Forum › Virgins' Empire discussion

joined Apr 6, 2019

And the past is the past, it's astonishing to see some people consider her toxic while kishi will make sure that she will become the "savior" of mask ...

Well, Kitta Izumi will make sure that Liz from Liberty gets everything she wants in the end, including Maki as her love slave. Doesn't mean it's a good idea. Or that the readers will appreciate it.

And the worst part is that you don't even see where kishi is leading the relationship and for kaoru and mask.
To cut short this idea of hating her because you'd prefer onibi, onibi it's going to happen with NAO!

Don't be so butthurt and bitter just because other people disapprove of your pet ship.

The way the story goes is by definition irrelevant to shipping.

joined Jun 28, 2018

Am I the only one who thinks Mask's hairstyle is effin adorable?

joined Feb 1, 2021

Am I the only one who thinks Mask's hairstyle is effin adorable?

No, Mask's hair is excellent.

Unrelated but it's been a while since we've heard from Shizuka and Mio. Hope neither of them have done anything illegal. <_<

joined Jul 26, 2016

Unrelated but it's been a while since we've heard from Shizuka and Mio. Hope neither of them have done anything illegal. <_<

"Never to be taken for granted, as with lesser pairings" to paraphrase an Excel Saga back cover. o3o

joined Jan 19, 2013

I love the Mask and Koru Relationship.

I do not think Koru has changed that much if at all, it is rather that Koru we are seeing more and more of her that she is also able with a few others interact outside her club being the only big change and when you do that they show up like a change when we are seeing her do more then just her comic art that she does but was more one sided towards the art before.

Mask has changed big since basically being attached to Koru she is not as shy especially when in groups that her love Koru is in, as if Love can help a person.

I believe that love can help a person in some situations like shyness when in same room as your love or for love one can stop an unsafe habit they do like Smoking. I know Having gotten my mom to stop smoking in 1998, I was seeing not the dangers but the trouble she went through like smoking in the winter and smoking outside the then apartment we lived in as a kid in bad weather, she would have smoked in the lobby of building if other did and was allowed. This was more Parental love of a child, who hated seeing his mom have to leave even in a party or a family thing like a movie to smoke.

last edited at Aug 21, 2021 2:31PM

joined Feb 21, 2019


joined May 12, 2020

Getting shade from your tomboy girlfriend's boobs in highschool. I mean Yuu has peaked right? Where do you go from here?

joined Apr 1, 2015

Sheesh, I mean I am right here

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

shadesan posted:

Sheesh, I mean I am right here


joined Oct 20, 2017

epic booba

joined Mar 16, 2018

Getting shade from your tomboy girlfriend's boobs in highschool. I mean Yuu has peaked right? Where do you go from here?

Getting shade from your tomboy girfriend's boobs in college
Getting shade from your tomboy wife's boobs in RL

joined Nov 2, 2013

Is it me or Kishi made Mari more light skinned? That’s disappointing. I demand the tanned tomboy

joined Nov 8, 2017

I've been wondering, how has this series never got an anime? I kinda doubt this series is popular enough to not get axed in 10+ years but not popular enough to not get an anime.

I mean, World Trigger got an anime announced in under a year, and Sansha Sanyou got one after 13 years.

joined May 28, 2013

Underboob, the useless lesbian sequel to Undertale.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I've been wondering, how has this series never got an anime? I kinda doubt this series is popular enough to not get axed in 10+ years but not popular enough to not get an anime.

I mean, World Trigger got an anime announced in under a year, and Sansha Sanyou got one after 13 years.

More like why it never got an official english publication. I mean,it got a german and italian one so why not English ?

joined Nov 8, 2017

I've been wondering, how has this series never got an anime? I kinda doubt this series is popular enough to not get axed in 10+ years but not popular enough to not get an anime.

I mean, World Trigger got an anime announced in under a year, and Sansha Sanyou got one after 13 years.

More like why it never got an official english publication. I mean,it got a german and italian one so why not English ?

At least it's not as bad as here in Brazil. I think the only Yuri mangas licensed down here were Citrus and YagaKimi. World Trigger and Sansha Sanyou also weren't licensed.

last edited at Aug 23, 2021 11:56PM

joined Jan 19, 2013

Getting shade from your tomboy girlfriend's boobs in highschool. I mean Yuu has peaked right? Where do you go from here?

Using booty as a pillow?

joined Dec 13, 2020

And the past is the past, it's astonishing to see some people consider her toxic while kishi will make sure that she will become the "savior" of mask ...

Well, Kitta Izumi will make sure that Liz from Liberty gets everything she wants in the end, including Maki as her love slave. Doesn't mean it's a good idea. Or that the readers will appreciate it.

Lmao that was a good point, there are ways of writing a scummy character and making her lovable, like Makino who's the namesake for scummy, but if what you wrote is a Liz or Kaoru you screwed up big time.

joined Feb 21, 2019

oh boy, ch 237 with best couple blushing, hugging then the kiss!! 11/10 S-tier chapter :D

joined May 12, 2020

Mask-chan is unleashed upon this world with all her splendor. Avert your eyes lest you catch the big gay.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Hnnnnnngggggg I'm dead. A kiss chapter, and then some glorious Mask? Today has been blessed.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Mask's undercut is classified as a lethal weapon.

last edited at Aug 28, 2021 9:46AM

joined Feb 7, 2013

I use to like her.

joined Jul 23, 2014

I've been waiting to see this kiss since I saw the sketches on Kishi-sensei's twitter. It's even better than I thought, I love Ai and Chie so much ;_;

PS: Mayoi became too powerful.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^Is that their first proper kiss? I dont remember.

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