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joined Nov 15, 2016

Holy shit...
that ending tho

joined Mar 14, 2015

Guys I’m confused... cuz the sister is not an alpha either... in the exposition dump they say that everyone BUT the president, her mom and her sister are alphas. I’m not really into ABO buuuutI think the (rushed) ending is another way to defy the whole societal stuff. Cuz it’s not even about alphas and omegas anymore.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Ok..ok. I think I have a simple answer as to why the president gave off that pheromone that the mc thought was an alpha pheromone.

There's the simple fact that sister's pheromones possibly stuck with the president since the family does live under the same roof. You know how people smell just like their house? An alpha's scent is said to be strong and obvious, at least obvious to omegas and even other alphas. Betas cannot tell the difference. There's the possibility that because the president identifies more as a beta than an alpha theres the chance that she never noticed that she must smell like an alpha. Even if she is a "defective alpha" and possibly does secrete her own alpha scent at a subconscious level, even if that ever was the case, the proof that she technically doesn't is when her and the mc first met and the mc's heat triggered. An alpha, and even a defective alpha, should've sense the pheromones of an omega. Hell she's been in that school and no other omegas heat had triggered around the president. Sure maybe the other students around her are betas, but its a school of betas and omegas. The president is in the school because she's not an alpha! What school would risk their students going into heat around a single alpha!?

The point is that an alpha scent is strong, like just an alpha being around another individual can leave that scent on them. Meaning this whole time that the mc thought it was the president's scent was the president's sister's scent this entire time. That's why the mc reacted the way she did and the president had a complete lack of reaction. If the president really was an alpha or even a defective alpha that instinctual side of her should've reacted no matter what.

Basically concluding that the president isn't really an alpha.
She doesn't give off an alpha scent.
The pheromones on her are actually her sister's pheromones.

The mc fell in love with the president due to the president's sister's alpha pheromones. BIG FUCKING YIKES.

joined Mar 29, 2021


joined Nov 5, 2017


joined Feb 25, 2014

That ending kinda killed off my mood, if there will be a sequel I'm afraid that she's gonna cheat on the president or something, I hope not, but then again It's highly possible... bollocks this will ruin my sleep

joined Jun 9, 2020

That ending is... I don't even know what to say now. Okay, I'm disappointed but don't mind me.

last edited at May 19, 2021 6:39PM

joined Aug 30, 2020

Lotta cowards here

joined Jul 12, 2012

Lotta cowards here

I mean.. I wouldn't call them that.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think a lot of people are forgetting how sharp-edged a Takemiya Jin story can be.

She’s done her share of fluff, sure, but when I see the word “Soulmates” in one of her stories I’m not surprised when there’s a dark twist to it.

joined Oct 12, 2017

This was a really fascinating place to take this.
I get that the author is probably finished with it,
But I kind of want a story ABOUT her fighting this "destiny" now. Because she is actually in love with the president, not the sister. The turnaround is a great premise, I just want to see that executed.

joined Aug 20, 2016

Takemiya Jin is back!!

joined Sep 1, 2017

I think a lot of people are forgetting how sharp-edged a Takemiya Jin story can be.

She’s done her share of fluff, sure, but when I see the word “Soulmates” in one of her stories I’m not surprised when there’s a dark twist to it.

It's not just a dark twist, it's a last minute twist that comes completely out of left field and drives the whole story off a cliff.

joined Mar 28, 2015

johnb posted:

I think a lot of people are forgetting how sharp-edged a Takemiya Jin story can be.

She’s done her share of fluff, sure, but when I see the word “Soulmates” in one of her stories I’m not surprised when there’s a dark twist to it.

It's not just a dark twist, it's a last minute twist that comes completely out of left field and drives the whole story off a cliff.

To each their own I guess. I liked it.

It's nothing new in yuri manga actually.

It's the typical setup where the MC has to marry some guy for reasons (arranged marriage, save her family, societal pressure to marry and have kids, etc.) but choose to fight it to be with her "soulmate".

In that universe, as far as I understand it, omegas don't have to absolutely pair up with an alpha. They are free to choose their partner, but it's better to pair up with you "destined partner", since biology, instinct, whatever, pushes you toward it. Much like in our society, women are pushed to get with a guy and have kids.

So, that Megu fights that is equivalent to her fighting heteronormativity in our universe.

That you'd predict she will fail is a bit sad for a yuri fan.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I think a lot of people are forgetting how sharp-edged a Takemiya Jin story can be.

She’s done her share of fluff, sure, but when I see the word “Soulmates” in one of her stories I’m not surprised when there’s a dark twist to it.

It's not just a dark twist, it's a last minute twist that comes completely out of left field and drives the whole story off a cliff.

Not entirely out of the left field: it is foreshadowed in the first chapter that the protagonist feels drawn towards the president occasionally, and that it doesn't line up with either of them going into heat. So the reveal that she was attracted to the prez's sister's pheromones "sticking" to her after the sisters' occasional interactions is actually quite clever.

joined Nov 23, 2015

Well, great twist. But it also ruined my sleep. Was saving this for the last read before bed. Oh well, hope for happier Takemiya Jin stories next time. (Although I'm starting to forget when was the last time I read one of her happier ones?)

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think a lot of people are forgetting how sharp-edged a Takemiya Jin story can be.

