Forum › Useless Princesses discussion

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

This is certainly part of it to an extent, but she does also have a problem with her self-worth stemming from having been told since young that she's unfit to become a princess. Even after Fujishiro's makeover and being recognized as being just as beautiful by others, inside she's still the same little girl who resigned to play the horse for the rest of her life.

I know there’s symbolism and all that but getting to be the princess in your sentence made me laugh.

Well, it is quite literally the word used in that first case that became the source of her trauma due to the play, and the word she constantly uses to describe Fujishiro.

Haha the first part ending with that is so funny to me for some reason tho. Like I know it’s some deep inferiority about not being this “shining/glowing/I’mnotreallysurewhatwordstousebecauseprincesssumsitupprettywell” Person. But just the fact that not looking in to the deeper meaning she’s upset because, she’s not in her mind, a princess makes me laugh.

last edited at Mar 6, 2021 12:59PM

joined Dec 13, 2018

man she needs therapy or something my dudes

joined Mar 20, 2014

What the hell, Kanade. Do you think it's necessary to rip out Nanaki's heart and trample all over it like that? Nanaki really didn't deserve any of that crap.

So my advise to Nanaki would be: RUN! Get away as far as you can from that headcase. No amount of love of devotion you give her will help her. What Kanade needs is some serious therapy, and it's not up to you to provide it.

I still hope that something positive will come out of this. Actually, I'd like Nanaki to give Izumi a chance. Failing that I will label this work as simply another example of egregious yuri-baiting and call it a day.

joined Aug 10, 2015

man she needs therapy or something my dudes

Yeeeeaaah I’m with you on this. I’m honestly kinda scared for her right now.

As she is, being in a relationship with the person she idolizes to that level seems likely to be extremely toxic.

joined Dec 13, 2020

Because she's prudent and levelheaded and absolutely doesn't want to get it wrong.

Are you really going to call her level-headed after this chapter?

Thing is, up to that point, she was being level-headed and acting like a reasonable person.
Later in the final scene of the chapter it kinda goes downhill and it's a mess but it's also very much in-character so we can't complain.

I kinda understand what you're saying but I'm still confused on the trope shattering part. What do you mean by trope: shattered?

Morter explained it very well. I'm just going to add a bit:
In yuri manga, there are certain tropes or clichés that you find everywhere, in every story, and it gets very tiring. Some are clichés that come from standard romcom, others are clichés specific to the yuri genre, but all are re-used time and again by almost all authors. This is because these tropes are assumed to be old, proven and tried methods to create conflict, thrill and drama, and their purpose is to keep the readers interested.

I guess it works well with most readers (since authors keep using these old tropes) but some people think it's boring to meet the same copy-pasted situations in hundreds of different manga. In this forum there is often complaining about that. The special thing about Useless Princesses is that the author seems to want to make a point to avoid those tropes. At least a dozen times in the story it looked that a plot development was going to fall in the pattern of a cliched trope and then it was masterfully avoided, usually by the means of using communication to clear misunderstandings. That's what I mean by shattering tropes.

Same thing here: one girl says "suki!" or "I love!" and because it's open to more than one interpretation (see my message before this) the other thinks that it can't be a confession of romantic love, it must mean something else. But instead of persisting in the misunderstanding she demands an explanation so that all ambiguity is cleared. And she gets exactly that. Another old cliché bites the dust, and this story keeps racking up an impressive list of shattered tropes.

last edited at Mar 6, 2021 1:16PM

joined Jul 21, 2019

"See, now that's some bullshit" - Nick Fury

I laughed, thanks.

joined Apr 2, 2013

I knew a lot of it was going down this direction. Feels great knowing the author makes them communicate with each other.

joined Apr 2, 2013

Kurokawa will get her “princess moment” and I predict that she will give that up and reaffirm her resolve to Stan for Fujishiro.
As for Fujishiro, I just hope she finds a way to positively change Kurokawa from being a Stan to being a real friend, plus or minus a make a yuri ship with Kurokawa as bonus.

Just quoting myself predicting this chapter 6 months ago. Woot!

last edited at Mar 6, 2021 2:24PM

joined Oct 17, 2016

this is the biggest bruh moment

joined Sep 11, 2019

This is just pain
For everyone

joined Aug 4, 2016

One thing is for certain, this series definitely gets people talking. Not even a day and multiple pages of posts.

The "I'm not worthy" thing has always been my most hated trope in romances. I was immediately reminded of an old shoujo series called Say I Love You which similarly pissed me off. It's just so very insulting. Yeah, I guess this is predictably where it was heading, but it's still awful, and it didn't have to be this way.

joined Jan 4, 2021

Because she's prudent and levelheaded and absolutely doesn't want to get it wrong.

