Forum › A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days discussion

joined Mar 8, 2022

It finally has the rape tag

joined Feb 3, 2021

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It can, yeah. It's just that in this particular instance, Aya just kind of magically knows that Marika isn't actually trying to get her to stop, because this is fictional smut land where the characters don't actually have to communicate directly for their true intent to be conveyed during sex. It's a situation that would be unquestionably rape in reality, don't get me wrong. It's just not here, because if Marika REALLY wanted her to stop, and she never wanted that for one millisecond, Aya would just magically know because fictional smut land.

Ummm no, Aya has no such special ability.

joined Jan 17, 2017

Ummm no, Aya has no such special ability.

It's trashy smut. Everyone has that ability unless they conveniently don't for plot reasons. That's part of what makes it trashy, yeah?

joined Apr 14, 2022

Isn't your logic a bit circular there? "Rapeyness doesn't make it trash, because rapeyness is normal in trashy smut"...? It's a bit strange to try and come to the defense of the scene while at the same time calling it trashy, which basically means you're agreeing with the criticism...?

This story has/had the potential to be a lot more than trashy smut, so it's no surprise that people are disappointed when they find it doesn't live up to its potential.

last edited at Sep 8, 2022 12:10PM

joined Feb 10, 2022

Geez man you're too sensitive.

It's really childish to start insulting people for not loving the story you do. People are allowed to not like things.

I am not insulting anyone with those words, am I?

joined Jan 17, 2017

Isn't your logic a bit circular there? "Rapeyness doesn't make it trash, because rapeyness is normal in trashy smut"...? It's a bit strange to try and come to the defense of the scene while at the same time calling it trashy, which basically means you're agreeing with the criticism...?

This story has/had the potential to be a lot more than trashy smut, so it's no surprise that people are disappointed when they find it doesn't live up to its potential.

Is it? Basically all I'm saying is, this series has its issues, and requires a strong suspension of disbelief to accept that what seems like a very rapey scene that would, again, unquestionably be rape in real life, was intended not to depict rape, but rather pretty much the exact opposite: Marika finally beginning to accept that she does indeed continue to follow along with Aya because she wants to, not because of money or coercion or even her own pride.

Is that indicative of bad writing? Probably, I'm certainly not gonna argue against that. Do I think this scene is probably the worst part of the series as a whole? Honestly, it's between this scene and a certain character who just causes all sorts of uncomfortable problems, so I'm looking forward to the fallout from that. Was Marika at all forced to do anything whatsoever in this chapter? No.

last edited at Sep 8, 2022 12:39PM

joined May 20, 2013

Geez man you're too sensitive.

It's really childish to start insulting people for not loving the story you do. People are allowed to not like things.

I am not insulting anyone with those words, am I?

People reacting negatively to what would be received as a rape scene (understandably a sensitive subject), and you calling them 'too sensitive', would be considered insulting, yes, even if you don't see it that way.

last edited at Sep 8, 2022 12:43PM

joined Mar 8, 2020

Anyway, mikami announced this manga is coming to its end

Yep, technically adaptation ended this month with Chapter 15 in the Manga Up / マンガUP mobile app (chapter currently is paywalled, and missing the 2nd half due to some changes), it was published in gangan online too, but like alot of stuff there, is behind by some chapters since is mostly reuploads of Manga Up, though the date for the final volume will be announced later

Tweet by Mikami
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last edited at Sep 9, 2022 5:20PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

I'm unclear. Does that mean the manga is being cut early, or that it's successfully adapted the novel and we're just 'behind'?

joined Aug 21, 2019

I'm unclear. Does that mean the manga is being cut early, or that it's successfully adapted the novel and we're just 'behind'?

I think the manga will only adapt the first novel

joined Apr 14, 2022

Anyway, mikami announced this manga is coming to its end

Huh, I didn't realise it was being published elsewhere than ガンガン. Sad news, since the later chapters are much more consensual, which is why I stuck with this. Would've really liked to see more of their relationship as an official couple adapted.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Wow the chapter got the rape tag added. I think it was good move so people can know what the chapter will be like.

With the announcement of adaptation has ended pretty fast imo I am mixed on it. I really enjoyed the early chapters and the idea of someone who dismisses homosexual relationships learning and understanding it better and appreciating it. On the other hand though there is the most recent chapter which while isn't a dropping offense for me, really made the manga go down imo and if there were further chapters like it then I wouldn't be surprised if more dropped it and stopped reading.

