Forum › Bringing a girl from a mixer home discussion

joined Apr 27, 2014

don't owari us like that for real

I second this

Then again, this could be the future of all manga if people could be more direct heehee

joined Jun 25, 2021

I always struggle when I see words like "TYPEEEEEEEE." What exactly does it sound like when you extend a silent letter? I know: it's just a me thing.

You can just extend the non silent vowel, they do that because it looks a little better than tyyyyyyyyype.

strongly disagree with it looking better

also, I read "typeeee" as typee, as in type-y. the "e" becoming non-silent since there are more of them

joined Jun 11, 2016

Gosh this is so cute, the cutest manga from Chisako so far!! Tremendously sad though that it ends right when things are getting interesting.

joined Jan 19, 2015

ok this is great but why does it say completed after 2 chapters. were are my other 69 chapters.

joined Feb 17, 2013

@rkkn Yeah- but that sounds silly imo- and clearly not what they are saying- they are drawing it out- thats what we do- we DONT add sounds to the word ends.

ALL words that are shouted or drawn out and lengthened in this manner - we understand how to say it- like RUUUUUUNN! The word has actually become much longer in pronunciation- typically on a middle vowel sound.
Same goes for type. The most logical way to lengthen it would be how it would be pronounced which would be tyyyype.

But I agree maybe it doesn't read as easily as typeeee.

last edited at Nov 23, 2021 1:38PM

joined Jun 5, 2019

im expect fulllengtht (at least till couple 40`) story, or burn in hell !

last edited at Nov 22, 2021 8:51PM

joined Nov 14, 2014

That was the end?!

Good for Mahiru though, she had went through the worst thing. Direct is the way!

joined Sep 11, 2019

Girl Acquired

joined Mar 5, 2016

^^Surely it just means the authors should extend the word through the none silent letters? Tyyyyppppee? Since thats the only way we can draw it out when reading it anyway.

you can't roll/extend a p, k, t etc. i don't know what the grammatical term is, probably something about stops, but you end up with only one spot to stretch out "type" without turning it into something else.

in english "type" is pronounced basically TAIP but japanese doesn't have just a P or even an IP. they've got signs that represent the syllable of TAI but the closest they have to just P is PO or PU or something, so that's why it ends up as TAI-PU when used as a loanword.

so they can do TAAII-PUU but in english you can only do TAAII-P

joined Feb 9, 2017

Ahhhh, I want more of these adorkable girls. And it ends after 2 chapters....

joined Feb 17, 2013

@red_alert_one Sorry that was it. The whole thing.

joined Mar 25, 2021

Lesbians. Love to see it.

joined Sep 7, 2021

Lol, she slept with her crushes crush. The irony of that is funny to me. XD

joined Nov 8, 2017

don't owari us like that for real

I second this

Then again, this could be the future of all manga if people could be more direct heehee


joined Aug 1, 2020

Ah! That was super cute! Yoshiko's inner monologue on seeing Mahiru is adorable. Loved it!

Though, I'm not gonna lie, I see an "Akko-chan", I expect a cabbage to show up...

joined Jul 4, 2018

'go to mixer, bring back boyfriend'
-gets girl, brings her home
-task failed successfully

joined Jun 12, 2015

Red flag. That Mahiru is a big no-no.

joined Dec 25, 2015

Damn, it's over already? Where's the chapter where they get an appartment and get married?

joined Dec 23, 2019

The first chapter made me think Mahiru was a innocent girl with maybe her first future crush (Satou) but after reading chapter 2, she seems like your typical girl who crushes on every cute/beautiful girl she meets lol.
Not a fan of those playful girls so good luck to you Satou!!

last edited at Dec 4, 2021 6:24PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

my crops are watered and my skin is clear
what a wonderful manga

joined Aug 20, 2016

The first chapter made me think Mahiru was a innocent girl with maybe her first future crush (Satou) but after reading chapter 2, she seems like your typical girl who crushes on every cute/beautiful girl she meets lol.
Not a fan of those playful girls so good luck to you Satou!!

Because she had two crushes? How do you even come to that conclusion??

joined Feb 25, 2023

Who amongst us hasn't accidentally slept with our crush's crush?

Very nice two-shot, although it's a bit disappointing to see it end at the confession.

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