Forum › Nanashi no Asterism discussion

joined Oct 22, 2018

Funny how this manga is what explained to me why the car company Subaru has all those stars on its logo - the Pleiades are a star cluster, and Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades.

joined Jul 29, 2017

But it’s a happy ending.

Very happy for the male characters.

In the patriarchy, that’s what matters.

joined May 1, 2013

It seems very obvious to me that Kotooka and Nadeshiko end up together, so I'm always really confused when I see people say this story doesn't have yuri or whatever. It just doesn't have yuri for the POV character in chapter 1, which is kind of a weird standard.

The main character is really Kotooka... it's a coming out story for her. She's the gayest of the three.

joined Apr 20, 2013

karp posted:

It seems very obvious to me that Kotooka and Nadeshiko end up together, so I'm always really confused when I see people say this story doesn't have yuri or whatever. It just doesn't have yuri for the POV character in chapter 1, which is kind of a weird standard.

The main character is really Kotooka... it's a coming out story for her. She's the gayest of the three.

Is just your average yuri story where the main protagonist finds a boyfriend and her brother finds a boyfriend too and even in the special extra chapter, is about the brother..... Who later gets his own manga.


Also "Very obvious" that's bold

last edited at Oct 22, 2019 11:59AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

It seems very obvious to me that Kotooka and Nadeshiko end up together, so I'm always really confused when I see people say this story doesn't have yuri or whatever. It just doesn't have yuri for the POV character in chapter 1, which is kind of a weird standard.

The main character is really Kotooka... it's a coming out story for her. She's the gayest of the three.

"Doesn't have yuri" was never the rap against this one.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined May 1, 2013

karp posted:

It seems very obvious to me that Kotooka and Nadeshiko end up together, so I'm always really confused when I see people say this story doesn't have yuri or whatever. It just doesn't have yuri for the POV character in chapter 1, which is kind of a weird standard.

The main character is really Kotooka... it's a coming out story for her. She's the gayest of the three.

Is just your average yuri story where the main protagonist finds a boyfriend and her brother finds a boyfriend too and even in the special extra chapter, is about the brother..... Who later gets his own manga.


Also "Very obvious" that's bold

Is it not very obvious to you?

Also, Tsukasa isn't the main character. There are three protagonists, all meant to be equal. Tsukasa's just the one we start with. And she's the least gay of the three. Kotooka's the most interesting character; her journey is the one worth reading about.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Kotooka's the most interesting character; her journey is the one worth reading about.

And yet the story spends so much time on everything else . . .

joined Mar 28, 2015

And anyway, this author's specialty is yaoi. Or "shounen-ai" if you prefer. And cross-dressing.

She obviously found the brother's love story more interesting to write.

last edited at Oct 22, 2019 1:13PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

karp posted:

karp posted:

It seems very obvious to me that Kotooka and Nadeshiko end up together, so I'm always really confused when I see people say this story doesn't have yuri or whatever. It just doesn't have yuri for the POV character in chapter 1, which is kind of a weird standard.

The main character is really Kotooka... it's a coming out story for her. She's the gayest of the three.

Is just your average yuri story where the main protagonist finds a boyfriend and her brother finds a boyfriend too and even in the special extra chapter, is about the brother..... Who later gets his own manga.


Also "Very obvious" that's bold

Is it not very obvious to you?

Also, Tsukasa isn't the main character. There are three protagonists, all meant to be equal. Tsukasa's just the one we start with. And she's the least gay of the three. Kotooka's the most interesting character; her journey is the one worth reading about.

Is not, beside the fact that they had one matching accessory at the end but friends do that... Anyway for me it was all unrequited love (except the yaoi part...go figure) I don't think it went like
Kotooka: "Oh, Tsukasa doesn't like me... guess I'll go with Nadeshiko then, is the obvious choice"

By the way I loooooved Kotooka and if you have free time and check the previous pages you'll see why and how much I defended her... If the author has had the chance to make a chapter about Nadeshiko figuring out how much suffering Kotooka was going through and trying to really understand her struggles or at least try to listen then I would've forgiven everything and accept that it was a happy ending... But now is just fanfiction and wishful thinking... Maybe that was the endgame but it then the axe came, we will never know for sure.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Maybe that was the endgame but it then the axe came, we will never know for sure.

The notion that the execution of the series was hampered being being cancelled prematurely would have more force if the almost two dozen chapters that we were given had devoted more time to the central issues it started with and less time on . . . other stuff.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Blastaar posted:

Maybe that was the endgame but it then the axe came, we will never know for sure.

The notion that the execution of the series was hampered being being cancelled prematurely would have more force if the almost two dozen chapters that we were given had devoted more time to the central issues it started with and less time on . . . other stuff.

And the most likely reason why it was cancelled.

joined Jul 24, 2015

It seems very obvious to me that Kotooka and Nadeshiko end up together, so I'm always really confused when I see people say this story doesn't have yuri or whatever. It just doesn't have yuri for the POV character in chapter 1, which is kind of a weird standard.

The main character is really Kotooka... it's a coming out story for her. She's the gayest of the three.

I agree that saying it was "very obvious" is a bold statement. I would say it was implied going by the last pages of the final chapter and the matching bracelets from the epilogue page. Yeah, it might also be a friends thing, but such tiny detail was put there for a reason. That said, I don't understand moon but I believe the author did confirm Kotooka and Washio end up together. Also, "Washio and Kotooka date".

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Asukaori posted:

That said, I don't understand moon but I believe the author did confirm Kotooka and Washio end up together. Also, "Washio and Kotooka date".

Yea, though it would be nice if it was in the actual manga.

joined Oct 26, 2018

Very very very disappointed with the ending to a great love triangle story

joined Sep 26, 2019

Very very very disappointed with the ending to a great love triangle story


joined Mar 1, 2015

Oh..So in this manga the only one who was confirmed is Tsukasa who got a boyfriend..Since on Chapter 19 page 3 Maezono and Kashiwagi got married at the end and we have them talking about Tsukasa's boyfriend..

joined Feb 2, 2013

I think a lot of people are missing the point the manga is trying to convey by having different expectations and I feel that not enough credit is given (we on dynasty after all)
The whole manga is supposed to be about the bittersweet feelings of romance in youth, and in this case it just happens to focus on Lbgt themes. Of course a lot of us want some more solid ground covered, but I think that's kinda the point. (Also rip time constraints) Young romance isn't meant to be tied up into a neat bow; it's hard, messy, painful, and your not sure what's going on half the time. The future, I also think, is meant to be a bit speculative because their story is done and life is just moving forward.
Hope more people can get into this series without the feeling disappointed that there isnt a proper Yuri couple

joined Jun 13, 2020

I literally jumped out of my seat when I saw Washio’s new hairstyle

joined Jun 13, 2020

I literally jumped out of my seat when I saw Washio’s new hairstyle

joined Jun 13, 2020

I loved it!~ ^_^

joined May 3, 2020

Frankly, I'm quite unsatisfied with that ending. The story itself was really good, but it finished in a very random way. I really liked Asa tho, the most sensible character.

joined Aug 12, 2017

Good times revisiting this, I can't name a single worst love triangle manga than this. Kudos to the author

joined Apr 4, 2021

WHAT? First time reading this and what- I wanna give Tsukasa a hug

where the frog is yaoi in this series

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