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Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Edit:Japan have a song called 三年ぶりの人だから by 原田悠里さん.
I would be curious how would you translate the name of a song.

It's not the same thing, because of the lack of particle.

So, it can be interpreted in various ways. "It's been 3 years since I was around", "it's been 3 years since I saw him/her", "It's been 3 years since I've heard of him/her," "It's the first time in three years I've seen...", "Because he hasn't been here in three years..."

Without context, there's no much that can be done. That's why AI will never be able to translate accurately.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I'm not offended. I'm just wondering what makes you think this interpretation is correct.

The important bit here is the particle に

週間ぶりの人に = for the first time in a week BY someone.

There's no "meet" or "see" in that sentence, even implied.

It's been a week since Aya came back and the President is the first one to hug her in that time. I just can't fathom why you'd interpret that sentence any other way.

I have edited my reply.

After rehashing that sentence, I can see how it could also be interpreted as "to be treated (done something) like this after a week of not seeing each other, it feels weird".

ぶり can be interpreted both ways.

joined Oct 24, 2023

Edit:Japan have a song called 三年ぶりの人だから by 原田悠里さん.
I would be curious how would you translate the name of a song.

It's not the same thing, because of the lack of particle.

So, it can be interpreted in various ways. "It's been 3 years since I was around", "it's been 3 years since I saw him/her", "It's been 3 years since I've heard of him/her," "It's the first time in three years I've seen...", "Because he hasn't been here in three years..."

Without context, there's no much that can be done. That's why AI will never be able to translate accurately.

Have you found out all of the interpretation you gave ultimately is "The person I haven't met in there years".
You also can see the content of the song.
And you can absolutely have your own perspective. It's ok.
But from my perspective, I read that sentence in my way. Aya felt weird because she just met the President a few days ago to get this kind of passionate hug imo.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

It's fine. After thinking it over, you're probably right. At least, it makes more sense in context. Tbh, when I had translated it the first time, I recall having struggled with how to interpret it and went with the "first person in a week" because of the 人.

Goes to show I still have much leeway to improve.

joined Oct 24, 2023

It's fine. After thinking it over, you're probably right. At least, it makes more sense in context. Tbh, when I had translated it the first time, I recall having struggled with how to interpret it and went with the "first person in a week" because of the 人.

Goes to show I still have much leeway to improve.

We just can't learn to be enough when Japanese is not our first language. Actually, there are a lot of sentences I can't really comprehend in this manga.
Like chapter 1:

Thanks for your kind and detailed explanation.

last edited at Jan 6, 2024 11:54AM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

It's fine. After thinking it over, you're probably right. At least, it makes more sense in context. Tbh, when I had translated it the first time, I recall having struggled with how to interpret it and went with the "first person in a week" because of the 人.

Goes to show I still have much leeway to improve.

We just can't learn to be enough when Japanese is not our first language. Actually, there are a lot of sentences I can't really comprehend in this manga.
Like chapter 1:

Thanks for your kind and detailed explanation.

That one wasn't that difficult.

何かにつけ is when someone does something all the time, more often than they (or others) would like to. It has a negative connotation, like, it would be better if they didn't do it. The てしまう form implies it's something done involuntarily, by accident.

Hence, my translation, "More often than not, I find myself suddenly envisioning it..." which, I think, carries the nuances.

joined Oct 24, 2023

That one wasn't that difficult.

何かにつけ is when someone does something all the time, more often than they (or others) would like to. It has a negative connotation, like, it would be better if they didn't do it. The てしまう form implies it's something done involuntarily, by accident.

Hence, my translation, "More often than not, I find myself suddenly envisioning it..." which, I think, carries the nuances.


joined Mar 19, 2022

She's looking for a part-time job?!?! Why would she be ready for that? Like clearly it would be hard to re-enroll her in a middle school given the circumstances, but its cruel to push her to have to grow up that fast. Like Koto and Erika are also just college students so its hard for them to give guidance to Aya. However, it looks like Koto and Erika will have a proper talk with Aya so hopefully they can come up with a better solution. (tho Koto's judgment is a bit questionable)

joined Aug 9, 2019

Each chapter feels like a hit to the gut and it's so beautifully composed.

I think the new character introduced this chapter will be somewhat of a normalizing influence—perhaps leading into commentary or nudging on Aya's relationship being toxic and grooming in a way? I dont think that she'll open up about that or anything, but I think showing more "normal" people will have interesting effects on Aya's perception of her current situation.

joined Jan 14, 2020

its cruel to push her to have to grow up that fast

I'm pretty sure Aya is pushing herself, to not feel like a dependent child. I don't think Koto is. Though Koto's finances might be strained with a second mouth to feed.

