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joined Mar 23, 2019



last edited at Nov 25, 2020 12:04AM

joined Mar 29, 2019

Knowing Sabu, she'll pretend to let Haru and Matsu get together and then end the manga. Obviously I WANT this to happen very badly (between Haru and Matsu) but knowing Sabu is the ultimate troll, I can't believe I will ever be so fortunate.

I'm shocked right now that the author is letting this happen even as a joke. I thought her original story was holy ground?

Why do I find HaruMatsu so interesting?

Tall vs short aspect.
Harumin is obviously hiding things/Matsu is obviously hiding things
Purple vs pink
Luscious vs Akihabara gamer girl
Genius vs a bit of a dimwit
Mature vs immature

They're opposites in every way. And like they say, opposites attract.

I know Sabu was playfully putting them together but I thought it was a joke. This manga would really restart if it wasn't a joke though. Like fire.

On the other hand I agree that Mei has been written into a corner, but we all know why her character conceit is the way it is. Mei broke up with Yuzu so Mei is afraid of restarting intimacy. Wouldn't you in all likelihood feel terrible if you ripped the heart out of the person you love and made them save you AGAIN? Where is Mei's agency? That's the big question, plus Sabu is leaving her on the backburner. Citrus Plus will be about how they can restart intimacy from a 60-floor luxury condo apartment building fire (metaphor for her burning down their relationship and lying to her and running away).

If I'm Sabu I've looked for interesting things to write about. As far as Mei being a ninny, yes she is, it's her conceit and it will build her character, I believe. Or at least that's what I would look for.

Harumin and Matsuri will redeem each other and Yuzu/Mei will have to redeem each other. The big reveal is what Yuzu has to do with all of this? How will she grow? That will be the hardest part to write.

Yuzu has been such a one-dimensional character as the literal representation of the author--much like Sailor Moon represented her author. I wonder if there's a way to make her grow in these arcs? She can't be happy-go-lucky medicine girl forever, eventually she has to change. What is the conceited side of Yuzu? Where is dark Yuzu? I'd like to see a role reversal, happy sun Mei and dark devil Yuzu--that would be worth paying tickets for.

Anyways, this chapter was absolute fire. Can't wait for the next and I'm so glad they continued the series if only for this chapter.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Where is Mei's agency?

First place I would look would be Sabu’s junk drawer, or wherever that one missing sock goes in the laundry room. :)

Although I personally don’t find either one of the HaruMatsu pair especially interesting, I agree with most of your post.

And it would be just like arch-troll Saburouta to end the series by giving us a HaruMatsu sex scene while Mei and Yuzu continue to cling grimly to their chastity while sleeping in the same bed.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And it would be just like arch-troll Saburouta to end the series by giving us a HaruMatsu sex scene while Mei and Yuzu continue to cling grimly to their chastity while sleeping in the same bed.

I already will be more surprised if they even end up together.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Citrus Plus will be about how they can restart intimacy from a 60-floor luxury condo apartment building fire (metaphor for her burning down their relationship and lying to her and running away).

To your “one-dimensional Yuzu” point (not that I hold it against her—at least one of the MCs is consistently written), is there any indication that Yuzu holds even the slightest resentment (or any other kind of negative feeling) against Mei for that sudden breakup (let alone for Mei not saying anything about the eventual arranged marriage while they were together)?

Yuzu just seems relieved and happy to have Mei back after her successful rescue mission. (I’m starting to see Yuzu’s role as basically the same as the protagonist in hero-dog stories.) So if in fact Mei’s current character is a function of her guilt about hurting Yuzu, it’s yet another example of her carrying everything inside without communicating with her supposed life-partner.

last edited at Nov 26, 2020 11:04AM

joined Feb 14, 2019

I actually think it is more likely than not that Yuzu/Mei will eventually have sex in Citrus+... but have all those clamoring for that considered that it almost certainly won't be what they are hoping for?

