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joined Aug 17, 2019

I just love how Ai x Chie keep setting the standard for the other couples to follow

joined Jan 19, 2013

I think the next most developed couples after Ai and Chie are the two couples, we saw in chapter 259 Rain and Mercedes.

They seem to be the next furthest along even if Mari and Yuu have a hard time thinking they are a couple due to Yuu.

Mahiro and Mahiru I am not sure they consider themselves a couple but might even be deeper like a Childhood friends situation who slowly morphed into a couple so they might the type where it hurts to be apart for very long times.

There are other close thirds, but I have a feeling they are not go as deep as these couples or possibly do but we do not know/get to see it.

Ai and Chie, the mom in chapter 260, Mrs./Miss Kamizono totally wants proof her daughter Ai is dating Chie. I bet Ai's Mom has a feeling and that is why she went up to the room to try catching them in the act by using the excuse to ask for anything. The way the Mom acted in the first page of the chapter with the Thanks for being a good friend to Ai ! with the joy in her voice is almost a dead giveaway.

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 8:17PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I always welcome more Ai and Chie. Might go through and reread their stuff.

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 8:18PM

joined Jan 19, 2013

So what was with Mahiru? Was she trying to protect Mahiro's innocence by distracting her with car talk?

I doubt it. She and Mahiro kiss each other all the time, so what's so special about YuuMari just walking close to each other? I think she really did just get distracted by the car.

I think she's clued into the fact that Yuu and Mari like-like each other. Her expression on page 2 struck me as sad at first, but after looking back at it I think it was more gentle. I suspect she ships it. The bit with the car could be her distracting Mahiro, but I took it as a joke about Mahimahi's ditziness, like you said. You think she's noticed them snuggling, because that's where our attention is drawn, but actually she's just distracted by the expensive car.

My interpretation is that it's supposed to be ambiguous. It genuinely could be either possibility, and that's what I like about it.

So Ambiguous like the way Yuu and Mari try to play there relationship in that they are in but one of them Yuu is hesitant to admit but loves to tease/light BDSM Mari mainly with SM?

joined Dec 9, 2021

My fecking god, I nearly threw my cellphone against the wall!!!

Fer fecks sake....Moms are all the same!

joined Feb 7, 2013

I still remember the first episode when Chie is still full on gyaru. Times sure fly, huh?

joined Jan 18, 2019

I'm gonna fuckin combust

joined Nov 6, 2018

So much for VIRGIN'S Empire.

joined Feb 24, 2012

screaming, though. what a beautiful chapter. gentle and dialogue unnecessary (almost). insane quality!

joined Feb 17, 2013

Please tell me they dont actually get kicked out of the manga now they 'graduated' lol.
Wow. Never thought i'd say that in this manga.

I also am very glad she had no desire to get off the train there. Looks like she is properly over her.

Now can we please get such a scene for every pairing before the manga ends?

last edited at Nov 16, 2022 3:27AM

joined Oct 6, 2021

What a nice chapter. Text or dialogue was totally unnecessary for this, would have detracted from it, even. The pictures spoke louder than a thousand words. Made the chapter that much more powerful.

joined Nov 6, 2018

Kishi just did a sex scene with no nudity. I never thought I'd see the day.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Still feel that Shizuka doesn’t deserve Mio, but if Mio can put a leash on her so be it.

joined Jul 31, 2013

This manga has been going for a pretty long time now

joined Sep 23, 2022

Kishi sensei was so excited about how page 35 turned out that they forgot to draw Shizuka's bandages on her foot, lol. („ಡωಡ„)

joined Jan 13, 2019

man kishi is always on some next level shit. dude is truly living in 3022 with chapters like this

joined Sep 27, 2017

Really pretty chapter, and a lovely intimate sex scene.

joined Nov 9, 2017

Surely the bar for the angst tag is a little higher than someone crying? Chapter didn't need it at all.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Surely the bar for the angst tag is a little higher than someone crying? Chapter didn't need it at all.

Agree, and it could have used No Text or whatever.

That said, this chapter itself raises the bar. I predict the mangaka won't even try to top this.

Even Akko and Mari didn't have a first time scene like Mio got with Shizuka.

joined Feb 7, 2013

Can someone please tell me if this series is going to end after our girls graduated. cuz yeah, I happy for them but I can't really move on from them lmao. please spy on Kishi's twitter and leave a post if you got any clue.

joined Dec 18, 2021

yes! YES! YES!

joined Jun 17, 2018

Still feel that Shizuka doesn’t deserve Mio, but if Mio can put a leash on her so be it.


joined May 20, 2019

Before anyone else points it out, Torajiro actually acknowledged his own error with Shizuka’s bandages on Twitter lol

joined Nov 2, 2022

^ I choose to believe that the sex was so good that it healed her foot.

joined Apr 25, 2020

I think this is the first time the phrase "I love you" has actually get through me and almost made me burst into tears.

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