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joined Dec 20, 2018

with the childhood friend winning as always

This is surprising to me, because I thought the conventional wisdom was that the childhood friend never wins. Offhand I can think of It’s a Detached Relationship and (the dreadful) Pages in Search of a Bookmark where that’s the case, but I know there are many others.

That fits my sense too—if there’s a childhood friend in love with the MC who’s never spoken up before and a new love interest appears for MC, the endgame odds are wildly stacked against Childhood Friend. (That’s where the, “Am I not good enough for you?” trope comes from.)

Or did you mean “winning in this series”?

I probably just read too much hentai, clearly the authors there have much better taste. It always makes me feel weird when I see the childhood friend never winning trope mentioned, since all I remember are the many stories where she gets her way. Unless it's NTR, of course. Probably helps that there usually isn't any competition in that kind of stories, though. :D

joined Dec 11, 2021

with the childhood friend winning as always

This is surprising to me, because I thought the conventional wisdom was that the childhood friend never wins. Offhand I can think of It’s a Detached Relationship and (the dreadful) Pages in Search of a Bookmark where that’s the case, but I know there are many others.

That fits my sense too—if there’s a childhood friend in love with the MC who’s never spoken up before and a new love interest appears for MC, the endgame odds are wildly stacked against Childhood Friend. (That’s where the, “Am I not good enough for you?” trope comes from.)

Or did you mean “winning in this series”?

I probably just read too much hentai, clearly the authors there have much better taste. It always makes me feel weird when I see the childhood friend never winning trope mentioned, since all I remember are the many stories where she gets her way. Unless it's NTR, of course. Probably helps that there usually isn't any competition in that kind of stories, though. :D

Childhood doesnt have any chances unless its one of the MC like Sayo. Otherwise side character childhood friends have always the worst luck

joined Jun 25, 2019

There was no forshadowing for poly. Always has been your hopes for it that make you believe it.Like for real, she saw 5 or 6 types of relations through out the whole manga but seem that most peoples forget about it to just focus on the one they wanted.There was NEVER a big sign of love between the two friend outside of a weak arrow that got shattered during the same chapter she appear.

joined Dec 11, 2021

Peoples saw the poly and think it was forshadowing, completly forgetting the others forms of relations we've seen. Man, just because they see poly doesn't mean it was the end point at all. It was to show her another form of love. I think it's better that she choose her own form of love, instead of choosing one just because she saw it.
Really, just accept the outcome without throwing assumptions about what the author supposidly wanted. There was no promise of poly ending, outside of a speculation.

Most likely yea. Cause we saw the poly relationship, the "forbidden relationship" of the maid, then the impossible love of the one who rejected and then was rejected. The purpose for Mei to find her own way to love. But but the feeling of a poly started before the chapter where the relationship of the teacher was shown at least for me. Cause the three became close really quick. That was actually the reason I kept reading this manga since I was looking for more of this poly yuri after reading luminous blue whose ending was unexpected. But anyway, what is done is done. At the end, I hope the author gives a good ending for Rinna maybe with Akane the idol who showed interest for Rinna. But yea dont mind me

joined Jun 25, 2019

this poly yuri after reading luminous blue whose ending was unexpected

So unexpected it was kinda bad. Not bad because it's poly but because it come so unexpected that there was no build up to really back it up.

joined Jun 1, 2020

This turn of events feels somewhat sour. I'm happy for Sayo, obviously, but I definitely thought the story's gonna go big and not home. To me, it felt like there was a lot of focus specifically on the threeway route, and it was more than just the thing with the teachers, which in itself was really more part of Mei exploring and witnessing the various ways in which love and relationships can take form than it was foreshadowing. That said, I could definitely see Sayo and Mei's kiss being the so-called nail in the polyamorial coffin. Or I don't know, maybe I gotta reread the series again, which there's no reason not to since I think it was pretty good regardless.

I will also say that the turn of events coming now seems like a sprint toward the finish line and feels like a very sudden and sharp turn too, the pace of the last few chapters felt kind of rushed as well. Both of which suck on their own since there was a lot to explore and continue with in the series that would just go nowhere. And honestly, I just enjoyed the fluff, really.

Rinna also got the very short end of the stick which sucks pretty bad. I definitely don't think her relationship with Mei was explored and delved into the same way as Sayo's was. And in all honesty, I mean, really, both Sayo and Rinna are absolute sweethearts, there was no reason not to go for the whole pot there.

