Forum › Listening to Heartbeats with My Best Friend (True Story) discussion

joined May 26, 2011

oh it's cute

joined Oct 15, 2014


joined Sep 27, 2017

They're both massive adorable dorks.

joined Jul 8, 2019

dat credits page almost deserves its own What the fuck am I reading? tag

joined Apr 22, 2017

Adorable :3
To this day, I still don't get how straight girls can do those things all the time. My classmate did that, then I couldn't feel and speak for the next 5 minutes :))

joined Oct 1, 2014

that's so cute

joined Oct 1, 2014

Adorable :3
To this day, I still don't get how straight girls can do those things all the time. My classmate did that, then I couldn't feel and speak for the next 5 minutes :))

i think maybe it's the same if we lesbians do to guys? or relatives?

joined Jan 15, 2020


joined Feb 17, 2020

Yet, another cute real story of Ryo Tsuzura

joined Aug 17, 2019

The heart is the strongest muscle.

joined Sep 6, 2018

I guess that’s the origin story for “Beloved L”...

joined Jul 23, 2020

too innocent and adorable

joined Apr 27, 2018

Oh man that Indiana Jones reference tho

joined Dec 20, 2018

Cute. And it's nice to see they're both equally excited, even if we don't know whether anything ever came of this.

That credits page is even better, though... :D

joined Jul 31, 2019


joined Oct 22, 2018

LMAO I didn't expect that Indiana Jones reference in the credit page

joined May 8, 2018

Excuse me! True story?! Ah, my gay heart.

joined Nov 6, 2018

The heart is the strongest muscle.

Actually, the strongest muscle is the masseter.

joined Aug 7, 2017

Mr. Zilla posted:

The heart is the strongest muscle.

Actually, the strongest muscle is the masseter.

Depends on how you define "strongest". The masseter is the strongest relative to its mass, but in terms of absolute strength, it's the quadriceps or the gluteus maximus that holds the crown (in part due to their sheer size). Meanwhile, the external muscles of the eye constantly readjust the position of the eyeball, making as much as 10,000 movements in a single hour while reading. And if we define "strength" as "hardest working", most experts agree that the title belongs to the heart, as it never stops beating throughout a person's life, with the average heart rate being 60-100 bpm (so the aforementioned eye muscles may be able to do a lot more movements in an hour, but they can't sustain it for long and need to rest every once in a while, whereas the heart never takes a break). And then there's the soleus, a muscle just below the calf muscle that is said to possess the absolute greatest pulling force in the entire human muscular system, which it uses to constantly battle against gravity to keep the human being upright.

Also, anyone who claims the tongue is the "strongest" muscle in any way is wrong on at least one vital fact: The tongue is composed of not a single muscle, but eight separate ones.

last edited at Mar 13, 2021 8:09PM

joined Apr 20, 2020


joined Dec 4, 2019

Well that’s one way to flirt...

joined Oct 20, 2017

Mr. Zilla posted:

The heart is the strongest muscle.

Actually, the strongest muscle is the masseter.

Depends on how you define "strongest". The masseter is the strongest relative to its mass, but in terms of absolute strength, it's the quadriceps or the gluteus maximus that holds the crown (in part due to their sheer size). Meanwhile, the external muscles of the eye constantly readjust the position of the eyeball, making as much as 10,000 movements in a single hour while reading. And if we define "strength" as "hardest working", most experts agree that the title belongs to the heart, as it never stops beating throughout a person's life, with the average heart rate being 60-100 bpm (so the aforementioned eye muscles may be able to do a lot more movements in an hour, but they can't sustain it for long and need to rest every once in a while, whereas the heart never takes a break). And then there's the soleus, a muscle just below the calf muscle that is said to possess the absolute greatest pulling force in the entire human muscular system, which it uses to constantly battle against gravity to keep the human being upright.

Also, anyone who claims the tongue is the "strongest" muscle in any way is wrong on at least one vital fact: The tongue is composed of not a single muscle, but eight separate ones.

Nice. Muscle facts.

joined Jul 29, 2017


joined Feb 1, 2021

I think this is my favorite from the "true yuri stories" series so far.

So cute

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