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joined Jan 30, 2013

Sadistic-Demon posted:

Anyone know how to block certain tags so that don’t show up in searches? Reading all the comments and I guess admin is just going to let hetero stuff be uploaded here? Thought that kinda defeated the purpose but whatever. So can I filter the tags/ searches somehow?

Blacklist feature detailed here. In search, simply include your desired tag in the "Without tags" field. Otherwise, you've read my previous posts so I can't fathom why you proceeded to make this one in this manner. Banned for a day, next time for this offense is permanent. Take care.

Funny enough I've used this like a few times and everytime it just blacklists all manga for me when I've tried to blacklist things like r*pe or stuff I don't like

joined Dec 20, 2018

"In this day and age, you have a hard time no matter what path you take!" - I mean, she's not wrong, but that's really no consolation... :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

At first I thought the chapter title was referring to Shida, but looks like it was Sensei instead.

princess_daphie Uploader
joined Feb 1, 2021

At first I thought the chapter title was referring to Shida, but looks like it was Sensei instead.

Yeah, or both, maybe. I sure hope Ai's not gonna asshat us into accepting this confession!!!

joined Jul 29, 2017

As always, thanks for this, daphie. Much appreciated.

These people are all obviously concerned with doing things “properly,” so is there any alternative to a time skip? It’s not like we’re getting set up for a wild “Run Away With Me, Boy” turn of events.

At the same time, the theme seems to be about finding ways to (as the saying goes) “follow your heart” without actually being oppositional and transgressive, so I don’t quite see this going in the direction of “settling” for the approved kind of relationship (i.e., Ai & Sensei).

(I guess the fear that it might go that way anyway comes with the age-gap territory.)

joined Dec 20, 2018

At first I thought the chapter title was referring to Shida, but looks like it was Sensei instead.

Yeah, or both, maybe. I sure hope Ai's not gonna asshat us into accepting this confession!!!

Even the guy is already saying he's just doing this to get rejected and move on, so I doubt there's any chance of her accepting.

joined Apr 11, 2019

yo we get the good ending

joined Mar 28, 2015

Well, that ending was to be expected. Nothing really original here.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Good job, Nagisa! And I'm glad she understood and is waiting fro him to come back to her as well. ^_^

princess_daphie Uploader
joined Feb 1, 2021

This is garbage

Username checks out.

Everyone else: I'm happy you're enjoying the ride so far, even though it's about to end...!! boohoo...

last edited at Aug 1, 2023 11:01AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

This is garbage

Username checks out.

Everyone else: I'm happy you're enjoying the ride so far, even though it's about to end...!! boohoo...

Man it was kinda obvious that it was heading in that direction but I was hoping for a more spicy approach, you know like maybe snuck a kiss after the confesion or something like that.
Well it was cute tho and I enjoyed the ride, I guess the only thing left is the time skip

joined May 24, 2014

The sweets day with a Boy have ended but her sweets day with a Man have just begun.

princess_daphie Uploader
joined Feb 1, 2021

The sweets day with a Boy have ended but her sweets day with a Man have just begun.

Hahaha, that's well said

joined Jul 29, 2017

It was cute and I enjoyed the ride too.

Thanks Daphie, you're still queen of the (mostly) het age-gap manga.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, such a wonderful chapter to end this series. ^_^

And looks like that hug was more than enough for Ai to figure out her feelings as well, judging by the look on her face and her answering "yes" to Nagisa asking to stay by her side forever. ^_^

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I don't suppose there will be a little extra chapter.

joined Nov 13, 2022

This was so good ugh. Aughhh it was a perfect ending and the flowersssssss and the hugggg they’re so sweet such adorable people ahhhhhhhh

joined Mar 18, 2023

Perfect ending. The elder partner of an age gap couple usually has insecurity, once they go past certain age (say, late 30s). This is exactly how her reaction should be. The bond is slightly different, but actually can be much stronger than regular non-age gap couple. You have to love someone enough to make up the difference in interest and experience of the generation gap .
My best friend has a 30+ year generation gap. They were made for each other.

joined Feb 7, 2022

Been waiting for this. Such a good ending. Hope to see more new stories like this in the meantime.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks for the translation Daphie, I really liked this manga even if it wasn't as spicy as some of us may have hoped.

princess_daphie Uploader
joined Feb 1, 2021

Thanks everyone for following me on this ride and you're all welcome! Like many have mentioned, ending could've used some more spice, but it was still very beautiful and wholesome!

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