And just like that, now I HAVE to catch up
Ok, now I've caught up. So here's what I'm wondering. Did this story get axed. If it's really over, then it feels a bit rushed. We don't really know too much about Veronica or April's back story, at least I don't think we do. I probably missed it. It's also weird that Airi was a pretty docile person up until at some point until she started weilding a giant metal cross and acting like a vampire hunter. Like, what made her become like that? Laatly, Mariko was a cool character in the beginning and I thought she would have been more prominent in the story to add to the comedy, but she just shows up at the end. All in all, it was a good story and it ended exactly how I wanted it to end, with them all being a weird little family. I just wish we got more chapters. Oh well, thank you for translating this, it was worth it