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joined Apr 20, 2013

That's the worst, I don't know how or when that misconception started, that If I am gay, it means that I'm actively seeking to have sex with whoever is in front of me of the same sex, that I would find ALL girls atractive... But it's fine if I'm heterosexual, they don't have that "predatory" impulse? Why xD is one of the most stupid and hurtful parts of coming out and explaining to stupid people.

The funny thing is WHY would they think I want to inmediatelly have sex with them, where do they get that sudden confidence in their sex appeal? XD

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

That really sucks. The bizarre misconceptions certain people have about the identities' of others will never cease to amaze me.

In my experience, people I've grown up with have tended to let go off that immature bigotry over time. Those who didn't cut me out grew into some real tolerance, or acceptance. I didn't exactly grow up in the most accepting place or time, so hopefully that's a positive story for you.

last edited at Jan 5, 2021 8:09AM

joined May 10, 2014
I forgot to share the Lamy x Botan date.
Dragon ball super Caulifla x Kale

joined Nov 24, 2017

PSA: Never buy a phone from Alcatel. Most godawful phones ever made. Also known as TCL, same company, same trash.

last edited at Jan 5, 2021 4:50PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate today!

joined May 10, 2014

Trump's cult is at it again. Weren't they the same people that told Hillary's supporters to take the L? I hope no more idiots get themselves killed.
I think they're hacking random websites too. Twitter suspending him was the best case scenario at least, he can't get the attention he craves so much.
BLEH I hate politics so much because it makes stupid people dumber.
Here, have something cute instead:

joined Nov 24, 2017

Since there seem to be a lot of people who are not US citizens that frequent this site, I think they should hear what an actual American and former military contractor has to say about the most recent updates. Beau of the Fifth Column is a voice of reason and progress coming out of (surprise!) Florida. This is his newest video and his takes on Trump's bullshit "plea for an orderly transition of power." This is the actual United States of America, not Trump's cultists.

joined May 2, 2018

Does he say anything about the ongoing rescue operation of US special forces from Kisaragi Station by two Japanese teenagers?

joined Nov 24, 2017

Does he say anything about the ongoing rescue operation of US special forces from Kisaragi Station by two Japanese teenagers?

You'll forgive me if I'm not exactly in the mood to laugh at tone-deaf jokes of ridiculous depictions.

joined Dec 15, 2015

Throbelisk said:

Does he say anything about the ongoing rescue operation of US special forces from Kisaragi Station by two Japanese teenagers?

You'll forgive me if I'm not exactly in the mood to laugh at tone-deaf jokes of ridiculous depictions.

I believe that you very often are not in the mood to laugh at 'tone-deaf jokes' – or to laugh at all.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Nov 24, 2017

I believe that you very often are not in the mood to laugh at 'tone-deaf jokes' – or to laugh at all.

If you were concerned about your country's democratic process being under attack by deranged cultists, maybe you'd be less inclined to make asshole edgelord trolling comments, too. It's just a thought. Y'all have a good day.

joined Dec 15, 2015

Throbelisk said:

I believe that you very often are not in the mood to laugh at 'tone-deaf jokes' – or to laugh at all.

If you were concerned about your country's democratic process being under attack by deranged cultists, maybe you'd be less inclined to make asshole edgelord trolling comments, too. It's just a thought. Y'all have a good day.

Yeah, thanks for proving my point. Have a good day, too.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Throbelisk said:

I believe that you very often are not in the mood to laugh at 'tone-deaf jokes' – or to laugh at all.

If you were concerned about your country's democratic process being under attack by deranged cultists, maybe you'd be less inclined to make asshole edgelord trolling comments, too. It's just a thought. Y'all have a good day.

Yeah, thanks for proving my point. Have a good day, too.

Comments like this. Why do you do this? Who are you benefiting from this garbage? Why do you insist on being completely insufferable?

last edited at Jan 7, 2021 9:41AM

joined Dec 15, 2015

Throbelisk said:

If you were concerned about your country's democratic process being under attack by deranged cultists, maybe you'd be less inclined to make asshole edgelord trolling comments, too. It's just a thought. Y'all have a good day.

Yeah, thanks for proving my point. Have a good day, too.

Comments like this. Why do you do this? Who are you benefiting from this garbage? Why do you insist on being completely insufferable?

Noting how you went from a burning ‘insufferable cunt’ to a soberer ‘completely insufferable ∅’ after you have cooled down (thanks for editing such a naughty word out by the way), it seems like you may have anger issues. If that’s effectively the case, then I’m sorry I triggered you. There is no point in dragging this conversation further, as things will only keep inflaming, so let’s just drop it.

