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joined May 10, 2014

Is it just me or does Tilty radiate "that one lesbian aunt" energy? She's awesome. The second couple is nice too, didn't expect Illya to be so uh... direct.
I love the way Euphy came out too.
Tilty: hon, ya gae
Euphy: oh
Euphy: dad, I'm gae
Dad: hi gay I'm dad- I mean me too- I mean- wait someone is coming.
I'm not going to react to the drama, because it seems like the usual schtick. I'll just wait and see for now.

joined Jan 1, 2014

Dad just wanted to be with his Duke BFF

joined Jan 21, 2015

I'd like to plug what I think may be my favorite anime this season, Mou Ippon (English title Ippon! Again).
I hadn't heard of the source material for this anime about girls' judo before it started airing, but it's so charming it immediately grabbed me. I'm used to anime about girls' sports being either all-around mediocre, or decent-to-good with lackluster animation that brings the whole thing down...
This one, though? It has moments like this.

It's very good at keeping you on the edge of your seat, straightforward enough you don't need to know anything about judo to pick it up, and does a great job of balancing judo matches with character-focused moments. The characters themselves are all great and the opponents are fleshed out enough you don't find yourself wanting the main girls to just wipe the floor with them.

The main character starts out wanting to find a boyfriend, but that doesn't last because who needs boys when you've got judo? While this isn't a yuri anime, it has an all-female main cast so you're very free to ship the girls together if that's your thing. One character's subplot about joining the club and her reasons for doing so are pretty freaking gay.
I personally have a soft spot for the teacher/student pair. I wouldn't even call it subtext, but I've got my goggles on tight enough I don't even need that much.

Anyway, please watch the judo anime. It's very good.

joined Jun 3, 2020

Episode 10. And that's why Monarchy/Nobility sucks. I didn't really understand the deal with Fairy King or whatever. How Euphy becoming Queen instead of Anis solves anything and why her doing so would somehow make it so Anis doesn't need to be Queen anymore?

First, it leaves Anis free to keep researching magicology, which she loves. Second, if Euphy can become queen despite not being related to the royal family, neither of the girls needs to worry about birthing a heir. They could just do... whatever Euphy is going to do next episode.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Unless we get magic babies or magic futa, yeah that has to be addressed, that's the whole issue with monarchy sadly, and that's my main concern regarding Euphy's choice... I don't think she realizes how useless exchanging position could be... At this point I'm wondering if the parents (the queen and king) can just know... make another? hahahaha sorry, but they don't look oid.

last edited at Mar 14, 2023 2:01PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ I forgot where I found them and am unsure how trustworthy they are, but last week I saw spoilers (I think of the WN?) that they eventually transition the kingdom of Palletia into a republic???? Take what I said there with a metric Carthage of salt tho.

joined Dec 20, 2018

^ This honestly has seemed like the end goal anyway if you consider Anis' magicology and its goal to essentially make magic usable by everyone, not just the current privileged ruling class.

joined Apr 20, 2013

New episode of Revolution dropped.... should come with a warning if the previous episode made you uncomfortable, this might twist your innards.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Oh yay, the anime finally got to the part that made me decide to not watch it and even has me debating whether or not to drop the series entirely

last edited at Mar 15, 2023 1:23PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I see no reason to be so negative before seeing the conclusion to this, even more so when you consider the next episode's title. But we'll see.

joined Jan 21, 2015

I have to admit it's pretty good, but sadly I have to disagree about animation. It is very bare-bones and lackluster. You can tell they do everything they can to avoid animating and when they do it's very basic and repeats a lot. Sure it has few better moments, but they're very rare and don't really compensate for how poor animation is overall. Honesty if anything anime made me want to read manga over it, because the quality of drawing there is actually pretty good. Nowhere near Teppu level (rest in peace), but still way better than your average mango.

In my mind I was comparing it to Farewell my Dear Cramer, so I do believe that Mou Ippon is a major step up in terms of animation, haha. Then again, what isn't?! I personally don't mind long panning shots and limited animation in non-crucial scenes, I'd rather have that than weird melty animation that's a bit more dynamic.
Of course, the best would be to have neither of those flaws, but, well. That never happens.

We do agree that Nagumo is very gay though!

About MagiRevo, I was also annoyed by the situation in the latest episode, but although I haven't read the LN or WN, I'm fairly confident a better solution will magically appear. This seems to call for a Deus Ex Machina of some sort.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Yeah it would be pretty weird for an anime called MagiRevo to settle without a significant revolution of shorts... There's also the issue with the dragon's curse but that sounds like material for a s2

joined Jun 21, 2021

I know it's only going to hurt more later but i'm glad they included the gayᵗᵐ sidequest in NieR:Automata Ver1.1a. At least the hook for it, they better follow through.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Vexations of a Shut-in Vampire Princess new trailer released. Set to air October 2023

joined Jan 6, 2017

Vexations of a Shut-in Vampire Princess new trailer released. Set to air October 2023

Oh yay, they nailed the casting.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Mou Ippon episode 11... There's simply no non-yuri explanation for Inui-sensei.

joined Jan 1, 2014

Mou Ippon episode 11... There's simply no non-yuri explanation for Inui-sensei.

They are just gal palling around.

joined Jul 21, 2020

Mou Ippon episode 11... There's simply no non-yuri explanation for Inui-sensei.

They're super friends.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Regarding the magical revolution I'm just going to say that I cried hahaha which isn't rare for me, but from joy? that's -- wait not rare either but I'm very happy right now, if I try to speak my voice will break down. The solution to my dilemma was actually not too hard to guess, and I'm happy with that.

Surprise twist, she confessed "that" one of my oldest issues with isekai and no one else had addressed this before, this isn't just a revolution for yuri and magic but the genre as a whole,

joined Jun 3, 2020

And here is the final plot twist of Magical Revolution: Anis and Euphie become adopted sisters. Now on top of everything MagiRevo already did, it's also the Isekai version of Citrus.

joined Jun 3, 2021

And here is the final plot twist of Magical Revolution: Anis and Euphie become adopted sisters. Now on top of everything MagiRevo already did, it's also the Isekai version of Citrus.

Traditional Japanese adoption is not like Western adoption, where adopted children are equal to blood children in all respects.

In Japanese tradition, an adopted son or daughter, normally a teenager or adult, gains the surname and the right to inherit from the adoptive family, but does not lose ties with the family of origin - the former parents continue to be treated as such - nor their "brotherhood" or "sisterhood" with the blood children of the new parents is taken literally

joined Oct 22, 2018

fuckin' hell, my heart is literally melting rn.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Ugh that was so fucking cute and so hecking gay, i love it <3 Now here's to hoping they choose to adapt the second half of the novels as a second season as well, nothing would make me happier

joined Apr 20, 2013

That's the thing, if they make a s2 then great! If they don't, well that's fine too because s1 was almost perfect and the ending was fantastic

joined Jun 21, 2021

That's the thing, if they make a s2 then great! If they don't, well that's fine too because s1 was almost perfect and the ending was fantastic

it really was

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