I added this note because 7-11 is very popular in Asia countries. I know there are also in North America but in Europe there are only in few countries. So yeah, if some European people are reading this, they could not know what it is ;)
I've never known anybody in Europe to not know what a 7-11 is. I live in the U.K., but I've been to visit my university friends in their home countries too, and it's a pretty common thing, idk.
Of course if you ask people who are likely to have traveled a lot, they will know. I can ask if my high school friend know about it, I think at least half of them wouldn't know. And if I think about those from end of middle school beginning of high school, it's a lot more than half.
It's not that common
Personally, I know about these because I traveled once in japan/Korea. I went to Italy and Germany too but I would never have know without it.
last edited at Mar 22, 2015 8:13AM