Forum › Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri discussion

joined Mar 5, 2021

I know yomotsuka was the best girl.

joined Jun 12, 2019

President is best girl. She better not me snatched away by that psycho maid.

Now, I'm perfectly okay with the Harem route, but only if they start showing some chemistry between MC and them. So far the only ones I thought could work are Pres and maybe that tsundere kouhai.

I stan the Prez but I agree that the kouhai would be a good fit for the MC as well. It's clear shes been crushing on the MC way back in middle school

last edited at Nov 22, 2021 4:03PM

joined Feb 9, 2021

Well, didn't expect them to actually go that far. I'm rooting for the Pres, she seem's like the best girl so far

joined Nov 22, 2021

Toudou-san: Okay, we can fuck but you had better destroy this pussy like your life depends on it!
Yomotsuka-san: Challenge accepted

last edited at Nov 22, 2021 10:52PM

joined Dec 7, 2020

I KNOW it's the bare minimum I KNOW it's common sense
but when she asked for consent

I feel this so much oh my lord

joined Sep 21, 2020

Yuri heals my heart and soul. I just love everything about the president, she's just the perfect couple for the protagonist since she can manage her not like the other ones.

I know this is probably going to end in a harem end, but atleast I hope the prez is still the main interest like the other ones said.

Well... Only two out of All of Them have retained any romantik interest post effect. That and MC is clearly an accidental golddigger

Technically 3 if you count Hanei Rin, who faked drinking the potion and admitted to liking Toudou.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Mochi is a goddess. <3

joined Aug 4, 2018

"You resemble my Kemu-chan."


joined Dec 25, 2013

Toudou-san: Okay, we can fuck but you had better destroy this pussy like your life depends on it!
Yomotsuka-san: Challenge accepted

Challenge completed successfully!

joined Feb 9, 2019

Toudou-san: Okay, we can fuck but you had better destroy this pussy like your life depends on it!
Yomotsuka-san: Challenge accepted

I'm really glad you joined the forums just to make this post lmao

joined Nov 22, 2021

Toudou-san: Okay, we can fuck but you had better destroy this pussy like your life depends on it!
Yomotsuka-san: Challenge accepted

I'm really glad you joined the forums just to make this post lmao

Long time (many year) lurker but this is by far one of my favorite titles, and by far the best chapter so far so I felt compelled to join and say something…

La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

See ya for the next one cuties

EEEEEEEEEEEEE runrin said I'm a cutie!

joined Dec 13, 2020

She said that to everyone...

La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

Yeah but she was looking at me!

joined Feb 9, 2019

See ya for the next one cuties

EEEEEEEEEEEEE runrin said I'm a cutie!

She said that to everyone...

Yeah but she was looking at me!

joined Jun 17, 2021

That went way further than I expected it to.
Par for the course with this one - always doing something unexpected.

joined Aug 21, 2020

Sweet victory. Finally, more president.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Getting naked and having sex with other girls is one thing, but she's not into yuri!

By the way, they finally found a yuri harem protagonist with the same awful personality as the worst male het harem protagonists.

last edited at Nov 27, 2021 7:22PM

joined Jan 18, 2016

Everyone is so cute idk who to root for anymore

joined Aug 16, 2018

You gotta wait for the effects of the love potion to dissipate for all the characters. The one still in love with the mc even after all the magic is gone will be the winning horse. My buck's on prez.

last edited at Nov 27, 2021 6:39PM

joined Jun 24, 2021

aw they cut out the best part

joined Jan 4, 2021

Holy shit I did not expect them to actually have sex. I thought the maid was gonna walk in and pull out shotgun and blow MC's head off

joined Dec 25, 2013

A lot of this series, but this chapter in particular, is very well executed in a very on-brand Mochi mix of dirty and heartfelt. Toudou's denial of being a lesbian/into yuri is of course blatantly contradicted many times by now, but her construct of self-justification is also constantly attacked. We have seen her slip up about Yomotsuka in particular several times now (admitting she is her crush even before her supposed beloved teacher, admitting she enjoyed her molestations, finding her cool etc.), to the point where it is clear that she is more or less the "main heroine" if we went by harem terminology.

But Toudou still continues to cling to "I am just humoring her, because there will be (non-gay) benefits to me." Yomotsuka is rich and influential, so it is actually halfway believable that a scummy person would want to use her infatuation for her own gain. Yet the maid in this chapter completely throws this out the window by showing that if she were in an open relationships with Yomotsuka, her life would actually be in danger and she immediately is scared out of those self-serving thoughts. The ticket is her reason for being there and would be enough to justify doing something perverted in her mind (she braced for that much), but going any further would be at her own peril.