I will just ignore chapter's 8 existence and enjoy what we have to read when it is finished.

joined Feb 10, 2022

Anyway, mikami announced this manga is coming to its end

Yep, technically adaptation ended this month with Chapter 15 in the Manga Up / マンガUP mobile app (chapter currently is paywalled, and missing the 2nd half due to some changes), it was published in gangan online too, but like alot of stuff there is behind by some chapters since is mostly reuploads of Manga Up, though the date for the final volume will be announced later

Tweet by Mikami
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Yea, I mean it was kinda wierd cause the LN is longer and is ongoing. I wonder why they decided to finish it at vol3.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Anyway, mikami announced this manga is coming to its end

Yep, technically adaptation ended this month with Chapter 15 in the Manga Up / マンガUP mobile app (chapter currently is paywalled, and missing the 2nd half due to some changes), it was published in gangan online too, but like alot of stuff there is behind by some chapters since is mostly reuploads of Manga Up, though the date for the final volume will be announced later

Tweet by Mikami
Tweet by Artist
tweet have a possibly spoilery image

Yea, I mean it was kinda wierd cause the LN is longer and is ongoing. I wonder why they decided to finish it at vol3.

Bad sales

joined Jan 22, 2022

We're approaching the end little by little

joined Jul 11, 2022

Bad sales

Nope, the artist made it clear that they only planned on adapting the first volume and sales met expectations.

last edited at Sep 9, 2022 12:16AM

joined Mar 29, 2019

Best yuri manga going. Much praise. The master is back. Can't wait for next chapter. Time for jealous feelings, my fave!//

Annnd it looks like my favorite onging yuri manga will end. FML. Why do they do this? Like with Adachi to Shimamura....

The yuri reader's life is such pain. So many shounen chapters, no serious yuri mangas allowed in Japan before the editor wraps them up or like Citrus they go into playful Teen+ zombie mode.

Japan does sure hate the gay. But they're so good at the gay! Guess I'll have to learn how to read Japanese for light novels. /:

The only yuri mangas that are allowed to exist are baiters. Shoujo Ai and bait. The rest dies a painless death in a glass coffin like Sleeping Beauty. No touchy.

Not like Korean or Thai stuff that has real mature stories. Just once I want a crazy sexual yuri manga to have an actual completed story from Japane.

OK Bloom Into You but that ended quickly and it was too formal.

At least we had Age 15, that was crazy as sh#$.

last edited at Sep 9, 2022 12:53AM

joined Jul 8, 2018

Lol I dropped this a while back because it started to suck immediately after chapter 1, and now I'm seeing it has the rape tag?

No surprise, bullet fucking DODGED.

But despite me not reading this manga, its existence is pissing me off. The premise of the manga is that a homophobe is shown that girls can love each other, and yet the gay character turns out to be a rapist?

WTF. Yeah that'll convince her. Like what's with the fucking disconnect between the title and the actual manga?? It's about her "falling" in love but everything has been forced on her. Is this a troll manga or is the author just stupid? This shit is just perpetuating stereotypes at this point.

joined Mar 6, 2021

far219 posted:

Lol I dropped this a while back

but why are you still here though

joined Jun 25, 2019

The only yuri mangas that are allowed to exist are baiters. Shoujo Ai and bait. The rest dies a painless death in a glass coffin like Sleeping Beauty. No touchy.

For one it's not true and for two, don't use Shoujo-ai cause that doesn't mean what you think, it's a synonym of Lolicon and not the yuri kind.

no serious yuri mangas allowed in Japan before the editor wraps them up

Maybe try Josei.

OK Bloom Into You but that ended quickly and it was too formal.

45 chapters and 8 volumes is already long enough buddy.

joined Apr 30, 2022

People who are saying this is rape I suspect have never had an actual sexual relationship with another human being.

joined Apr 14, 2022

People who are saying this is rape I suspect have never had an actual sexual relationship with another human being.

I dearly hope you aren't saying this as in "I routinely force myself on my partner when they say 'I don't want to have sex today'".

joined Mar 19, 2022

People who are saying this is rape I suspect have never had an actual sexual relationship with another human being.

I dearly hope you aren't saying this as in "I routinely force myself on my partner when they say 'I don't want to have sex today'".

Please don't even respond to people who only made an account to be rude in the forums.

joined Jan 23, 2018

Ah damn, sad it is ending so soon, hope it at least gets to them becoming an actual couple.

joined Nov 28, 2021

Lol I dropped this a while back because it started to suck immediately after chapter 1, and now I'm seeing it has the rape tag?

No surprise, bullet fucking DODGED.

But despite me not reading this manga, its existence is pissing me off. The premise of the manga is that a homophobe is shown that girls can love each other, and yet the gay character turns out to be a rapist?

WTF. Yeah that'll convince her. Like what's with the fucking disconnect between the title and the actual manga?? It's about her "falling" in love but everything has been forced on her. Is this a troll manga or is the author just stupid? This shit is just perpetuating stereotypes at this point.

Sigh I hate when ignorant people comment on stuff they have Absolutely no information on you definitely wrote the short bus when you were in school

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