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joined Oct 20, 2019

Is there any sign if Nyashi is going to be doing any more translations for this?
The ones over Manga-dex don't seem to be anywhere near as good, so I'm questioning whether I shoud wait.

I was in contact with them at the beginning, but I didn't hear anything for a while.
I'm sorry you don't find the translation good enough, I'm trying my best to bring you an English ver and it's not even my language. Just to be sure, which chapter are you referring to? I worked on ch 28-29 and now preparing ch 30 with our team

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I read the first few chapters a long time ago and have never come back to it until now because I thought it was some generic story with no real essence to it. Oh boy, was I extremely wrong. The story in the 22 chapters that I've read have blown me away, I understand why so many people enjoy it.

At first I thought the commoner rioting was just a small thing in the background that was going to be used for comedic reasons since that was the tone of the story so far. This story is a wolf in sheep's clothing and I absolutely love it. The shift from slice of life rom com to serious fantasy plot caught me off guard.

You can bet your butt that I will read the light novel no matter how much I dislike reading books by themselves. The pacing at the start was rough but now it's really picking up. I really like the characterization, development, plot, and I can't wait for more :)

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 3:52AM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Thanks for the comment! Yeah, I like it too.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I kinda feel like pummelling Rei's classmates from her old life into the ground rn. With one, maybe two exceptions, depending how next chapter pans out

joined Jun 22, 2013

The anime just got confirmed for a dub:

I know Dynasty is overwhelmingly anti-dub, but surely there's gotta be someone psyched for this besides me... right?

last edited at Sep 20, 2023 12:44PM

joined Mar 31, 2023

I'm late to the party on this one. Watched the first three episodes of the anime and liked it enough to pick-up the manga. Thanks to the scanlators for their hard work bring this to Dynasty Scans.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Warning: it stopped updating here, and you'll eventually have to go to mangadex for later chapters, many of which have poor translation.

joined Jun 16, 2023

This story was also originally a series of light novels, which are available in English, if one wants to read ahead that way.

joined Mar 31, 2023

Warning: it stopped updating here, and you'll eventually have to go to mangadex for later chapters, many of which have poor translation.

Thanks for the info, especially considering I'm at the end of what's posted here. So, did the scanlator give up on the series?

joined Feb 24, 2018

I'm not the scanlator but it's more of it's been officially licensed by Seven Seas and most likely to encourage picking up the official release.

joined Jan 18, 2016

wataoshi is the goat, one of best yuri LN + manga imo. plot and everything. been such a big fan over the years and im glad to see it has an anime now (currently airing)!

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Warning: it stopped updating here, and you'll eventually have to go to mangadex for later chapters, many of which have poor translation.

Thanks for the info, especially considering I'm at the end of what's posted here. So, did the scanlator give up on the series?

The scanlation has a long and storied history. The short of it is that the main scanlator dropped all projects, including this one, then it sat in limbo while various groups picked up and sniped back and forth. Unfortunately, the quality has suffered beyond just the language issues. But hey, it's coming out consistently along with the ILTV spin-off food manga, which is a blessing!

last edited at Dec 12, 2023 8:11PM

joined Nov 8, 2017

I only just realized this hasn't been updated in over a year.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Heh, if you count the official release, there are now four scanlations for this manga. Two on MangaDex (one fast, one high-quality), then this one here on Dynasty, and then the official one.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Pipi and Loretta held hands, new OTP acquired

joined Jan 14, 2020

Heh, if you count the official release, there are now four scanlations for this manga. Two on MangaDex (one fast, one high-quality), then this one here on Dynasty, and then the official one.

While I haven't compared page to page, "this one here" is at least largely just a copy of some of the ones on Mangadex. E.g. chapter 23 is by HowFunScans on both sites, while a recent chapter is by Aoi Shoujo Scans on both sites, ASS being the "slower but more careful" group on Mangadex compared to FDAM.

joined Dec 14, 2020

I didn’t realize it had been over a year but holy 11 chapter drop :)))

joined Jan 13, 2021

The flashback chapters are going to spark off a new cycle wherein a beautiful depressed homosexual baroness from a fantasy world somehow gets her hands on WataOshi and falls irrevocably in love with Shiiko for her dazzling wit and unwavering honesty and mysterious amounts of what the wizards are calling "tgirl swag". When she passes away from yearning and a touch of poison, she shall reincarnate into the shitty capitalist hellscape of modernity and set her heart upon saving this scrunkly little otaku from alienation and burnout. On my way to pitch Goodness Gracious, I Am Entirely Infatuated With This Himejoshi! to YHC. Alternately we could blackmail Inori's editor to make them send an email to the author stating that high-tea-and-blond-crackers fantasy is out and failgirl reverse isekai is the future. With your help we can save the genre and give Shiiko the happy ending she needs. Do it for the hedgehog, my most special girl.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I didn’t realize it had been over a year but holy 11 chapter drop :)))

Yeah, it's been updating off and on on Mdex for a while, across 3 different groups. Currently two are sharing.

joined Nov 21, 2018

Oh, I hadn't read this one in... A couple years now. I remember liking it at the time, so it'll be fun to catch up.

joined Jun 7, 2023

Aw man, i was so happy for new chapters but then i remmembered i already read them on mangadex lol

joined Jan 4, 2021

Holy shit it's finally been updated on here after like a year lol

joined Jun 22, 2018

Reading some of the translator notes on overworking themselves was kinda heartbreaking, hope they're doing better
We thank you for your service salute

joined May 24, 2014

She finally realized that she ISN'T on a game?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Did I have to read all these newly-uploaded chapters here despite the fact I've already read them all on MD? No.
Did I read them anyways? Yes.

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