It is highly unlikely to be explicit, and there is a very good chance it won't even happen "on screen", it might be a milestone, but the actual mechanics aren't relevant at all - Y&M's sexual desire/chemistry is already long-established. Citrus's infamous "sexy" energy has always been related to misdirection (including the covers!) and misunderstanding - the genuine moments have always been soft and touching - so pillow talk would be the order of the day, not rubbing naked body parts together.

Also, although I'm not coming at this from a waiting-for-sex angle, has anyone "done the math" on the timeline: we are only around 5 weeks in at 1 July. Spring/April - high school graduation and likely date for the wedding is seeming a very long way off. Are we looking at Saburouta's long term job-security plan?

joined Jan 27, 2016

That kiss made me goo kyaaaaaaa

joined Apr 27, 2017


joined Dec 8, 2020

When will the next chapter will come out???????

joined Oct 21, 2017

When will the next chapter will come out???????

it'll be out this week on the 18th.

joined Oct 21, 2017

it's nice to see Matsuri & Sayaka are making amends to each other.
little bummed that Harumi X Matsuri is on hold but that's fine no need to rush, this has been brewing for a long time. Saburo has been giving loads of hints that she's planning on having those two as a couple. And +chapter's 13,14 & 15 are the first stepping stone of them being an official couple later on the road in the series.

Also I think I have a general idea what's going to happen in the next chapter. Mei has somehow misplace her ring & tries to find it herself without Yuzu finding out that she lost it. Friend suggests to get replacement but doesn't want to because of it's importance & sentimental value & who can blame her. Considering how Yuzu work very hard to get those rings.

joined Aug 19, 2019

LMAO the sudden realization on page 23 Kinda sad its not more focused on Harumin and Matsuri tho

last edited at Dec 21, 2020 4:18PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Pretty fun chapters this time.

The interlude with Matsuri and Sayaka is setting up a fun dynamic with those two and certainly, it looks like those three will be hanging out together more in the future. Speaking of Sayaka, I recently got the second volume of Citrus+ and I found it hilarious that Sayaka legit has blue hair. In a series where everyone has normal hair colors (bar Matsuri but she's specifically stated to dye her hair) I found it deliciously ironic that the Miss Stuck-up for the rules is the one to have an unrealistic hair color. At least she has never given shit to Matsuri for her pink hair.

Also, something that has been bugging me since I saw the raws was why there are two versions of the first page?

The second chapter is a classic breather episode, setting up the next arc of the series and while light on developments still gives us some interesting details to chew on. First, while is true HaruMatsu is taking a backseat, I disagree with being completely put on hold. Matsuri is acting a lot happier compared to previous chapters, and she's being pretty blunt with her flirting with Harumin. The Matsuri from Citrus would only tease Yuzu like this, she's clearly feeling pretty giddy about what happened in the previous chapter.

Yuzu acting jealous is adorable and Sabu has to make an extra effort to draw her incredibly expressive as late, pretty much all of her faces would make for great reaction images. And the not so subtle acknowledgment that Yuzu wants to get into Mei's pants was freaking hilarious. All in all, a great way to end the year.

Thanks for the translations Chaosteam.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Also, something that has been bugging me since I saw the raws was why there are two versions of the first page?

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Maybe Saburouta accidentally published a rough draft of the first page along with the final version? Though it'd be weird that no editors or whatever caught that either.

joined Dec 26, 2014

Also, something that has been bugging me since I saw the raws was why there are two versions of the first page?

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Maybe Saburouta accidentally published a rough draft of the first page along with the final version? Though it'd be weird that no editors or whatever caught that either.

Only first 2 panels are the exact same but yeah at first thought it was a mistake by yuri hime

joined Aug 8, 2020


joined Oct 21, 2017

Also, something that has been bugging me since I saw the raws was why there are two versions of the first page?

Actually they're different, Matsuri came in when class started than left & came back after class ended. Look at the clock & schedule on the blackboard between the two page.

last edited at Dec 21, 2020 6:01PM

joined Feb 14, 2019

Also, something that has been bugging me since I saw the raws was why there are two versions of the first page?

