ForumNews Yogentei’s Releases Licensed, Being Taken Down Soon

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Words directly from The Macaron Press:

Hello readers of Dynasty!

Thank you for your support on our recent release by Touki! It means quite a lot. After we shared your comments, Touki was happy that you were all meaningfully considering his work. But, well, we’re here now to do the less popular part of our job. We've recently licensed works from the circle Yogentei (with the artist 6th Manager), and they have requested that we get all of their works taken down. Rather than do this behind the scenes, we wanted to give everyone a chance to read the fan translations one last time by offering this heads up that they will be taken down at the end of the day on 9/20.

After that, we will strive to produce a higher quality version than you would see in a fan translation and what you might typically expect from an official English release. We're still working on our shortcomings, but we aim to provide works that you'll want to read in addition to the ones that you may have already found in the fan scene. And since we're working with Yogentei, they will be selling our localizations directly and receiving the proceeds.

If you have any questions at all, we can respond in the comments,
-The Macaron Press

last edited at Sep 18, 2020 3:13PM by The Macaron Press

The Macaron Press Uploader
joined Aug 28, 2020

We'll be floating around here to answer questions! For quick access, the Yogentei works are currently:

last edited at Sep 18, 2020 3:21PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

This means we only got like 27 hours.
(It seems I'll be spending most of my time tomorrow at the computer screenshoting, saving and organizing all the works by this author we got here)

last edited at Sep 19, 2020 11:36AM

joined Aug 24, 2016

So which story is getting licensed?

joined Jan 3, 2020

Nice, I've always liked the author's stuff, but it seems like not that much of it has been translated (unless they literally just stopped creating content some years ago, but it seems far more likely that there weren't enough interested translators).

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Pretty cool to do it in an announcement like this.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I wish the author the best, getting licensed is good news because they get to publish more stories this way, also in all my years in the manga/anime world, this is the first time a licensed series is received this treatment so we can all say good bye (or see you soon!) with a smile

joined Jul 10, 2018

Any idea of which works specifically are getting an official English release? I'm down for removing them if it means that the artist can benefit from English translations of their work, I just wanna know what to expect from this.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Is the stuff going to be available world wide or just US like usual?

joined Feb 17, 2013

I really love the quiet girl and delinquent misunderstanding manga- I hope if that one is getting an offical release it will have more chapters? I'd glady buy it.

joined Oct 18, 2017

I really love the quiet girl and delinquent misunderstanding manga- I hope if that one is getting an offical release it will have more chapters? I'd glady buy it.

Same here.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I really love the quiet girl and delinquent misunderstanding manga- I hope if that one is getting an offical release it will have more chapters? I'd glady buy it.

Same here.

I'd say same, but I don't know if they'll sell here, and if not, would some online shop be willing to transport it over here, and in either case if the price would be in my small budget... Maybe I could ask my dad if he could buy it for me online? Don't think he'd like that idea tho... Especially since he's always been a bit too extremely cautious when it comes to online paying.

joined May 28, 2016

Whether or not the quality actually will be better than the fan translations is yet to be seen since one would have to do a side-by-side comparison of the fan translated stuff with the "official" translated stuff with the originals. Speaking of that unless the originals are removed from the internet, what prevents other groups from doing translations in spite of the "official" ones?

joined Feb 17, 2013

^Nothing ofcourse, but most groups wont do stuff they know is licensed- especially if they get told to stop.

joined May 28, 2016

Keep in mind almost everything on this site is technically in violation of copyright laws- which control derivative works including translations among other things. Just most authors/creators choose to not pursue legal action against this site- however that doesn't mean they can't if they choose to do so.

joined Jan 14, 2020

You know, Dynasty's download limit of 8 chapters a day hurts when someone puts out lots of 4 page chapters.

joined Jan 11, 2017

How are titles from "The Macaron Press" usually distributed? Physical only? Digital? And if Digital is it downloadable or is it locked to some dumb site with a proprietary viewer?

I'll buy digital manga in a heartbeat as long as i'm actually buying it. I hate that stupid coin system that many sites use to unlock non downloadable chapters.

last edited at Sep 18, 2020 8:52PM

joined May 28, 2016

You know, Dynasty's download limit of 8 chapters a day hurts when someone puts out lots of 4 page chapters.