Yomotsuka's favor is entirely non-sexual however. She has been portrayed as a hardass and eccentric already equally, so it is clear she has a no nonsense attitude about her weird requests. Her skill at molestation in chapter 1 and her clear skill at sex in this chapter show that she seems more than familiar with lesbian intimacy, which explains why she was barely shaken by the fact that she was sexually attracted to Toudou after the potion wore off. Still, she just makes a banal (if eccentric) request. So all the sexual tension has to come from Toudou's side, who clearly got her hopes up and was more than willing to go along with it in the end.

What I find very important is that this first time was not under the influence of the love potion and that both sides consented completely. The story is entirely founded on a scummy drug plot, yet the genuine feelings and desires are those that matter in the end. The love potion is merely a jump-start to close a gap quickly and lead to realizations about the true nature of Toudou's sexuality. We have come to a point where Toudou has to either accept she is into yuri or turn sex and romantic affection into a "reward" for "playing along" with her victims/aggressors, much like her fantasizing about riches or influence used to be.

Although I wouldn't necessarily enjoy her sleeping her way through the roster of girls like an eroge harem protagonist, this is Mochi, so I will simply accept that it comes with the territory. I will insist, though, that Yomotsuka holds a special place in Toudou's heart as the only one she actually has shown serious romantic interest in. Giving all her firsts to her is certainly a good indicator that Mochi has the same idea.

I've been re-reading the manga and it's surprising how many times Toudou brings up Yomotsuka. It's in almost all chapters. When she's touching her kouhai she thinks about how Yomotsuka's touch was on another level, she threatens Shirashiro with telling Yomotsuka about her sword and it's dissapointed when Sports Girl's groping skills don't match up to Yomotsuka's.

I don't know how future chapters will develop Toudou's relationship with the other girls, but the one who did the greatest impact was Yomotsuka for sure.

Conversely, I'm really not feeling her relationship with glasses best friend. In the case they end up going further, I can just hope Toudou enjoys herself.

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

I've been re-reading the manga and it's surprising how many times Toudou brings up Yomotsuka. It's in almost all chapters. When she's touching her kouhai she thinks about how Yomotsuka's touch was on another level, she threatens Shirashiro with telling Yomotsuka about her sword and it's dissapointed when Sports Girl's groping skills don't match up to Yomotsuka's.

I don't know how future chapters will develop Toudou's relationship with the other girls, but the one who did the greatest impact was Yomotsuka for sure.

Conversely, I'm really not feeling her relationship with glasses best friend. In the case they end up going further, I can just hope Toudou enjoys herself.

I have noticed the same thing and made sure to check. Yomotsuka is mentioned by Toudou in every single chapter except Chapter 9. She is constantly on her mind.

Another aspect that I find relevant is that Toudou had prior relationships with several of her victims. Kamisada was her bully and it is implied at least that Kamisada was interested in Toudou before the potion (which is why she focused on bullying her specifically so much and why she was into her even after it wore off, unlike Ookada or Shirashiro). Of course her best friend who is an open lesbian and is physically attracted to her (I am not so sure about the "crush" the narration mentioned, seems very physical only to me) exists, but she is clearly a no-go as Toudou can't see her as anything more than a friend. Hanei Rin is the only one we get direct confirmation of being in love with Toudou without any love potion involvement.

What matters here is that, while many of the girls may have had an eye on Toudou before, Toudou herself has admitted she was focused on Yomotsuka even before the love potion. In chapter 1 she even starts to question why she "hated" her so much to begin with. I believe Mochi subtly tried to imply since chapter 1 that Toudou was intrerested in Yomotsuka and all the following events just strengthened that interest. Her going out of her way to test a love potion on a girl she "hates" is in itself kind of strange to begin with. Of course her justification of not minding to poison someone she dislikes or the fact that it would be shameful for Yomotsuka are believable, but it is not out of question that she subconsciously wished to be loved by Yomotsuka.

So while she likes the attention and admiration of others, the one she herself admires is a completely different matter and thus more powerful than any other relationship in my opinion. And Yomotsuka being an implied experienced lesbian really does help a lot, as she doesnt deny her attraction to Toudou and would be fine making her hers, but also respects Toudou's own choices. If they were to become lovers Yomotsuka wants Toudou to come to her.

last edited at Dec 2, 2021 3:06AM

joined Dec 25, 2013

What matters here is that, while many of the girls may have had an eye on Toudou before, Toudou herself has admitted she was focused on Yomotsuka even before the love potion.

I'm omitting the rest of your response because I didn't want the comment to be too big, but I still wanted to make you know that I agreed with the points you brought.

So, I focused on this part because I also noticed in my rereading that Yomotsuka is the only one that gets a nice description that goes beyond the benefits dating her would bring to Toudou. She calls Yomotsuka smart, reliable and says she's got a strong sense of justice. Of the others, she can recognize and awknowledge they look cute or sexy, but they don't get more than a "this is who this person is and this is my relationship with them".

Sidenote, despite her initial attack being caused by love poison/potion, Yomotsuka was 100% right about Toudou being very charming even with her worst qualities.

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