In any case, there's still one more chapter, if the above reports are true, so there may be some hope for a bunny out of the hat. Go big or go home, goddamnit. At least give Rinna an appropriate happy end, man, she doesn't deserve to be done this dirty.

joined Dec 11, 2021

There was no forshadowing for poly. Always has been your hopes for it that make you believe it.Like for real, she saw 5 or 6 types of relations through out the whole manga but seem that most peoples forget about it to just focus on the one they wanted.There was NEVER a big sign of love between the two friend outside of a weak arrow that got shattered during the same chapter she appear.

Bro we got it. But let's be honest the chapter of the teachers was the one who made her think if she can be in that kind of relationship with Sayo and Rinna. Even in 14.1 she thinks about being with both of them when she said that is too selfish of her and cant choose one of them either cause the other was gonna be sad. And because she wanted to be with both she was about to say that she shouldn't be with one but yea then we see how genuine Rinna's love for Mei was to the point to push her to choose the one who has been the closest to her, and Rinna sacrifices her for the Mei's sake. And I know that Sayo and Rinna didnt have anything themselves, by the time when the chapter 7.1 and 7.2 where the most recent ones, it made somehow think that some kind of interest was gonna be between Sayo and Rinna after that accident with the kiss but we clearly saw that there wasnt any kind of development between them. But anyway dont get bother cause of that, they are just opinion everyone thinks different. Since everything is done and clear, Rinna is NOT gonna end up with Mei and that's it... maybe with Akane idk.

joined Dec 11, 2021

this poly yuri after reading luminous blue whose ending was unexpected

So unexpected it was kinda bad. Not bad because it's poly but because it come so unexpected that there was no build up to really back it up.

Just admit you dont really like polygamy endings

joined Dec 11, 2021

This turn of events feels somewhat sour. I'm happy for Sayo, obviously, but I definitely thought the story's gonna go big and not home. To me, it felt like there was a lot of focus specifically on the threeway route, and it was more than just the thing with the teachers, which in itself was really more part of Mei exploring and witnessing the various ways in which love and relationships can take form than it was foreshadowing. That said, I could definitely see Sayo and Mei's kiss being the so-called nail in the polyamorial coffin. Or I don't know, maybe I gotta reread the series again, which there's no reason not to since I think it was pretty good regardless.

I will also say that the turn of events coming now seems like a sprint toward the finish line and feels like a very sudden and sharp turn too, the pace of the last few chapters felt kind of rushed as well. Both of which suck on their own since there was a lot to explore and continue with in the series that would just go nowhere. And honestly, I just enjoyed the fluff, really.

Rinna also got the very short end of the stick which sucks pretty bad. I definitely don't think her relationship with Mei was explored and delved into the same way as Sayo's was. And in all honesty, I mean, really, both Sayo and Rinna are absolute sweethearts, there was no reason not to go for the whole pot there.

In any case, there's still one more chapter, if the above reports are true, so there may be some hope for a bunny out of the hat. Go big or go home, goddamnit. At least give Rinna an appropriate happy end, man, she doesn't deserve to be done this dirty.

I agree with you. Same, I thought the kiss between Sayo and Mei was the beginning. And as you said it had more focus in 3p route since there was never some kind of rivalry between Sayo and Rinna that I was waiting actually to see some progress between them. In the last chapter what I want to see now is Rinna with someone maybe Akane but everything can happen. Now it is in the author's hand to decide the ending part.

joined Jan 6, 2017

this poly yuri after reading luminous blue whose ending was unexpected

So unexpected it was kinda bad. Not bad because it's poly but because it come so unexpected that there was no build up to really back it up.

Poly is the only route that had build up in that series. Not much but it still did

joined Jul 29, 2017

this poly yuri after reading luminous blue whose ending was unexpected

So unexpected it was kinda bad. Not bad because it's poly but because it come so unexpected that there was no build up to really back it up.

Poly is the only route that had build up in that series. Not much but it still did

Agreed--that series was all poly flags from the get-go. The main problem was that it skipped the transition from Maybe Poly > Poly Ending. But "unexpected" was the last thing that ending was.

joined Jun 25, 2019

this poly yuri after reading luminous blue whose ending was unexpected

So unexpected it was kinda bad. Not bad because it's poly but because it come so unexpected that there was no build up to really back it up.

