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joined Mar 10, 2020

This is really so realistic that if I were in the same situation as her I think I would have done the same thing... because you can't just understand what to feel a part of you misses her, a part of you is scared of her, a part of you is angry at her, but if the person that you fell in love with is in your reach I think I would come back again and again... i'm so unstableeeeee

joined Jun 21, 2018

I don't come here for realism!

joined Dec 27, 2014

Well that is highly problematic

joined Jun 24, 2021

abuse stories make me so anxious, since if i was the main character in this story, i would be so stressed out finding a solution to this clusterfuck

joined Sep 26, 2020

Ha-- I immediately stopped with the 1st page. I want a good yuri read to sleep on.

joined Mar 15, 2021

Ugh. Gut punch. I lost someone because she went back to an ex that is super abusive. Yuck.

I’m sorry for your loss.

joined Mar 15, 2021

I am extremely scared for the girl. Cases like this often end up in serious injuries or even death. She should abandon all feelings of love towards Kanon (the abuser) and prioritise her safety above all. I know it might seem a bit much, but those feelings is what led her to come back. She must dispose of them quickly run as fast as possible from the situation.

joined Apr 19, 2018

Just reading the 1st panel on the 3rd page made me stare wide-eyed at the the screen for a solid minute
That really hit hard

last edited at Sep 3, 2021 3:08PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

The last page made me grit my teeth so hard

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I'm a sucker for this sort of fluffy, heart-warming wholesome yuri. I think making yourself look exactly like the idol your girlfriend noticed on TV is going the extra mile.

joined Mar 15, 2019

Too real to be fake... I live in society (country) where domestic abuse is almost government politic and has a total society support so I understand how difficult to avoid this dangerous partners. But at the same time I know if my partner ever tries to abuse me or my family members he/she will be killed by my own hands (and a corpse will be shredded into small pieces which nobody could find ever). Abusers are all trash.

joined Jun 11, 2020

Damn betch what a toxic relationship

joined May 11, 2018

Great read.

joined Oct 14, 2020

looks like a win-win

joined Mar 13, 2014

This is an extremely bruh moment.

joined May 29, 2022


joined Mar 13, 2022

ah... a cycle

joined Apr 26, 2020

Now this is some good yandere material

joined Sep 13, 2018

i got reminded of this italian animated series "tear along the dotted lines" where the protagonist friend ask for him to comfort her, and the guy was sick of doing that every single time she broke up with her boyfriend , and the girl always said "is over" ,"it's really over" but ends up with him again. I'm thinking if this was a manga she would end up with her unstable girlfriend again and again.

joined Dec 13, 2018

This is really so realistic that if I were in the same situation as her I think I would have done the same thing... because you can't just understand what to feel a part of you misses her, a part of you is scared of her, a part of you is angry at her, but if the person that you fell in love with is in your reach I think I would come back again and again... i'm so unstableeeeee

It's jover

joined Mar 31, 2023

It's impressive that a one-shot has 5 pages of responses.

joined May 3, 2020

It's impressive that a one-shot has 5 pages of responses.

welcome to Amazaki Suika's art.

joined Dec 3, 2010

This is a realistic manga about how an abusive partner did to reunite with the girl in trauma again.
And people who don't understand the girl will surely blame it on the girl for deciding to reunite back with her abusive partner.
But the realistic part is that, she can't and couldn't, because the abusive partner will surely come back for her again.
Then the pattern is repeated over and over again.
This is so sad and pathetic.

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