That's only on chapters not individual page downloads which there is no download limit (that I know of). Since each chapter is short you can just download all the pages and put them in one folder.

I like how this site just counts the number of downloads and not the size of the downloads. Dynasty doesn't care if you download 8 1MB files or 8 100MB files.

joined May 1, 2015

Did you make him aware that his works will still be instantly pirated on torrent sites anyways, so this move accomplishes nothing?

The Macaron Press Uploader
joined Aug 28, 2020

Any idea of which works specifically are getting an official English release?

So which story is getting licensed?

We have licensed four (4) works from 6th Manager (circle name Yogentei) so far. If those go well, we hope to work on more, with everyone's support. We're not quite ready to announce which yet, but we hope to soon.

Whether or not the quality actually will be better than the fan translations is yet to be seen

You may review our free releases on our Twitter, as well as our Touki release here, and make the decision for yourself. We expect the quality to be either similar or somewhat improved from our current work.

Speaking of that unless the originals are removed from the internet, what prevents other groups from doing translations in spite of the "official" ones?

Your pure hearts. As well as our personal requests and, in this case, a rather adamant tweet from Yogentei.

Is the stuff going to be available world wide or just US like usual?

would some online shop be willing to transport it over here

We should clarify that we only do digital releases. As Yogentei will be handling distribution, the works will likely be released on Booth and available to anyone with a PayPal account, unless Booth starts accepting foreign credit cards.
Physical releases require capital (of which we have none) and a much larger infrastructure and distribution channel than we have. As we have no parent company, we do not want to go down the route of unfulfilled kickstarters, lack of stock, etc. Self-published works, in particular, are very hard to get published physically as there is no independent publishing equivalent to comiket or comitia in these parts. For similar endeavors of yuri in the west, you can check out the physical versions of Always Human, Amongst Us, Band vs. Band, and Sunstone (all freely available webcomics).

most authors/creators choose to not pursue legal action against this site- however that doesn't mean they can't if they choose to do so

To complicate this matter, they would need to hire and interface with a western lawyer, as well as publish their personal name and address in order to file a public complaint. Something generally out of the power of a hobbyist creating manga on the side and a major drain on the resources of, for instance, the BL indie publisher Futekiya.

I'll buy digital manga in a heartbeat as long as i'm actually buying it.

So far, all of our works have been published in a way that they can be downloaded. Right now, this means works by Sumire and N.Bakery are on Booth in English and can be downloaded locally upon purchase. Ishigami Akira's works can be saved manually off of Twitter, though they are free. We did some translation work for Irua, but those are on Amazon and so you can only get encrypted versions (for anyone who remembers the Irua snafu awhile back). Due to the cost of using or hosting on a reader, we probably will not go that route ourselves when we have our own website and instead do downloads, but we do plan on selling on Amazon and Comixology as well. Our accounts are there, but getting contracts and payments in order for creators and staff is a large undertaking legally and logistically.

I'm down for removing them if it means that the artist can benefit from English translations of their work, I just wanna know what to expect from this.

As Yogentei will be selling the works themselves on Booth, they will be the ones making money from sales. Apart from the percentage Booth takes, that is. As such, it is up to us to promote the works, so any help will be greatly appreciated. Does this address your concern?

I like how this site...

Ruby is a helluva coding language

Did you make him aware that his works will still be instantly pirated on torrent sites anyways, so this move accomplishes nothing?

If a mere trifle such as the futility of life would stop us, we never would have started this endeavor in the first place.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Ruby is a helluva coding language

irb(main):003:0> ''.methods.length
=> 176

last edited at Sep 19, 2020 12:53AM

joined May 28, 2016

Not sure I can afford it right now. But I might buy a few books/volumes or whatever when it's published.

joined Jul 25, 2018

If a mere trifle such as the futility of life would stop us, we never would have started this endeavor in the first place.

That's a heck of a response. Mad respect for what you're doing and how you're doing it.

joined Oct 22, 2018

This means we only got like 27 hours.
(It seems I'll be spending most of my time tomorrow at the computer screenshoting, saving and organizing all the works by this author we got here)

Lmao, I believe I deserve the madlad of the week award for actually following through with what I said behind the spoiler bars.

joined Aug 26, 2020

If somebody who actually went madlad and downloaded everything wants to share a Mega link or something, that would be kind of cool...

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