She’s done her share of fluff, sure, but when I see the word “Soulmates” in one of her stories I’m not surprised when there’s a dark twist to it.

It's not just a dark twist, it's a last minute twist that comes completely out of left field and drives the whole story off a cliff.

Oh, face it, johnb—it looked liked the story was going to deliver the fuzzy-wuzzy feels you ordered, and then it left you on your doorstep yelling, “These aren’t the fuzzy-wuzzy feels I ordered!”

Or am I wrong?

joined May 8, 2017

I think this my first time reading an Alpha-Beta-Omega story. I personally feel a little iffy about the whole biological Alpha-Omega dynamism, but I feel like it's executed pretty well in this story. The plot twist/cliffhanger was surprising (as most plot twists are), especially as it was in the final part, but I feel like it added a new dimension to the relationship of the two protagonists - can they fight the concept of soulmates? Maybe the author is asking us: How is love determined? Through sexual desire and sexual compatibility or through falling in love with the individual person and loving them for all of their characteristics and all of your shared experiences? Edit: And out of these two, which love is real?

last edited at May 20, 2021 12:42PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

i actually thought the plot twist was quite clever lol, because they DID give hints about it in the beginning. and what made it so great is the hints were there, but no one even gave it a possibility. that's what i consider great writing. and it really pulled you in at the end like WHAT??? lol. i've read sooooo many books and mangas etc, that i can usually see "plot twists" from like a mile away, but this one got me XD

joined Sep 1, 2017

I think a lot of people are forgetting how sharp-edged a Takemiya Jin story can be.

She’s done her share of fluff, sure, but when I see the word “Soulmates” in one of her stories I’m not surprised when there’s a dark twist to it.

It's not just a dark twist, it's a last minute twist that comes completely out of left field and drives the whole story off a cliff.

Oh, face it, johnb—it looked liked the story was going to deliver the fuzzy-wuzzy feels you ordered, and then it left you on your doorstep yelling, “These aren’t the fuzzy-wuzzy feels I ordered!”

Or am I wrong?

Mostly I feel that the story didn't earn it. Megu got a whiff of pheromones she thought came from to the vice president then latched on declaring she's her soulmate. Megu rushed the vice president into that weird bite commitment thing, which I gathered is the equivalent of a teenager proposing marriage to the first person they fell in love with, after just a couple dates. Only to find out that the pheromones were really from the vice president's sister and the whole thing was based on a misunderstanding. As Megu stood there and swore an oath to defy biology for the vice president all I could hear in my head was Meatloaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Light.
Megu's choices were to stay with the girl she rushed into a commitment with, while her true soulmate was right there tantalizingly just out of reach, or give into biology, and break the heart of the girl she had just built up, reassuring her that she was a good enough alpha for her. Talk about a no win scenario.
If Takemiya Jin wanted to do this right, she should have built up Megu and the vice president's relationship. I mean really show me that Megu had more of a reason to fight her instincts and stand by the vice president than a misunderstanding and the heady high of a teenager's first crush.

[EDIT]: I guess what I'm basicly saying is that I didn't think Magu and the vice president rushing into a life long commitment was a good idea to begin with. They're freckin high schoolers damnit

last edited at May 20, 2021 4:41PM

joined Jul 27, 2018

After that face expression, you are definitely going to hurt President lol what a twist.

joined Apr 2, 2017

The thing is the pheremone rapey heat shit isnt that common in furry stuffs, ABO ironically goes way more animal lol. I'd say this story leaned more into the pheremone stuff (minus assault) than the last few smutty furthings ive read, lol

last edited at May 20, 2021 7:44PM

joined Aug 31, 2017

I was going to say that was the only omegaverse shit i actually enjoyng reading, but well...

actually, i don't really get it the final plot twist, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? and why it's looks like a cliffhanger if its the end?

imma furry, but thats omegaverse thing is way to disturbing even for me

joined Jul 26, 2020

The thing is the pheremone rapey heat shit isnt that common in furry stuffs, ABO ironically goes way more animal lol. I'd say this story leaned more into the pheremone stuff (minus assault) than the last few smutty furthings ive read, lol

Damn, I didn't know that. Makes sense though cause a lot of the settings in omegaverse are sus as fuck. The only good omegaverse stuff I've personally read are all SFW and I can count that on my fingers. Of course, I'm also not actively looking to read omegaverse so I don't have the end all be all knowledge of how much is sus stuff and how much isn't since I just scan summaries and tags.

The worst offender in the omegaverse setting is how omegas go into heat and basically lose all reason and the ability to consent. Being in heat is like being black out drunk except you're also actively trying to get assaulted which is pretty shit, and what's even worse is that you give off a scent that induces alphas to also lose their reason and want to fuck you. Really bad combo as you can probably imagine. That's not even to mention "marking" where omegas basically become dependent on the alpha that marks them and feel pain from being apart from them. Omegas are just fucked over all around, literally and figuratively.

I agree though, Takemiya at least addressed the assault that can happen and writes it off as bad. An unfortunate amount of omegaverse romanticizes it so... yeah. The only thing that really even made this setting omegaverse was the pheromones and some talk of heat cycles and suppressors, but that's basically it. This was a really tame omegaverse story that didn't actually go very deep into the setting. The only really sus part started in the last two pages lmfao.

last edited at May 20, 2021 9:36PM

joined Nov 17, 2018

like it this far (≧▽≦)

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