Have a good day, and, if I may add some piece of advice, try not taking the things you read on this forum too personally. Especially here in the café, since after all, it’s a place meant for people to carefreely – or at least not too seriously – talk about anything and have a nice time.

joined Nov 24, 2017

I do have anger issues. And edgelords who think jokes about wishing annihilation on people are funny then feel the need to attack my sense of humor (which is so very well documented on this site) really do trigger it. I accept your apology and offer you a tutorial on some actual humor.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I'm glad that ended well.

As you can see, we've killed off a bunch of stickies and gone through a slight reorganisation in order to (hopefully) provide a cleaner and more organised experience. I just wanted to reiterate here that we're always open to any feedback whatsoever, no matter the nature.

last edited at Jan 7, 2021 2:25PM

joined Jan 21, 2015

^ You've been busy!

I do have anger issues.

I was debating posting this as it might come across as condescending rather than helpful, but as someone who also has anger issues, taking an hour off and doing something else if you can helps immensely. It could be anything--going for a walk, listening to music, watching anime or reading manga, playing a video game... I often have to close the tab/Discord when I see someone with a terrible take or just an opinion I strongly disagree with, or I'd get in trouble if I responded.

Of course, when I come back I'm usually still as angry, but I've decided that replying is pointless.

joined Jan 14, 2020 changed my life. Someone is always wrong on the Internet, go to bed.

That said, getting provoked while your country suffers a (thankfully inept) coup attempt isn't fun or funny.

joined May 2, 2018

That said, getting provoked while your country suffers a (thankfully inept) coup attempt isn't fun or funny.

I'm sorry for stirring this up. I was not out to provoke Throbelisk. I wanted to make light of the way he chose a yuri manga site as an outlet for political venting, but in hindsight I should have thought twice.

joined Nov 21, 2020

The text matches the avatar perfectly:

joined Apr 27, 2018

So is it just or have there been more arguments/debates about social issues happening in chapter discussions recently?

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I'm not sure how recently you mean. Though, it does seem likely that as the internet has become more visibly diverse & politicized, debates about those issues have grown in a lot of unexpected places. Surely Dynasty is no exception, and I doubt this trend will be stopping anytime soon. (Probably goes doubly in 2020 due to all the stuff that happened there)

last edited at Jan 8, 2021 1:25AM

joined Jun 20, 2020

On December 21st here in Salem, The Proud Boys & other fascist groups broke into the Oregon State Capitol. Now it looks like that was just a trial run for what they were really planning. A 30 minute report by Backyard Politix.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Throbelisk posted:

Since there seem to be a lot of people who are not US citizens that frequent this site, I think they should hear what an actual American and former military contractor has to say about the most recent updates. Beau of the Fifth Column is a voice of reason and progress coming out of (surprise!) Florida. This is his newest video and his takes on Trump's bullshit "plea for an orderly transition of power." This is the actual United States of America, not Trump's cultists.

LegalEagle is also a good channel. Since he's a lawyer and it's a US legal code-focused channel he tends to focus purely on the law which can be pretty insightful. The video I linked here is the only one I've seen since I subscribed to him where shows actual anger. Beau also tends to try to keep an objective standpoint but he gets angry frequently enough (and rightfully so) that his reactions to the seditionists was to be expected.

Throbelisk posted:

I do have anger issues. And edgelords who think jokes about wishing annihilation on people are funny then feel the need to attack my sense of humor (which is so very well documented on this site) really do trigger it. I accept your apology and offer you a tutorial on some actual humor.

As someone who also has anger issues, you should definitely look into anger management methods. It'll help a lot. I lucked out (if you can call getting in trouble for getting bullied because of shitty no-tolerance policies lucky) and got transferred into a private school focused on anger management when I was in the fourth or fifth grade and it helped a shit load. Though not all methods work for all people either so you should try to find what works for you in particular.

2SpiritCherokeePrincess posted:

On December 21st here in Salem, The Proud Boys & other fascist groups broke into the Oregon State Capitol. Now it looks like that was just a trial run for what they were really planning. A 30 minute report by Backyard Politix.

These idiots have no sense of irony or self-awareness. They complain about BLM and Antifa protests which at worst resulted in the Portland courthouse getting graffitied and yet when it comes down to it, they do far worse. Trump supporters went on for four years about how Clinton lost and the left needs to get over it. Their favorite fascist lost and they try to mount an insurrection over it. I have exactly zero respect left for anyone who calls themselves a Republican at this point.

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