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joined Mar 8, 2014

Kiiiisssss 8D

joined Dec 20, 2018

Adorable. ^_^

And can we take our other couple taking the cover as a hint that the ship is sailing indeed?

joined Oct 25, 2022

Yet another chapter demonstrating that this is one of the coziest series around.

joined Oct 25, 2022

Yet another chapter demonstrating that this is one of the coziest series around.

And of course it's followed up by a decidedly un-cozy chapter. XD Matsuba still best granny though.

Asako's reservations here are really interesting. Similar to how it took her so long to realize her feelings for Miyako because she was so used to being the one pursuing, as opposed to the one being pursued, I'm guessing she's feeling anxious about the idea of building a life with Miyako long-term because she's never gotten to that point with her exes. I'm really curious to see how it's addressed.

And even worse, that ominous paparazzi at the end. This series has faked me out on a few things before, so hopefully it'll end up being nothing serious, but I can't help but feel their cozy life is about to get a lot more complicated.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Buying a car for the two of them is a big step; considering a home, is another. Seems like before that conversation, Asako hadn't really thought about how serious their relationship has become. She's treating Miyako like a life partner without realizing it.

We knew we'd have to deal with Miyako's identity being revealed eventually. Been building to that for a bit now. Seems like she'll blame herself when things go bad. She's been worried about her ability to provide Asako and "normal" life and this will certainly be the opposite of that. Asako will have to reassure her.

last edited at Jan 20, 2024 4:54PM

joined Aug 12, 2021

A big thing for Asako also seems to be that like, she's always been the person who buys and provides in every relationship she's had before now and it's never turned out well for her. But more importantly as the person who always provides she's not just going to be uncomfortable with the size of the presents (not to say that that's not part of it) but also just the fact that in this relationship it might not have to be her who buys the car, it might not have to be her who provides and that in and of itself is also scary to someone who has taken that role in every relationship she's been in so far.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Matsuba-san is still great. ^_^

But looks like we have new trouble coming up...

joined Feb 17, 2013

Uh oh, stalker again?

joined Dec 11, 2017

Uh oh, stalker again?

Possibly papparazi.

joined Mar 19, 2022

Uh oh, stalker again?

Possibly papparazi.

Is there a difference? Seriously, send those creeps to jail.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Jeeze, WHOSE love is stifling, old lady? How can she sit there looking so severe and offer to give her a house?!

joined May 9, 2017

Uh oh, stalker again?

Possibly papparazi.

Is there a difference? Seriously, send those creeps to jail.

Yeah, kind of. They both are doing the act of stalking but paparazzi will harm you through unveiling information or through diffamation while a "real" stalker can harm you physically. Both have ill intentions but I'd be more afraid of a real stalker. Obsessive fans can be quite unstable... Paparazzi are just assholes.

joined May 10, 2021

Aaaww man, that was, yet again, a nice and peaceful chapter.
Except, we see Asako worrying about her relationship with Miyako again.
And a fucking paparazzi is about to ruin everything (though this was bound to happen at some point).
So I guess it's soon to be big drama time again eh?
These two can't catch a break. And we can't enjoy enough fluff!
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Oct 9, 2011

Jeeze, WHOSE love is stifling, old lady? How can she sit there looking so severe and offer to give her a house?!

I think it's actually more saying Miyako would inherit the house when her grandma passes away, since her grandma does jokingly say it's a bit early for that.

last edited at Jan 21, 2024 4:43AM

joined Jul 15, 2016

Once again, Miyako blows me away by how socially competent she is. She knew Asako would be way too self-conscious about telling Matsuba that she is now dating her granddaughter, so Miyako went ahead and informed her well in advance.

Jeeze, WHOSE love is stifling, old lady? How can she sit there looking so severe and offer to give her a house?!

I got a feeling that despite her bluster, grandma is still slightly awkward about her favorite granddaughter having a same-sex relationship, and covers it up by keeping Asako off-balance at all times.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Uh oh, stalker again?

Possibly papparazi.

Is there a difference? Seriously, send those creeps to jail.

Eh, I understand the sentiment, but freedom of the press is actually important. There will always be people who sit on the absolute edge of what is defined as legal like psychic vultures, but anything you do to inhibit them could also limit the ability of the press to actually report on things that matter.

joined Oct 22, 2023

no :(

joined Oct 25, 2022

So it was indeed paparazzi. Curious what the director is planning here; I'm no expert in Japanese labor laws, but I can't imagine there is any way she can force Miyako to be an idol again against her will.

And we get some more insight into Asako's thoughts from last chapter. They seem pretty reasonable? It makes total sense that she doesn't want to get swept up in emotions and rush into any major life decisions. As she says, they only just started dating; it's totally fine to want to take things slow and enjoy the honeymoon period. I'm not quite sure what Miyako means when she says it's her fault though.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I'm not quite sure what Miyako means when she says it's her fault though.

She's referring to the reason Asako wanted the car: to allow Miyako to travel without being seen. It's another reminder that she might not be able to provide Asako with the typical carefree life because she's still hiding from the spotlight. In her mind, Asako is already making changes based on this "difficult" lifestyle that their relationship creates and she seems to feel guilt about that being Asako's new normal. That's the central issue that's been building up, and also what this situation seems like it will bring to a head.

As for the director, I am assuming Miyako negotiated on her way out and that there may have been some casual understanding about what her leaving would look like. She might have broken some promise by being caught in public, or something similar.

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 6:31PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

SrNevik posted:



joined Sep 10, 2022

SrNevik posted:




joined Mar 19, 2022

great, more toxic idol bullshit where you're apparently meant to totally cut off your friend and pretend she's dead just because you aren't colleagues anymore

joined Sep 14, 2015

I don't get it? What is the problem if she is saw again? Wasn't she not an idol anymore?

joined May 10, 2021

Nice, now the director will be trying her hardest to kill the fluff...
God damnit just let them be at peace!
But maybe this'll be the final step for Miyako to be freed from her anxiety.
Anyways I dread the next few chapters...
Thanks for the translation!

joined Jan 30, 2017

I don't get it? What is the problem if she is saw again? Wasn't she not an idol anymore?

It's probably related to the reason she quit to begin with.

And toxic idol fans are gonna toxic.

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