Actually they're different, Matsuri came in when class started than left & came back after class ended. Look at the clock & schedule on the blackboard between the two page.

Yes, the gag becomes obvious when you get to the end of the "repeat" page - Matsuri repeated her dramatic entrance routine until she got the response she wanted. (Sayaka's expression changes too; ideally some of the background characters would have moved & maybe more heads turning their way with the repeat, but I can understand the temptation to economize... ).

joined Dec 26, 2014

Also, something that has been bugging me since I saw the raws was why there are two versions of the first page?

Actually they're different, Matsuri came in when class started than left & came back after class ended. Look at the clock & schedule on the blackboard between the two page.

Yes, the gag becomes obvious when you get to the end of the "repeat" page - Matsuri repeated her dramatic entrance routine until she got the response she wanted. (Sayaka's expression changes too; ideally some of the background characters would have moved & maybe more heads turning their way with the repeat, but I can understand the temptation to economize... ).

Sayaka told Matsuri that it's not ok to enter a class without permission. Matsuri left,then came back after class ,probably asked permission and told her she needed to talk

joined Mar 8, 2014

How many chapter has this series been going on for... I've been reading this since I was in high school omg... I don't read it much now, I basically skim it so sorry if I'm being too negative but Mei omg... is she ever going to stop being so frigid? She does have some character development but so painfully slow, it doesn't even make sense for her to be so cold... Besides she used to be so sexual, she barely even kisses Yuzu! I know people go on and on about them having sex but omg, they barely have any skinship! Aren't they supposed to be a couple!? Hug, kiss more than once, make out! or something! ugh!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Also, something that has been bugging me since I saw the raws was why there are two versions of the first page?

Actually they're different, Matsuri came in when class started than left & came back after class ended. Look at the clock & schedule on the blackboard between the two page.

Yes, the gag becomes obvious when you get to the end of the "repeat" page - Matsuri repeated her dramatic entrance routine until she got the response she wanted. (Sayaka's expression changes too; ideally some of the background characters would have moved & maybe more heads turning their way with the repeat, but I can understand the temptation to economize... ).

Sayaka told Matsuri that it's not ok to enter a class without permission. Matsuri left,then came back after class ,probably asked permission and told her she needed to talk

That's hilarious but so subtle that it completely flew over my head. My bad.

joined Oct 21, 2017

First, while is true HaruMatsu is taking a backseat, I disagree with being completely put on hold. Matsuri is acting a lot happier compared to previous chapters, and she's being pretty blunt with her flirting with Harumin. The Matsuri from Citrus would only tease Yuzu like this, she's clearly feeling pretty giddy about what happened in the previous chapter.

That's actually what I meant Dark_Tzitzimine when I said on hold I meant not entirely focusing on them, like with Yuzu & Mei but taking a backseat for now. I have noticed that she's a lot happier too compared to the previous chapters, & yes she is very elated on what happened in the previous chapter. And that is first stepping stone of them being an official couple later in the series.

last edited at Dec 21, 2020 6:40PM

joined Feb 14, 2019

Yes, the gag becomes obvious when you get to the end of the "repeat" page - Matsuri repeated her dramatic entrance routine until she got the response she wanted. (Sayaka's expression changes too; ideally some of the background characters would have moved & maybe more heads turning their way with the repeat, but I can understand the temptation to economize... ).

Sayaka told Matsuri that it's not ok to enter a class without permission. Matsuri left,then came back after class ,probably asked permission and told her she needed to talk

That's hilarious but so subtle that it completely flew over my head. My bad.

If you want really subtle, I'm now wondering if re-using the background with the students in the same position was a meta-joke about the Academy student's devotion to routine.

joined Apr 25, 2018

Can someone explain to me the significance of last two pages or so, I don't quite get it.

joined Jun 30, 2016

Can someone explain to me the significance of last two pages or so, I don't quite get it.

Well watching her reaction, she was hoping for Yuzu to ask her for a more intimate action, also she looking at her finger and the box, she clearly lost the ring.

last edited at Dec 21, 2020 7:08PM

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