As noted on Discord, Koto should have stuck to "this is Aya, she's staying with me". But, they're all unused to Big Deceit. Or coping with the bizarre situation.

joined May 8, 2017

It remains to be seen what the crux of this manga is because I haven’t managed to pinpoint it so far. What inspired the author to write this? Was it to delve into a purely hypothetical scenario that sounded intriguing? Was it an exploration of how someone who once seemed so far ahead of you...was just a product of her age after all? Was it to evoke a feeling of transience, as is common among Japanese works? Stories tend to head different directions depending on what the main starting point of the author was. I still don't know and it's keeping me hooked.

joined Dec 27, 2022

damn this manga got me biting my nails every chapter i love it

joined May 8, 2013

There's no way she was going to get introduced as a girlfriend. She's what, 15 at most? If some 20 something college student introduced their 15 year old girlfriend, I'd be dialing 911 immediately.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Man I dunno what they were thinking having Aya try to just be an adult right away. She should have at least started home schooling or something...

joined Oct 15, 2021

So unlucky dude getting whisked into the future and trapped in an unfamiliar time. Feel really bad for her it could happen to anyone though so be careful.

joined Jan 2, 2023

It remains to be seen what the crux of this manga is because I haven’t managed to pinpoint it so far. What inspired the author to write this? Was it to delve into a purely hypothetical scenario that sounded intriguing? Was it an exploration of how someone who once seemed so far ahead of you...was just a product of her age after all? Was it to evoke a feeling of transience, as is common among Japanese works? Stories tend to head different directions depending on what the main starting point of the author was. I still don't know and it's keeping me hooked.

Feels like every chapter the author explores a different idea, keeps things fresh and exciting.

joined Jul 8, 2020

So, is there any adult beside Koto, Erika and their gang that know about Aya's condition? Local police or child service for example? Or they keep silent about it?

joined Jul 31, 2022

I have thoughts! They're all over the place though:

I know this is a bittersweet situation for them all but Koto is really dropping the ball on some things here. I know it's Aya's own insecurities and not wanting to be a burden that's forcing her to get a job. But Koto needs to do a little better herself. How have they not talk about how they refer to each other? I honestly see a split up happening whether temporary or not. This new girl who showed up. I wonder if she's really there just to give Aya a job?

joined Oct 24, 2023

Koto clearly didn't think of the consequences of dating a kid until now. Aya is 21 in law now, yes. But you still have to suffer criticism from the people who don't know the whole story (not like they would believe it even if you confessed). The best way to say is my girlfriend just look fucking young. They would accept it. However, Koto doesn't even seem to have that kind of courage. Just went straight to "she is my relative's kid" route.
If Aya wants to break up with her for that, l would totally understand.

joined Jul 8, 2019

I think I'm dropping this one. The premise caught my interest, but the story didn't. I guess that once it ends I'll ask if it was ever explained how she dissappeared, tho.

joined May 10, 2021

Fuck yes, there's my fix of pain and despair.
I wanna say Koto's at fault, but it makes sense. Though, she could work on treating Aya as equals when in private... Because surely, there's no way too much shit for Aya to handle at this point, and every little missteps or frustrating thing bring her to a new breaking point...
'Wonder if the new girl will be some kind of mediator between the three friends (or at least, an outlet for Aya), if she'll learn the truth, or if she'll become someone's love interest.
Thanks for the chapter!

last edited at Jan 24, 2024 6:36PM

joined Oct 25, 2014

I have thoughts! They're all over the place though:

I know this is a bittersweet situation for them all but Koto is really dropping the ball on some things here. I know it's Aya's own insecurities and not wanting to be a burden that's forcing her to get a job. But Koto needs to do a little better herself. How have they not talk about how they refer to each other? I honestly see a split up happening whether temporary or not. This new girl who showed up. I wonder if she's really there just to give Aya a job?

That new girl is Koto's age. It wouldn't change anything for Aya in terms of interpersonal dynamics. Her problem is that she's too young for Koto and she would have the same problem with this new girl. That considering, I don't think this new girl is a potential suitor for Aya.

joined Jul 10, 2016

Okay, this is now the second time I've seen this on this site, so it's probably someone in the translation pipeline that doesn't know.

You do not "get hit by a heatstroke" in English. First off, there's no such thing as "a heatstroke". It's just heatstroke, no article.

Second, the phrasing should be just "she got heatstroke" or "she came down with heatstroke". Technically speaking, a doctor might say "so and so was suffering from heatstroke", but that's more of a diagnostic/clinical run-down. For most situations, you just stick with the former.

That said, thanks for the chapter!

last edited at Jan 24, 2024 7:59PM

joined Mar 19, 2022

its cruel to push her to have to grow up that fast

I'm pretty sure Aya is pushing herself, to not feel like a dependent child. I don't think Koto is. Though Koto's finances might be strained with a second mouth to feed.

That's a better clarification on what is more likely the case. I was a bit careless with my use of "who" as I honestly don't feel like Koto is explicitly pushing Aya (she's probably not doing much implicitly either). I rather mean a generic "who", a nameless entity I can blame all of this on.

I do wonder more about Aya's past. It has been mentioned in the thread before, but when Aya was living with her grandfather before all of this, it wasn't something very pleasant for her. In addition to her not wanting to feel like a dependent child currently, living in this world of new adults who she once knew, I wonder if she experienced a similar feeling when she lived with her grandfather.

Thanks again for picking up this piece, looking forward to also buying volume 2!

joined Mar 18, 2023

Koto should have said "Aya looks young but she is actually my girlfriend," Nobody really cared and just assumed it is platonic (no sex). The unfortunate side is that unlike a heterosexual couple, lesbian couple does not have the legal age loop hole. The loop hole being a grown man can have sex with his teenage fiancee, with the law implying that the two people are planning to get married, with proof (such as a marriage contract). But since same sex couple cannot get married, that loophole does not work.

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