Forum › Clandestine Affair discussion

joined Aug 1, 2011

Yuko Ichihara, is that you?

I know they're completely unrelated, but this is giving me some serious xxxHolic vibes and I'm always down for those.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

It's certainly very lovely. And I like a lot of things about it.
Not too much happens per chapter, though. Mind you, somehow that fits . . . the whole thing seems like a sort of reverie.

joined Jan 19, 2020

This story has so much potential and the art is absolutely stunning I will keep my eye on this

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

What on earth is his deal? She's so beautiful, why would he not want her? Why would he marry her if he didn't want her? I don't see how it could be some kind of bizarre thing with how he relates to her family, because her family are nobodies. There's the dynamic where some men marry a classy woman but want to do their fooling around with trashy women, but first, usually men like that are at least polite to the woman they married, and second, while she does seem to be sort of innately classy, she's not upper class in her background . . . I don't get what's going on.

Not that I ultimately care. Forget that loser and let's see these two beautiful flowers make each other happy.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I appreciate the artist's commitment to just giving our protagonist the biggest breasts of all time.

I'm very curious to see what miss butterfly dream's plan for this situation is, and on the subject of "why would this guy have married her if she has no status and he doesn't think she's hot" and this might sound far fetched but honestly maybe he's gay. Marrying a woman with no status would be preferable in that case because then he can spurn her without any fear of the family retaliating like they would have if he married a woman from an influential family.

However we already saw him flirting with another woman, granted it was filtered through the memories of mirror lady, so I'm not so sure the theory holds any water.

joined Feb 3, 2021

mmm, I think its more likely he either married her to make his family happy or he married her since she's from a poor family and he can make use of that to keep being a playboy, knowing she won't make a fuss; possibly both. And if he doesn't sleep with her, he can claim she never gave him an heir, divorce her, and marry someone else in the future that he actually likes.

joined May 3, 2014

What on earth is his deal? She's so beautiful, why would he not want her? Why would he marry her if he didn't want her? I don't see how it could be some kind of bizarre thing with how he relates to her family, because her family are nobodies. There's the dynamic where some men marry a classy woman but want to do their fooling around with trashy women, but first, usually men like that are at least polite to the woman they married, and second, while she does seem to be sort of innately classy, she's not upper class in her background . . . I don't get what's going on.

Not that I ultimately care. Forget that loser and let's see these two beautiful flowers make each other happy.

i do not see this story end on an happy ending, for one the whole ghost thing is really a dead given they won’t be able to do much but talk and pretend she doesn’t exist so that people don’t call you a nutjob for talking to an invisible person

i will have to wait untill the story ends to find out if the story has any happy ending, otherwise if i were to emotionally invest myself in an tragic ending that will hunt me T^T

also i will rather the ghost pass on and the MC find a amazing women to be with :3 unless we are getting an het ending but not with the husband??? that will be worst that having an tragic ending were the MC dies to join with the ghost, at least they will be ghost yuri XD but we will see how it goes XD

last edited at Apr 14, 2024 7:51PM

joined May 26, 2020

Your "husband" is trash. Your "family" is trash. Your :Life" is trash. Just elope with the Mirror Ghost woman and live happily ever after. (after cleaning out your "husband's" safe, of course. A shady guy like him is bound to have cash around)

joined Jul 29, 2017

Your "husband" is trash. Your "family" is trash. Your :Life" is trash. Just elope with the Mirror Ghost woman and live happily ever after. (after cleaning out your "husband's" safe, of course. A shady guy like him is bound to have cash around)

I think the logistics of “eloping with the Mirror Ghost woman” might be a bit of a challenge.

joined May 26, 2020

Your "husband" is trash. Your "family" is trash. Your :Life" is trash. Just elope with the Mirror Ghost woman and live happily ever after. (after cleaning out your "husband's" safe, of course. A shady guy like him is bound to have cash around)

I think the logistics of “eloping with the Mirror Ghost woman” might be a bit of a challenge.

She's been moving the mirror all around the house. She's built up some muscle by now.

joined Mar 4, 2018

She outta claim her rightful place with a Mauser pistol. Warlord-era China would be lousy with them.

joined May 10, 2021

My fucking words do I enjoy this manhua.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Jul 13, 2015

She is going to bang a ghost :)

joined Jul 6, 2020

Alright lets take some guesses on what we think a lesson in desire is gonna be. Is it:
A. Madame butterfly manages to fuck her through the mirror.
B. Bai Yuetao is told to strip and masturbate in front of the mirror.
C. Other (please elaborate in the space below)

joined May 26, 2020

Alright lets take some guesses on what we think a lesson in desire is gonna be. Is it:
A. Madame butterfly manages to fuck her through the mirror.
B. Bai Yuetao is told to strip and masturbate in front of the mirror.
C. Other (please elaborate in the space below)

C. She sticks a D!ldo to the mirror and has a blast.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Your "husband" is trash. Your "family" is trash. Your :Life" is trash. Just elope with the Mirror Ghost woman and live happily ever after. (after cleaning out your "husband's" safe, of course. A shady guy like him is bound to have cash around)

I think the logistics of “eloping with the Mirror Ghost woman” might be a bit of a challenge.

She's been moving the mirror all around the house. She's built up some muscle by now.

I’ve been enjoying the image of her fleeing in a taxi with the mirror, vengeful asshole husband in pursuit.

Or checking into an out-of-the-way inn, when the clerk says, “Any luggage?”

“Just a small bag. And this full-length mirror.”

joined Mar 2, 2019

The art is just unbelievably gorgeous, and the story has got me hooked.

joined Aug 4, 2018

The art is just unbelievably gorgeous, and the story has got me hooked.

Tell me about it.
I love Chinese manhua like this one so much.

joined Jul 13, 2015

Where is the affair?

joined May 10, 2021

Welp, day 6 and they're still way too fucking good looking, the husband is still a dumb cunt and I'm still in love with this.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Oct 19, 2021

Mm, the significance of her introducing herself as Bai Yuetao - she's completely abandoned the Lu name there, yeah? That's her maiden name?

Edit: yes, it's as I thought! Wow, I love that for her :O

last edited at May 29, 2024 8:01PM

joined Mar 9, 2024

Accidentally clicked on this and LORD AM I PLEASED I DID. Loving the story so far, and the art is beautiful !! Looking forward for more chapters in the future

joined Jul 15, 2016

Sigh, I guess I ship Yuetao x Ruby now, as well.

joined May 26, 2020

Sigh, I guess I ship Yuetao x Ruby now, as well.

Amateur! It should be a threesome with the Mirror Ghost. She deserves it.

last edited at Jun 14, 2024 12:12PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Getting pedantic, but I don't think the lady in the mirror is a ghost. Well, she might be, we don't know very much about how she got that way. But the impression I get isn't so much girl dies-->haunts mirror as girl alive-->gets trapped in mirror, either as a whole or just her spirit or something. The difference being that once you're dead, coming back to life is generally not a thing, but if you're trapped, you could escape. Right now her plan is to escape by possessing our heroine, but it's all kind of vague . . . she doesn't seem to know how exactly. Given the general uncertainty about just what is going on and how it works, I don't think we've foreclosed on the possibility of her getting out in a more solid sort of way.

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