Good stuff but also screw Japanese law when it comes to self defense.
Seriously,can't protect crap without getting random bull crap thrown at you.
Can you elaborate on this? I'm not familiar with Japanese law.
Hopefully you'll see this since the second chapter came out,but in short,you're expected to run and find a police officer even if that option is the worst option when factoring in protecting your loved ones and protecting your stuff.
Here's why :
What this means is if you successfully defend yourself plus related people from an attacker and you so much as injure them too much,they can get a reduced sentence or even not get charged.
This would be fine if not for the fact a lot sources state that if you make first contact,it's not self-defence.
See what clearly is a hostile person in your home?,you can't make the first strike,no baseball for home defense here.
See a crazy person charging at you with clear intent to harm?,congrats on carrying a knife for self-defence,because anything longer then five cm is illegal to publically carry,and Swiss army pocket knives are too long.
Combine this with the extremely flawed police habit of making sure all cases are closed and the court system being a very "guilty until proven innocent" stance,and you're pretty much always going to get into way more hassle then you honestly should receive.
But at least you can get a hot sloppy mess ghost lady to hang out with.