Forum › If You Could See Love discussion

joined Dec 20, 2018

People are just not reading my comments. But why should they, after all? I'm not saying anything they want to hear... (ⓛ︿ⓛ)

As long as there's been no official word about it ending, it's still only your assumption, though. And even if it should happen, it may well be ending as planned and not axed, that word gets thrown around too often even when it's not the case.

And as much as I hated the president, that part, even as horrible as it felt, was clearly not padding, but experiences that helped Mei learn more about love and overcome her trauma.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Yogg-Saron posted:

This is so stupid..They really went down the Polygamy route..Poly is sh*t.. :|

So this is fine, eh, @Alice Cheshire?
You shouldn't beat someone even if he keep throwing shits at your house.
With comments like this in every polygamory but poly fan must be nice and comments in a far less inflammatory way

Nice job trying to call me out on something I hadn't even seen yet, lol. I would have warned them not to make posts like that too if I had seen it before OrangePekoe did. Also as Pekoe said, if you have a problem with a post like that post in the help thread. That'll ensure that one of the site's moderators sees it.

joined Nov 12, 2017

alright , this has had rampant poly undertones since the get go, but now that our mc has been directly confronted by a healthy polyamorous relationship, thats clearly supposed to be the ideal endgame for our 3 girls (weather they actually end up there is another case entirely tho)

joined Aug 17, 2020

I have nothing against poly relationships as long as its yuri fanfiction, so I don't really get the rage of these people in the forum. I wish I can enjoy controversial yuris with more open and friendly people, I'm never reading forums with these rude and self-entitled people always shading authors and artists as if they're saint. Stop sanitizing fictions, people are aware of whatnots, you don't have to be the Saint.

Anyway, I've been curious with the idol arc for quite a while now huhu, I hope they'll be fine.

joined Oct 10, 2020

Next chapter is scheduled to release on Friday the 23rd, so not a long wait.

joined Jun 25, 2019

So the arrows can be corrupted and change color. Although i suposs they can only turn to black for a twisted love. Also Mel has Akane's line since the start ?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Trouble incoming.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Excited for more.

joined Dec 23, 2020

The fact that Mel has the idol's LINE brought up another possibility, though it seems unlikely at best as of right now - Mel's friends get together romantically, and Mel either tries and fails to date the idol, or the idol develops romance issues of her own and Mel is tasked with helping her resolve them.

joined Apr 20, 2013

New kind of arrow! this could've been a shonen manga if the author wanted hehe, this for me is one of the most interesting yuri takes in recent years, I'm really excited.

But I feel so bad with the protagonist, giving up dreams because of her health T-T

joined Feb 21, 2019

I've said it before and I'll say it again, people on this website are fucking weird

joined Mar 22, 2021

Oh god that black arrow looks pretty bad. Good thing she can spot stuff like that. I am glad that might finally know more about this idol.

joined May 12, 2020

Oof that cutter out of nowhere kinda shook me a bit.

joined Sep 15, 2020

The girl being supported on the bottom left panel of pg.7 looks familiar doesn’t it, it’s not Akane but it resembles somebody else we know... maybe we’ll find out the backstory for Rinna soon and if there’s anything that will either propel poly route or bring it back to a complicated love triangle

last edited at Apr 17, 2021 6:32PM

joined Jul 6, 2020

Ooh we’re finally getting to see Rinna’s backstory

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

The girl being supported on the bottom left panel of pg.7 looks familiar doesn’t it, it’s not Akane but it resembles somebody else we know... maybe we’ll find out the backstory for Rinna soon and if there’s anything that will either propel poly route or bring it back to a complicated love triangle

Oh damn you’re right, thanks for pointing that out. Weird that she remembers akane but not “her”, if it is.

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

So the arrows can be corrupted and change color. Although i suposs they can only turn to black for a twisted love. Also Mel has Akane's line since the start ?

Y’a that’s so weird. And I guess the only colour change is normal to twisted. This new piece of information could mean so many things.

joined Aug 10, 2015

The girl being supported on the bottom left panel of pg.7 looks familiar doesn’t it, it’s not Akane but it resembles somebody else we know... maybe we’ll find out the backstory for Rinna soon and if there’s anything that will either propel poly route or bring it back to a complicated love triangle

god no pls anything but that, i hate love triangles the childhood friend is always best girl and also always loses, hopefully this one will properly develope the triangle, and yeah i also think rinna´s backstory is soon to be revealed

last edited at Apr 17, 2021 8:34PM

joined Oct 9, 2011

You know, in regards to the colour change of the arrows, I wonder, do the arrows only show romantic love or do they show platonic love as well?

joined Aug 10, 2015

I have nothing against poly relationships as long as its yuri fanfiction, so I don't really get the rage of these people in the forum. I wish I can enjoy controversial yuris with more open and friendly people, I'm never reading forums with these rude and self-entitled people always shading authors and artists as if they're saint. Stop sanitizing fictions, people are aware of whatnots, you don't have to be the Saint.

welcome to the dynasty forums, the laughing stock of the internet,
on the left we have the masochists that read controversial mangas to feel bad to then whine on the forums without adding anything to the conversation
on the right we have the shamers that will accuse you of literal crimes for enjoying a drawing
and on the corner there´s a few people that actually discuss the mangas and know the difference between fiction and reality

hope you enjoy your stay

Anyway, I've been curious with the idol arc for quite a while now huhu, I hope they'll be fine.

yeah i think this arc is probably gonna revolve around rinna and her backstory

joined Oct 15, 2014

You know, in regards to the colour change of the arrows, I wonder, do the arrows only show romantic love or do they show platonic love as well?

It's been clarified that good will towards someone doesn't form an arrow.

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

Middle school friend? or Elementary school friend?

joined Oct 1, 2014

the arrows can turn black too, that's nice
she should definitely work as a detective

joined Aug 16, 2014

It's kind of a shame that stalker incident was covered in a flashback. Would have made a good dedicated chapter

joined Apr 20, 2013

deltahalo241 posted:

It's kind of a shame that stalker incident was covered in a flashback. Would have made a good dedicated chapter

Too dark imo, but now we know about dark arrows for future reference and how bad they can be

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