Just admit you dont really like polygamy endings

->Precise it's not because of poly

->"it's because of poly"

I can't be more clearer on that one buddy. I have nothing against the poly ending of Luminous at all. It was just kinda out of nowhere for me. But i guess i'm just too stupid so just don't listen to me and move on

joined Dec 11, 2021

this poly yuri after reading luminous blue whose ending was unexpected

So unexpected it was kinda bad. Not bad because it's poly but because it come so unexpected that there was no build up to really back it up.

Just admit you dont really like polygamy endings

->Precise it's not because of poly

->"it's because of poly"

I can't be more clearer on that one buddy. I have nothing against the poly ending of Luminous at all. It was just kinda out of nowhere for me. But i guess i'm just too stupid so just don't listen to me and move on

For luminous if it was gonna end with the couple of the beginning was ok, the true ending was ok too. But I was talking about the ending of this manga that was more focused on the 3p route before the chap of the teachers. But anyway dont mind me

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 1:03PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

I just gonna say it to make it clear, i just don't like poly endings for love triangle.

joined May 2, 2019

Happy for Sayo. With that said, I'm gonna go cry now.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I just gonna say it to make it clear, i just don't like poly endings for love triangle.

That's fine. For me, an excellent writer can make just about anything convincing, but judging by the evidence here on Dynasty that's very hard to do well--such poly endings as there are tend usually to seem rushed or imposed on the story rather than occurring organically.

I don't quite get how these days every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be (I'm not saying that about this one--I need to do a re-read to remember the overall flow of the relationships here).

joined Mar 25, 2019

I somehow think the girl having a harem is better than her just getting two girls.

Just read Watanare if you want yuri harem

Unfortunately there's no translator for that anymore.

Uh actually, if you go on Mangadex they've been updating it there.

What’s the full name of the series? It’s not coming up in a search for me with just that name

I'm not quite sure myself, but this is what came up when I put Watanare into Google:

joined Sep 28, 2017

bad end
Had to be said

joined Mar 5, 2021

no poly ending....

damn i feel bad for rina

joined Dec 11, 2021

bad end
Had to be said

No bro you just reminded me "My pleasure" xD

joined Dec 11, 2021

no poly ending....

damn i feel bad for rina

Yea. Abrupt change to this manga but anyway. Let's hope the author makes her happy with Akane the last option there

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 2:25PM

joined Jul 8, 2017

The one time I DONT root for the childhood friend is the one time she wins?!

I feel so bad for Rinna, but I can't be sad that Sayo won, after all I think it was inevitable given the last couple of chapters. I hope we get a really fluffly final chapter (and ofc I hope Rinna also finds a new love)

joined Mar 29, 2019

I don't quite get how these days every every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be

I feel like those words could be said of anytime people ship two female characters in a non F/F work no?

kinda like "why does everytime two female characters interact a bunch of f/f shippers seem to show up regardless of the actual narrative" or something like that.

like, at the end of the day shipping can be as simple as "I like the idea of these characters together" or "I like the idea of this kind of relationship"

so in the case of love triangle works attracting poly shippers, well you already have multiple characters involved in romantic setting, so the idea of the characters working out things all together seems like a simple step for those who want to see that kind of relationships.

On a personal opinion about this manga, I am on the camp that would have liked a poly development, since the characters did have a good chemistry together, and it just didn't feel like the kind of story that had me rooting for one side over the other.

Funny or sad, I also think this manga had managed a better ground up for a poly relationship than say "An introduction to love triangles" or "Luminous=Blue".
In the former, one side of the triangle was way better developed than the other two sides involving the third character in my opinion (like if that was a non-poly love triangle I would have been rooting for the Kohai way over the friend).
And in the latter it just had to shot directly towards its ending even if the ground up wasn't there yet.

On that subject, regardless of Poly or not, this last update did feel like it was steeping on the gas towards the finish line...

to finish, people will ship what they like and that's that, and damn it why do Yuri manga get cut short so often :<

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 3:06PM

joined Feb 8, 2013

ain't author breaking the laws of the universe by writing this ending??)))))))))
I can't believe Sayo got her girl!!! ))) I'm so happy)))

joined Mar 27, 2019

This can’t end like Kashimashi. I am hoping for a beautiful poly because they all love each other so much.

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