Thanks Serenata, OrangePekoe, and TB. Those tips are pretty helpful.
I try to empathize with people and reflect on their perspective and feelings (which is why I also want to be a writer eventually because it is interesting thinking from other people's perspectives and understanding their thoughts and reasoning).
Though tbh, sometimes it's hard to empathize with people who antagonize you without reason and keep on harassing you without trying to empathize with you or realizing what they are doing is hurtful or callous.
And I tend to overthink about past events too much, even if they are little minor things, and I end up just spiraling into a rabbit hole of anxiety and self-loathing, just repeating those scenarios in my head and thinking about all the ways I could have tried to change it. Although, whenever this happens now, I can talk with close people about my feelings instead of bottling it up, which helps, or if there's no one I can talk to I just try to distract myself with something else.
Also being less harsh with yourself and noticing the qualities you already have might help cultivate them.
I'll definitely try to do this. I think I obsess about the negatives that I forget to see the positives about myself.
And read this manga, this is the most important step: gain wisdom +100 easy
Ikoku Nikki sounds like an interesting manga. I read the first two chapters. I really like it so far. I definitely need that wisdom gain so I'll read more XD. And I really like the art, especially this scene:

last edited at Dec 1, 2020 10:13AM