :)

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