Are you really going to call her level-headed after this chapter?

I kinda understand what you're saying but I'm still confused on the trope shattering part. What do you mean by trope: shattered?

Most of the post you just read describes the classic trope of misunderstanding 'suki'/'like' means because of the nuances of the language. The trope itself is played straight when there are misunderstandings--for either comedy or drama.

But instead of letting the misunderstandings play out, Kurokawa was confrontational about it. That "shatters" (ie: denies/breaks the flow of) that misunderstanding trope.

Does that help?

Ah, thank you!

joined Mar 15, 2015

I thought things were wrapping up nicely, boy was I wrong. Goddamn just when I thought they were making some good progress... Well progress is still progress I suppose. 2 steps forward 1 step back you know what I mean?

I'm personally not surprised this happened. In order for a relationship for the two to work, they're going to have to address Kurokawa's feelings of inferiority toward Fujishiro, as well as Fujishiro's bullying Kurokawa. While Fujishiro has treated Kurokawa better, she never actually learned that Kurokawa didn't actually mean to comfort her after Hiro broke up with Fujishiro, so I think that issue still hasn't been resolved, either.

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

I knew a lot of it was going down this direction. Feels great knowing the author makes them communicate with each other.

Ya I love that kurokawa just straight up said let’s talk and that instead of running away (again) she just resigned herself kurokawa. And that kurokawa just straight up asked.

Oops to the names.

last edited at Mar 7, 2021 7:24AM

joined Jan 16, 2020

I knew a lot of it was going down this direction. Feels great knowing the author makes them communicate with each other.

Ya I love that fujishiro just straight up said let’s talk and that instead of running away (again) she just resigned herself to fujishiro. And that fujishiro just straight up asked.

it was Kurokawa, that wanted to talk, not Fujishiro xd

joined May 20, 2013

its fujishiros all the way down

joined Jan 17, 2017


joined Sep 1, 2017

I think the response, to Kurokawa's melodramatic B.S., Fujishima was looking for was "Who I fall in love with is my choice".

joined Dec 20, 2018

I think the response, to Kurokawa's melodramatic B.S., Fujishima was looking for was "Who I fall in love with is my choice".

That is not really wrong, but it's not enough. She also needs to make Kurokawa see that it's alright for her to be loved by Fujishiro, that she is actually equal to her, or Kurokawa will keep rejecting her anyway.

joined Jun 2, 2019

kinda predicted this but i didnt expect that she'll be so explosive lol

joined Sep 21, 2014

Guys, just look at the title of the manga. The author is just sticking to the theme.

joined Jul 15, 2020

Yoooo, them fast af uploads. Thankful as hecc.

With that said though... pain. Multiple levels of pain. Like, it had to happen at some point but I wasn't expecting it to hurt like this.

Looking forward to seeing what will happen next.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

luinthoron posted:

The interesting thing about this chapter is, if you really think about what Kurokawa said, she essentially confessed right there as well, but her inferiority complex keeps her thinking they shouldn't be together.

So I'm not the only one who got that impression. If you take out the crap about her inferiority complex it's really difficult to read it as anything other than a confession of her own, lol. Hopefully Nanaki isn't too shocked by her outburst and getting turned down to realize this detail.

luinthoron posted:

I think the response, to Kurokawa's melodramatic B.S., Fujishima was looking for was "Who I fall in love with is my choice".

That is not really wrong, but it's not enough. She also needs to make Kurokawa see that it's alright for her to be loved by Fujishiro, that she is actually equal to her, or Kurokawa will keep rejecting her anyway.

I think that the best solution to the issue (past Kurokawa seeing a therapist) is for Nanaki to get her to realize that she's far from the ideal person Kurokawa sees her as. It wouldn't actually solve Kurokawa's inferiority complex issue at its root but it could at least solve this specific issue.

joined Sep 4, 2016

Useless Princess? More like Useless Development. This thing is all over the place, and not really in a good way.

Kanade going yandere was a bit of a surprise though. I knew she idolized her, but I didn't think it was to this extreme of a level. Fujishiro should probably use this opportunity to run away as far as possible. Between psycho girl Kanade, and potential psycho girl Miki, this could get dicey. Time to change schools and start over.

Looking back, seems like Izumi dodged a bullet when she got turned down.

joined Feb 18, 2018

what the fuck is going on ? its getting creepy and frustrating all of sudden and out of nowhere,,, what the author trying to do here ?
its time for me to get out of this shit..

last edited at Mar 6, 2021 8:09PM

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